Third Base is Calming My Panic Attack

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Chapter 24: Third Base is Calming My Panic Attack

 Obi and I talk for a while longer about parenthood before our conversation drifts to random questions asked between each other. I'm just surprised he decided to drink with me and matched my bottle count. He wouldn't give me more after six though. I sigh and roll onto my side to face him as I steal another grape.

"So, Obi, what is your real name?"

"That's a secret, Bunny."

"Can we go outside? It's been forever and I want to see the stars." I whine but he shakes his head.

"I'm not losing you again."

"You sound like a heartbroken loser." I snicker. "Admit it, Love, you've fallen for me and are just pretending to hunt me. You have me locked away in here so I'll get Stockholm Syndrome."

"Oh no, you've figured out my plans. Whatever shall I do?" He says in a flat monotone.

I sit up slowly as a thought hits me. He's here on the bed which means he's not sitting in front of the door. I have a slight chance of making it out of here, then I can disappear and do what I need to do. I focus my attention on moving as quickly as possible and rush toward the door. As I toss it open, I can hear him calling after me. My feet slide on the wooden floors in the hall and I stumble slightly but it's still enough for him to catch me.

My back is slammed against the wall with Obi's arms trapping me. I stare into his bright catlike eyes as he stares me down, anger evident in his gaze. He doesn't say or do anything so I take the opportunity to duck under his arm to try to run again but they quickly circle my waist and I'm lifted onto his shoulder and I feel us moving back to the bedroom.

"Put me down!" I snap as I hit his back and kick my feet like a child.

He complies as my body suddenly falls onto the mattress and he appears over me, pinning my wrists down beside my head.

"Why?" He asks.

"Why what?"

"Why did you try to run from me, little bunny?"

"To get out of this room you've locked me in and to get the hell away from you. I have plans you know." I retort, defiantly meeting his gaze despite his dark tone.

"Like what, getting yourself killed? Why the hell do you want to die so badly?" He snaps. "You survived me, whatever those fox men did to you, executions from both kingdoms, you fought tooth and nail to get your daughter's locket back and now you show up again getting wasted and begging me to kill you. What happened?"

"That's none of your business, as usual. I want to die and you won't do it so I'm going to get someone else to. You wanted me to run from you anyway so why get mad at me and not let me run?"


Obi climbs off of me but keeps his hold on my wrist and drags me through the cottage. I spot my weapons and mask on the table in the kitchen. What is he doing? I could easily kill him if I could get my hands on my weapons.

"Here's your stuff. If you want to run, then run. I'll even give you a minute's head start, starting now."

I watch Obi as he releases me and moves to lean against the counter. Is he serious or is he kidding? It's dark outside, I could easily lose him.

"Fifteen seconds down, Bunny."

I curse and quickly gather my belongings, slinging my sword onto my back as I step into my boots and stick my mask to the side of my head.

"That's another fifteen. Thirty seconds left." He calls out with a smirk.

I run to the door and throw it open and as I rush off into the night, I can hear his smooth voice telling me to run while I can.

I stay on the ground despite my undying urge to travel through the trees. Almost every time I've encountered Obi, he's been in the trees and I've seen how easily he moves through them. Maybe his tracking skills will lack from the ground. I curse and start to move faster as I hear hints of rustling leaves trailing behind me. I glance behind me and I'm sent rolling down a small hill as I trip over a root. My back hits a tree trunk, halting my fall and I hiss at the pain in both my back and ankle. I grip the tree trunk as I try to drag myself to my feet. Obi drops down in front of me as I unsteadily stand.

"I found you, Bunny." He growls lowly.

I reach back for my sword but he catches my hand instantly. He's slipped into a very dark predatory aura. I can definitely see the criminal version of himself coming through tonight.

"Let me go." I tell him calmly as I bring my knee up toward him.

He forces my knee back down with his own, then pins my legs so I can't move them either. He really does have me trapped now.

"Fine, you've caught me. So, what are you going to do now?"

I watch as he reaches for a dagger but stops.

"No, no. Don't chicken out now, Love. You got the hunt, I fought back and lost. Claim your victory Darling and kill me."

"Shut up." He hisses.

"Why should I? You're the one going back on their word yet again. It's not my fault you don't have the courage to do what you claimed you would." I press, trying to make him snap. If I make him mad enough he might actually do it.

"I said shut up!"

"I don't think I will. I'm going to keep talking and see what happens. Probably nothing since you can't seem to actually do anything but make idle threats." I smirk.

My eyes widen as his free hand forcefully grips my chin and his lips crash onto mine. 

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now