Solitude Was the Only Logical Ending

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Chapter 39: Solitude Was the Only Logical Ending

I slip out of Obi's arms a while later as he sleeps and grab a random shirt off the floor. It's his, judging by the size, but he's not using it right now. I track down a pair of clean underwear from my bag before going into the bathroom to bathe. I shake my head as I catch sight of my throat in the mirror. Obi sure knew how to leave his mark but thankfully in a nicer way. There are no bruises on my skin from his touch, only red marks where he left love bites. As the tub fills, I pull off the shirt and set it aside, then look at myself in the mirror. Obi called me beautiful... but how? I just see myself... All the scars, freckles, and imperfections. I'm not too thin, I'm not fat, I'm average. I'm not the most busty or curvy but there's a little bit there. Definitely not anything that warrants being called beautiful. I look down at my hands and sigh as I look down at the pink patches left behind from the fire. They're definitely not beautiful.

I look up as I feel soft kisses on my shoulder and find Obi's golden eyes staring back at me in the mirror. His hands settle around my waist as he asks what I'm doing. I lean over to turn off the water and sigh.

"I'm trying to see what you said... How I'm beautiful. I just see me." I mumble and he gently grabs my chin so I'll look in the mirror with him.

"I see... your stunning crimson eyes, the freckles on your nose, the way your smirks and smiles always start on the left side so I see your dimple. I see the breathtaking curves of your body," he mumbles as his hands gently trail down to rest on my hips. "I see all of your scars that show how hard you fought to survive and protect your daughter. I see your fierce attitude, your witty retorts, your intelligence. I see the way you chew on your bottom lip when you concentrate. I see the fluidity and grace in your movements as you move and fight. I see your determination through whatever comes at you. I see the love you have for your daughter and how strongly you cared for Squirrel. Trust me, you are beautiful beyond words."

I turn to look at him and he kisses me gently. I feel him try to deepen it but I pull away with a smile.

"You're going to let my bath water get cold."

He eyes the tub before smirking at me. "It looks like there's room for two."


"I'm going... but I'm going after you."

I step out of the bathroom a short while later wearing his shirt and he eyes me with a grin before telling me I look good in his clothes. I roll my eyes and tell him to go clean himself up. I drift into the kitchen and realize that the sun is just starting to rise. I guess sleeping last night wasn't an option, but that's okay. Obi and I... wait... what if that was all part of Obi's plan...? He got me to trust him and seek comfort in him so I'd come back and once I got comfortable he had me where he wanted me. He probably thinks he can easily hand me over to the prince now or kill me himself because I don't think I could ever kill him... I think I-

"What did that orange ever do to you?"

I look down and release the orange I'd apparently squeezed to death, leaving my hand sticky. I wipe it on a nearby towel before turning to Obi.

"You think you're clever, aren't you?" I mumble as I meet his gaze.

"Well, I'd like to think I am but I'm just curious as to what I'm so clever about? Was it the joke about the orange?"

"Y-You...You tricked me." I growl as I circle him. "You got me to trust you by saving me and joking with me, then once I got used to that and I got comfortable here, you knew I'd come back on my own if I needed you... Then your little flirty moments and stuff tricked me into feeling like you liked me so when you kissed me and- was it all a lie? Was this part of your plan to take me down? To hand me over to your master? Or wait... I've got it. You're planning to keep me here as your little pet, aren't you? That's why you never let me leave... And I-I can't believe I actually-"

"Do you actually believe any of the words that have just come out of your mouth?" He asks quietly and I stop to stand in front of him.

"Do I have a reason not to?"

"I'll admit, in the very beginning, I did try to gain your trust by rescuing and saving a few times and by talking with you, but-"

"Save it..." I mumble as I push past him to go into the bedroom.

I strip off Obi's shirt and toss it to the floor before quickly dressing with my discarded clothes. I hear him come into the room behind me and he calls me Bunny, as usual. He can't even say my name. I should have known better. I was stupid to trust him. So, so stupid. I pull my bag over my shoulder and head toward the door but he blocks the doorway.

"Bunny, please-"

"My name isn't Bunny, and don't try to guilt me. I never should have trusted you..."

I duck under his arm and make my way to the door, grabbing my notes from the counter as I pass. I hear him call for me again and I turn away from the door to glance back at him.

"Prepare yourself Obi, for if we meet again, I will not hesitate to strike you down." 

"Dammit Melione, will you listen to me for five seconds!?"

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now