Houston, I Have So Many Problems

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Chapter 42: Houston, I Have So Many Problems

Obi and I part ways on the outskirts of Port Town after he makes me promise to be safe and not get into trouble. I promise him and pull him into a quick kiss, then watch him leave. Once he's gone, I head into the village and start to look around for the bar I need. I haven't drank a single drop of alcohol in weeks but as soon as I walk in the smell hits me and I start to miss it. I don't need it anymore though... I sigh and settle into the cracking leather of the booth in the back corner and prop my boots on the table while I wait. A young waitress makes her way over to me and places three drinks in front of me, telling me they're compliments of the men at the bar. I sneak a glance at them and find them quietly making bets on which drink I'll take and if they'll get lucky. I thank her and meet their gazes with a flirty smirk. May as well have a little fun with this. I sit up and trail my finger along the rim of the first glass, whiskey for sure, then feel the slight powdery residue left behind. Just what I thought. I repeat it to the rum and the vodka and sigh internally. Men are such pigs.

I glance up as a man in a mouse mask settles across from me in the booth. Doe had arranged my use of him as well since he's the only one with the information I need. He eyes the drinks before glancing over at the men who are still taking their bets since they're either too drunk or too overly confident to think I'm not interested.

"I wouldn't drink those if I were you, Miss."

"Oh, trust me Darling, I know. Do you have what I need?"

He pulls a paper from his pocket and slides it across the table. I unfold it and study the map before pocketing it.

"How do I gain access?"

"Take this and when you're stopped by the watchers, they'll bring you to the Patriarch. Show it to him and he should let you in from there."

I accept what looks like a silver coin but I don't recognize the markings. I thank him as I pocket the coin and get to my feet.

"I think before I'll go, I'll repay those men for their kindness."

I grab the drinks and approach the bar, internally smirking at their excited grins.

"Hello boys. So, who gave me the whiskey?" I ask.

"That's me. So do you want to go out back and get better acquainted?" The blond smirks and it makes my skin crawl but I hold it back.

"Sure thing Sweetheart but do me a favor. Open wide." I croon as I stomp on his foot. As he cries out I pour the drugged whiskey into his mouth and pat his cheek.

"Now, who had the rum?" I ask as the other two get to their feet and run toward the door. "Cowards..."

I drift through the forest on the far end of Port Town, following the map Mouse had given me to find the village I'm looking for. I stop in front of two thinly spaced tees in the center of a long line of rather densely packed trees, almost like a natural fence. I put the map away and grab the coin before stepping in between the trees. My eyes widen as I find myself standing on the edge of what looks like a village of treehouses. There are platforms and staircases linking them all and allowing access to the ground. I notice two girls approaching me, one with dark hair and one with icy blonde.

"Who are you and how did you get here?" One asks.

"I need to speak to the Patriarch." I tell them as I hold up the coin. "I'm looking for the Fernsby family."

The blonde's eyes narrow. "Why do you want to know of my family?"

I arch a brow as I look her over and I can see a resemblance to Squirrel.

"I was a friend of Torin's."

The Patriarch, a very old deaf man hiding away in a cottage on the ground floor of the village, granted me access for the day only and now I'm being led around by the blonde who tells me her name is Mei. She then asks how I knew her brother and what I'm doing here. I tell her that if possible I would like to speak to her parents about it first as she leads me up a set of stairs to a cottage on the second floor.

"They just returned from their trip two days ago so you're right on time." She mumbles.

We enter the cottage and my eyes wander the room instantly. There are three very young children settled on the floor playing with various toys and I notice a boy and girl about Ryuu's age washing and drying dishes while an older woman is cooking at the stove. Her husband is dozing off at the table with a straw hat pushed down over his face.

"Mom, Dad, we have a visitor."

The woman turns to look at me and I'm met with Squirrel's beautiful blue eyes. I feel myself start to tear up but I push it back. She looks away from me to her daughter and asks who I am.

"She says she knows Torin."

The woman's look softens as she looks back to me for confirmation. I bite my lip and nod.

"Come, sit. Rya, Thames, take the babies upstairs please. Mei-"

"I'm staying. I want to hear about him."

I find myself seated at their table a few seconds later and I start to wonder if I should have come but I know in my heart that I really wanted and needed to do this. Squirrel's mom asks who I am and how I know her son. I'll have to give them a very edited version of the truth but I will not lie.

"My name is Melione. I'm sorry to have come unannounced but I just truly felt the need to do this. Torin and I crossed paths a few times over the years but worked consistently together for the past two years until recently. He mentioned you all one day and I-" I cut off, trying to find the words.

"He's dead, isn't he?" His mother asks softly. It breaks my heart but I nod.

"I'm so sorry."

"What happened?"

"We were attacked one morning while we were working and he jumped into the path of a sword to protect me... I did everything I could but I wasn't able to save him."

To my surprise, she smiles. "I'm glad he died for a purpose rather than his own stupidity. I always worried he would do something to get himself killed... He spent two months breaking my kitchen chairs trying to balance on them and I was always terrified that he'd break his neck."

I chuckle, remembering the day I'd caught him doing that in my room. "If it makes you feel better, he'd perfected that. Your son was a wonderful young man and the first true friend I'd ever made. He wanted to come see you when he was able to take a break but he didn't get the chance. I wanted to do it in his place since he died to protect me. I brought some of his belongings I thought you might like to have..." 

A/N: For those confused, I used Squirrel's home village and Mei from another book I wrote called Silence Speaks. ^.^ I thought it would be fun.

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant