Is That a Coping Mechanism?

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Chapter 22: Is That A Coping Mechanism?

 I'm cold. I need to tell Squirrel to light the fire for me. I sigh and mumble my order as I bury myself under the cover of the blankets. My eyes finally open when reality sets in. Squirrel can't light the fire because he's not here anymore. This place doesn't look familiar either... I'm not at the base. Where am I? I bolt upright in bed and curse as everything swims and I feel my stomach turn. A bucket appears in front of me as I take a calming breath. Thankfully there's nothing in my stomach to throw up even if I tried.

"Where am I?" I ask as whoever my companion is holds my hair back and rubs my back.

"Somewhere you can't be a danger to yourself or others."

"Obi? Why the hell did you kidnap me?" I sigh and blindly try to bat him away. "Ooh, am I in prison? That way I can be executed like the kingdoms want and I can die like I want."

I push him away and get to my feet before the world swims again and he catches me. A quick glance around the room dashes my hopes for prison as I find myself in a dusty cottage. It's not mine, thankfully but I don't know where I am exactly and I'm in here with a man who may or may not kill me depending on his mood. I look up at the man in question and find his eyes lit in amusement at my scowl. I jerk my arm out of his grip and reach back for my sword but it's gone. I sigh and reach for my pouch of daggers to find it gone as well. There doesn't seem to be any form of weaponry in this room.

"Where are my weapons? I thought you wanted a fair fight."

"I can tell by the look in your eye you're not wanting to fight me you're wanting to leave so you can take yourself out, dumb bunny."

"That's where you are wrong, Obi. I have no plans to take myself out. Not in my ideals any longer. What I would do if you don't take me out yourself is to find someone willing to do so."

"Why do you want to die so badly?"

"Why is it any of your business?" I shoot back as I glare up at him.

"Simply curious."

"Ever heard the expression 'curiosity killed the cat'?"

"Did you ever hear the rest of the expression that says 'but satisfaction brought it back'?" He retorts with a smirk as he leans back against the only exit.

"Who says I want you to come back? Now get out of my way."

"Hm, I don't think I will."

I'm too hungover to fight Obi properly and there aren't any windows in this room for me to use to get out. There's nothing here that I can even fight with, only a bed. Everything else is gone. Well, I could take him out with a blanket I'm sure, if I get it wrapped around his neck. I take a step toward the bed and the world swims again.

"I hate you, I hope you know that." I scowl as he laughs at me.

"That's harsh Bunny. I don't hate you."

"Oh, really now?" I chuckle as I take a small step forward. "Do your 'feelings' toward me have anything to do with why you're trapping me in a room with nothing but a bed, Obi?"

He doesn't answer but his golden eyes track me as I approach him, pressing my body against his.

"You didn't answer me, Love. So, what is it?"

I reach a hand up to trail my fingers down his neck. His eyes drift closed for a moment, then he catches my hand to stop it from trailing further down his chest.

"I don't hate you Bunny, but I definitely wouldn't take it this far. You intrigue me. I'm curious about you, that's all."

"Why not satisfy all of your curiosities?" I smirk as my eyes flick downward for a moment. "At least part of you is interested."

He avoids my gaze and sighs. "You're seriously trying to sleep your way out of this?"

"Eh, it was worth a shot, wasn't it?" I chuckle as I jerk my hand free and turn to head back to the bed. "Rather glad you declined. You're not exactly my type."

My eyes widen as I feel one of his hands circle around my waist while the other pushes my hair back behind my ear.

"Are you sure about that, little bunny?" He whispers in my ear and I feel a chill run down my spine.

"Yes. Definitely sure." I mutter as I push his face away and lie back on the bed. "Can I leave now?"


I sit up to yell at him and find him ducking out of the room and shutting the door behind him. I hurry toward it but hear the lock click.

"You are so dead!" I shout as I kick the door.

I give up on the door after two hours of struggling with it. I can pick locks no problem but only if I have some sort of weapon, needle, or hair pin. I have none of those things at my disposal and I'm not strong enough to kick doors down. That's what the twins were for. I sigh and sprawl out on the floor and curl up in a ball. This really sucks. I mean, he could technically leave me to starve to death but that would be one of the worst options to die. Takes too long. My eyes widen as I see something shiny under the bed from the light under the door.

"What are you, little shiny thing?" I whisper as I reach out for it. "Ooh, a hair pin. Thank you for your assistance."

I return to the door and press my ear against it before deciding to get to work on the lock.

"I'll be out of here in no time and I can kick Obi's ass and get myself taken out by nightfall."

The lock clicks and I turn the handle before peeking out into the cottage. I don't see him or anyone else right away so I make my way down the hall toward the front door. Maybe he stepped out for a moment so I can leave without issue. I freeze as I enter the main room and find Obi stretched out across the couch asleep. That definitely makes things easier. I stick my tongue out at his sleeping form before continuing on my way. I don't know where my belongings are but I can always come back for them later once he leaves.

"Don't you dare." I hear him mumble and I roll my eyes before touching the doorknob.

My body crashes to the floor before I can open it and I sigh as his weight settles on my back.

"Oh dear God you suck." I groan as I rest my cheek on the floor.   

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now