The Literal Firestorm

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Chapter 32: The Literal Firestorm

 Smoke. It's all I can smell, all I can see, all that exists beyond the blazing fire lighting up the night. My cottage is burning to the ground before my very eyes and there's nothing I can do about it. Lex held me at knife point and forced me to watch as Adin and Bryn worked their way through the cottage, spreading oil over everything especially anything that belonged to Nemi. They absolutely drenched her room and started the fire with the picture of us that she'd drawn on the table. I fought to stop them but I couldn't escape him without dying. I was dragged from the cottage as the flames spread and I'm stuck kneeling beside him at the edge of the clearing as my home is being reduced to nothing. Tears are pouring down my cheeks no matter how hard I fight it and I can feel the smug satisfaction pouring off of him at my despair.

"You are a cruel, sick man." I grumble, unable to look away from the destruction.

"You'll only love me for it. Holding on to that brat isn't going to get you anywhere, so now you can forget about her."

"I will never forget my daughter you prick! Her memory lives on."

"At the pond? I almost forgot. Come along, My Sweet. I have a surprise for you." No...

I fight and kick and scream as Bryn holds me. Lex dragged me to the pond and handed me off before taking the jug of oil from Bryn. I'm forced to watch as he drenches Nemi's flowers in the fluid, circling around the pond to cover Squirrel's grave too. A sob escapes my lips as I beg him not to do it. He meets my gaze with a smirk after putting the jug out of the way. He pulls a matchstick from behind his ear and holds it up.

"Keep begging me, Melione! I love to hear it." He calls out from the far side of the pond. "You did this to her, I hope you know that. If you hadn't run from me she'd still be alive! Now let's watch the last of your memories of her go up in flames."


The match lights and he tosses it into the center of the flowers. In an instant, the pond is lit by a giant ring of fire. Bryn's grip on me suddenly disappears and I hit my knees instantly. All I can see is Nemi calling out to me for help and Lex's eyes lit by the fire's glow. I couldn't save her before and I've failed again, this time bringing Squirrel into it. Lex's cruel laughter suddenly cuts off but I don't bother to look for him. I have to save them. I have to put out the fire.

"Momma's coming sweet girl. I've got you I promise. Momma's gonna keep you safe." I sob as I make my way to the fire.

I have nothing to put it out with since I can't get to the pond so I start to pat it out with my hands. It hurts so bad but I have to save her. I can't lose her again.

"Bunny! Bunny stop it! Hey! Hey, hey. Please. You have to stop."

"I have to save her!" I call out to the annoying voice as my hands continue to hurt.

"Stop it! There's nothing you can do. She's already gone. They're both gone. The fire won't hurt them. You have to stop it!"

I feel hands try to pull me back and I hear myself scream as I claw at the ground in an effort to go back.

"She's burning! Let me go! Stop it! I can't lose her again! Nemi!"

The grip is too strong and I feel myself being pulled into someone's chest but all I can smell is the smoke.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry..." The voice whispers as they gently hold me to them.

"She's burning..." I wail as the sobs wrack my body.

I wake up to the smell of smoke and immediately start to cry. I left her... She was burning. I have to save her. I free myself from whatever was holding me and limp toward the door. I don't even know where I am but I know I have to get back to her. I can't leave my daughter again. I recognize the cottage as the one I stayed in when the twins hurt me, Callia's home. I should be able to get to Nemi quickly. My heart drops as I make it to the clearing where my cottage once stood and find it to be nothing but smoldering rubble and ash. Maybe there's still hope...

My breath leaves my lungs as I stare at the charred ground surrounding the pond. Besides the tree line burning a bit, none of the fires seem to have spread beyond that point, but my precious Nemi is gone. Squirrel too. I let them down. I couldn't save them while they were alive and now I've let them down again.

"I'm so sorry... I tried so hard..." I whisper as I feel the tears start to fall again.

I wrap my arms around myself as the cool early dawn breeze cuts through my clothes. I feel a set of arms wrap around my waist but I don't bother to fight it. I don't know who it is but if they kill me, so be it. Lex has already killed me though I'm still alive.

"I'm sorry Bunny." It's Obi.

"He burned them... I tried so hard but I couldn't save them. Why couldn't I save them?"

"They're at peace, they didn't need to be saved." He answers quietly. "We can always replant her flowers."

"Why did he have to burn them?"

"I don't know... You don't have to worry about him anymore though. Who was he?"

"Nemi's father." I mumble as I lean against him to rest my ankle. "Is he dead?"

"They all are. I saw the smoke and traced it back here. I heard you screaming and put two and two together."

"Thank you..." 

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