My Destiny As A Bad Cook

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Chapter 28: My Destiny As A Bad Cook

I find myself clinging to Obi for dear life as the sobs wrack my body. I've finally completely and truly broken down. I'm no longer Rabbit, I'm no longer Captain Mel, I'm no longer Melione Villen, I'm just broken. I've spent three years trying to deal with my mistakes and heartache by drowning them with slow poison from the bottoms of bottles and it never worked. I turned myself into an alcoholic in search of something, anything to take away my pain. I'm not even sure if I truly want to die, I just want the hurt to stop. I'm tired of hurting, I can't take it anymore! Obi starts to move and I grip him tighter and I can feel myself speaking but I can't hear it at first.

"Please don't leave me!"

"I'm not going anywhere, Bunny. I'm right here." I hear him mumble near my ear as he holds me closer.

I'm shaking but I can't tell if it's the from the cold of the rain or from my breakdown.

I wake up on the floor in front of a fireplace, shivering violently despite the warmth of the fire and the blanket wrapped around me. What happened? Oh, right... I almost killed myself until Obi tackled me to the ground in the rain and forced me into a complete mental breakdown. Last thing I remember is begging him not to leave me every time he even twitched a finger. So where am I now and where is he? And why am I so cold? I wrap the blanket tighter around myself and wiggle a bit closer to the fire.

"You're awake."

"Unfortunately..." I sigh as I slowly sit up but stay facing the fire. "Why didn't you kill me? You heard what I said, why I want to die so badly. Why did you deny me?"

"Because you're wrong." Obi mumbles and I hear him move to sit behind me and his legs appear on either side of me.

His arms wrap around me and he leans me back against his chest despite the blanket putting space between us. I don't fight him on it and resign myself to the comfort.


"You have a reason to live Bunny." His hands move toward my neck and my locket appears in my line of sight a moment later, open to reveal Nemi's picture.

"Nemi is gone Obi..."

"She may not be here physically anymore but I know you feel her around you sometimes. I bet she thought you were the strongest person in the world. I think you should live for her, to prove to her that you can be strong even after everything you've gone through." He explains, releasing the locket as I take it into my bandaged hands.

I feel his hands gently rub my arms as I continue to shiver. I sigh and wipe my face with one hand. His words got to me a little bit.

"She always ran into my room when the storms would roll through or there were monsters under the bed..." I whisper as I stare at her beautiful, happy face.

"See? She saw you as someone strong enough to keep the storms and monsters from getting to her. Keep staying strong and fighting your own monsters for her."

"But the one monster I fought so hard to protect her from I was too weak to actually save her."

"Her father?" He asks softly and I nod.

"You did the best you could from what you told me. You tried to get away and start over. Unless you brought him directly to your cottage and said 'here I am', I'm pretty sure you did everything you could. As much as we hate it, sometimes bad things happen to good people and we can't stop it. Nemi doesn't blame you, I promise you that, Bunny."

"Melione." I mumble.


"My name is Melione..."

"I like it but I'm still going to call you various forms of bunny."

I can sense his smirk and sigh as I softly close the locket and let it fall against my chest.

"You're insufferable."

We sit in a surprisingly comfortable silence as the combination of the blanket, the fire, and Obi's body heat finally removes the chill from my bones. I'm still not sure if I have the will to really live, but I'm okay for the moment. My eyes drift to my hands and remember that I'd cut them when I grabbed the tree and there are dark bruises circling both of my wrists where he'd pinned me to the ground.

"I'm sorry I hurt you." I hear him mumble as one of his hands lifts mine to the light.

"Again, the worst assassin I've ever met." I hum in response and he chuckles.

"I know, I know. Are you feeling any warmer?"

"Yes, thank you."

I look down at myself, debating on whether or not to change out of what has to be very muddy clothing, but find myself wearing a black shirt that's much larger than my own. I hesitantly grab it and lift it to my nose. It smells like Obi.

"Obi, why am I wearing your clothes?"

"You were covered in mud and soaking wet."

"Did you-?"

"I didn't touch you inappropriately and I kept my gaze averted. I'm not a complete jackass as you've called me."

"Am I really supposed to trust you?"

"That's up to you, dumb bunny. I've always been fairly straightforward with you before though."

"You are still a jackass." I chuckle.

I stir from my sleep and find myself still sitting up wrapped in Obi's arms in front of the fire. From his soft breathing and his chin resting on my shoulder I can tell that he's fallen asleep too. I should wake him so he can get more comfortable, but I can't bring myself to do it. I turn from the dying fire and look toward the door. I carefully move around until I'm free from Obi's grip without waking him and gently lay him down before covering him with the blanket. I shiver against the cold but silently move through the cottage in search of my weapons, shoes, and mask. I head toward the door but stop when I notice some papers and a pen on the counter, likely for his reports to the prince. I sigh and glance back at Obi before picking up the pen.


Thank you for everything you've done to help me. I'm not sure if I still want to live, but for the moment I don't want to die. With that being said, I have a pack to run and a daughter to make proud. The hunt is back on, Love. May the best hunter win and don't forget, all is fair in love and war. 


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