The Time I Died One Hour After Becoming Immortal

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A/N: Haru

Chapter 43: The Time I Died One Hour After Becoming Immortal

As I head back to Port Town to wait for Obi's return tomorrow night, I replay my afternoon with Squirrel's family. Mei turned out to be his twin sister and I got to meet most of the other siblings. The youngest seven were too young to know or remember him, but I got to meet them anyway. The whole family was very sweet and most held at least some similar personality traits that he carried but they definitely didn't compare to Squirrel himself. He truly was one of a kind. They thanked me repeatedly for coming and for giving them closure on him since he just left one day and never returned. They'd always wondered if he was okay and if he would ever return. To my surprise, Marira, his mother, insisted I keep all but one of the rings that he'd worn since I kept looking at and touching them. Besides his mask, they were the things I instantly thought of when I pictured Squirrel. One ring bore their family crest and had been handing through the family for six generations so she rightfully kept that one, but the rest appeared to simply be ones he'd picked up on his travels. My favorite is the one he wore on his left middle finger. It's a simple silver band with 'Squirrel' etched into it. Only two of them fit me so the Squirrel ring and the onyx jeweled ring he wore on his thumb are on my fingers. The rest are tucked into my bag until I can put them away properly.

I can't sleep... I can't drink... I'm bored... What do I do now? I've walked circles around Port Town and tried to hang out at the bar. Being in the bar got old when I tired of returning drugged drinks to the local scum and pirates kept approaching me in efforts to buy me for the night or recruit me onto their ships. If only they knew. With a sigh, I lie back on the edge of the fountain in the center of the village and pull the coin from my pocket. I smile softly as the metal clinks against the rings as it rolls back and forth between my fingers.

"I'm sorry you never got to meet them, but I hope I did something right by you, Squirrel." I mumble, my eyes fixating on a rather bright star above my head. "You had a wonderful family and they were so proud of you. Totally weird village though."

"Are you okay Miss?"

I glance over to find a rather familiar face looking down at me. Oh, this is wonderful... I've gone absolutely insane. What is happening? Perhaps this is what over 2 months of sobriety feels like.

"You're a figment of my imagination." I sigh as I refocus my attention on the stars and rolling the coin. "A result of not drinking and not sleeping, and a possible mental break. So what do you want from me?"

"What are you talking about, Melione?" The man presses.

My eyes flick over to meet his identical crimson gaze. He has aged slightly, perhaps he really isn't a figment of my imagination...

"What are you doing here, Haru? Shouldn't you be off being an absolutely deplorable human being?"

"Is that any way to talk to your dear old brother? It's been what... seven years?"

"You're not my brother. You're the man who took me in when I ran away then forcibly sold me to Lex who was captain of The Marauder." I scowl as I sit up. "You ruined my life."

I roll into the fountain as Haru's blade crashes down toward me and I quickly get to my feet, drawing my sword. Things were somewhat peaceful until I noticed a young dark haired girl cowering behind him, her hands bound. She had to be another girl he was selling or just bought. May as well give her a fighting chance while I have nothing better to do. Our swords clash with a loud squeal as I place myself between Haru and the girl.

"Still selling poor defenseless girls, I see. Despicable."

"Little Miss Remi is a willing cargo, aren't you?" He croons and I growl at him not to talk to her.

"People aren't cargo, Darling."

"You really want to talk morals, Captain Mel?" He smirks as I dodge his slice. "Or should I call you Rabbit?"

"I may not have been the best person but I never treated people like objects."

I hear quick footsteps approaching from behind and I shove away Haru's sword to counter the strike from behind. It's an older, taller man with features similar to Haru.

"You're right on time, Sinjin. Thanks for the help. Your new girl is ready and if all goes well, I'll throw this one in for free." Haru greets the man as I duck their hits and roll out of the way.

Two on one isn't fair but at least I'm not bored.

I get to my feet and draw a dagger and use it to help me counter their attacks. I'm holding my own rather well but I'm not gaining any advantage over them. At this rate I'll only be able to dodge and counter until I tire out and they take me out. This isn't good. I duck Haru's blade and quickly cut through Remi's ropes.

"Run while you can, Sweetie. Whatever he promised you isn't what you'll get. I'll cover you."

"T-Thank you Miss." She whispers before scurrying away.

"Oops. Looks like your deal went south Haru. Better luck next time." I smirk as I face them.

"You'll pay for that!"

"I doubt that." I mumble as I catch his blade with my dagger.

I go to swing my sword at the other man but a third set of hands rips it from my grasp and my wrist is caught. This just got a little worse. I think Obi's going to be mad at me tomorrow night when we meet up...

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