Power Move

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Chapter 26: Power Move

I've lost track of how long I've been trapped here with Obi but it's been long enough that my ankle has healed and I've run out of clean clothes. I've decided to wash them in the tub today but it leaves me naked in the meantime. I can't do that, not with Obi lurking around like a creep. I sigh and stare at the door with my head hanging off the bed. I hate being stuck in here. I can't complain too much though, it hasn't been completely terrible. Just mostly terrible. When Obi isn't being all sadistic flirty, or super caring, he's rather fun to talk to. If we didn't want to kill each other, I think we could have potential to be friends. The door opens and I'm left to stare at Obi's knees instead of the door.

"Hello Obi's knees. I was just thinking about your owner." I mumble with a slight giggle.

"How long have you been upside down?" He asks.

"I don't know. There aren't windows for me to be able to tell the time in here."

I sit up and the room swims around me. Definitely sat up too quickly.

"So what were you thinking about me, little bunny?" He asks from behind me.

"Oh nothing, Love." I hum as I watch him settle on the bed beside me.

"So are you ready to fight back yet?" He asks hopefully.

"I think I know of a much better use of our time."

He arches a brow and I smirk as I move behind him and start to rub his shoulders.

"You look so tense, Love." I purr softly. "You should really relax. You can't exactly take me down if you're so worked up."

A triumphant grin crosses my face as he slowly starts to relax his shoulders. I rub his shoulders and chest for a few minutes before starting to trail kisses and nibbles down his neck. He tenses but a moment later he starts to respond to it. Perfect. I shift on the bed and move to straddle his waist. There's a gentleness to his touch as his hands drift up the back of my shirt despite the almost animalistic desire in his eyes. I let him pull me closer to him and our lips brush but I don't allow full contact as I lift his shirt over his head. I can't help but let my gaze linger on his body but tear my gaze away as I gently push him back until he's lying on the bed. He smirks at me and I feel his fingers starting to push my shirt up.

"Close your eyes, Love. I have a surprise for you." I whisper and when he doesn't, I pout slightly before starting to trail bites down his throat to his chest.

I look up at him as I linger just above his stomach and find his eyes closed. Good boy. I smirk and pull the bit of rope I'd found under the bed a few days ago out from beneath my pillow and quickly tie his wrist to the headboard.

"Thank you, Darling." I chirp as I grab his shirt and a dagger from his pouch and get to my feet.

"What the hell?" He growls as he starts to tug at the rope.

"Bye now! Don't wait up." I snicker as I rush out of the room.

My original intent was simply to steal his shirt so I can wash my clothes, but the opportunity to leave is just too good to pass up. I hear the door to the bedroom slam open and I drop his shirt in my haste to leave the cottage. I'd found my weapons and mask on the counter again and grabbed them and my boots. I didn't have time to put them on though so I just hold them tightly as I run through the pouring rain. If I can find somewhere to duck and hide long enough to put myself together that would be great. I'm fairly certain that if Obi catches me now, I'm dead for sure. It was a dirty trick that I'd pulled but all is fair in love and war and I just started a war. I spot a cave up ahead and head straight for it though I know it's an obvious place to look. I just need the temporary cover to get prepared and to hopefully discover just where exactly I am. This is only my second time being out of the cottage.

I press myself against the cave wall and pour the water out of my boots with a sigh before stepping into them while strapping my sword to my back. I put my mask on the side of my head, then hesitantly make my way toward the entrance again. It's hard to see anything through the downpour but even still, I don't recognize where we are. I know every square inch of Tanbarun but there are still parts of Clarines I haven't learned so we must be out there somewhere. I don't see Obi anywhere so I take a deep breath and run out into the rain again. I don't even care about the hunt anymore or killing Obi, I don't really even care about The Pack anymore. I just want to let it all end but the only way it can happen is if I can get Obi mad enough to actually do it. So for now, I have to play the part of the prey and hope for the best.

I let out a quiet string of curses as my boots slide in the mud and wet leaves and fight to keep my balance as I slide down a hill. I stick my hands out and catch them on the trunk of a tree, my fingers digging into the bark as it scrapes my hands but it stops my descent. Knowing how well Obi seems to be at tracking, there's a good chance he'll be able to smell the blood on my hands but I hope the rain will dampen his senses a little. I abandon my forward path and change direction since the tracks from me sliding have been left behind on the ground. 

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now