The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage

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A/N: The Bird Brothers pictured above. Blue Jay, Canary, Cardinal

Chapter 10: The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage

After my showdown with the twins, Squirrel noticed that I had blood soaking through my shirt. I'd torn stitches, so he helped me to Shrew since he has the most medical skills and I got the joy of laying on a cold metal table with my bra the only thing keeping me from being fully exposed to the two men. Sometimes being the female leader of a predominantly male group sucks. That does remind me...

"Squirrel, two new female members, who are they? Any other new people since I left?"

"Chipmunk and Dormouse. The Foxes brought them in, Miss. They never left your room after they came in." Disgusting. "No one else has come in except the brother and sister you requested from Lion and Tiger. They're Raccoons."

"You're good to go Miss, just be easy on your wounds so they don't reopen."

"Thank you Shrew."

I pull my shirt back on and walk out with Squirrel trailing behind me.

We enter the main room and I scan the sea of masks before landing on the Chipmunk and Dormouse. I call out their identities and they ask who I am to be demanding them. The room falls deathly silent as my harsh chuckle fills the air. I hear Squirrel snicker beside me, mumbling under his breath that they're going to die. I smirk and roll my shoulders as I reach for my sword.

"I am Rabbit, the leader of The Pack. I am also your worst nightmare."

"The Foxes are the leaders though. You can't tell us to do anything." The Chipmunk bites back.

"Oh, that's cute." I snicker as I prop my elbow on Squirrel's shoulder. "Did you hear that? The Foxes are still in charge."

"That's hilarious Miss. They're leading from beyond the grave." He snickers.

"The Foxes are dead, whores and gentlemen. Does anyone have a problem with that?" My voice rings out.

No one speaks but the girls get to their feet, abandoning their masks. "We only joined so we could sleep with them. We're out."

"Not so fast little whores." I croon as I step forward. "There's a proper procedure to leave us unless you want to be hunted down for the rest of your lives."

"What do we have to do?"

"Just stand still." I smirk as I draw my sword and slit their throats. "Anyone else? I'm on a roll today."

The room stays silent so I nod and thank them. I'm really surprised as my group cheers and applauds my return to power. I eye the group before settling my attention on six people. I call for the Bird Brothers, Lion, Tiger, and Panda. I set Lion and Tiger on disposing of the bodies, Panda and Canary on clearing out the twins' room, and have Blue Jay, Cardinal, and Squirrel follow me into my domain.

"Squirrel, please bring me two boxes. In the meantime, dispose of this furniture."

The brothers begin to move my couch out of the room, leaving me alone. I don't want any of this now that it's been so thoroughly used and not by me. I make my way over to Esmon's body and crouch down, brushing his shaggy brown hair from his eyes. I gently close his eyes and sigh. I truly did care for him... he was my first love, my first everything really. Even my first friend when I joined The Pack and worked my way through the ranks.

"You just had to get power hungry, didn't you?" I whisper.

"Are you alright, Miss?" Squirrel is back.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mumble as I blink back the tears and get to my feet. "Help me empty my desk so the Birds can get it out of here."

We work in silence, only looking up as Lion and Tiger come in to take away the bodies. I ask them to leave the masks behind though.

"I know it isn't my place, Miss, but I'm sorry for what happened. I know that you cared for them."

"Caring gets you hurt, Squirrel. Remember that because it may just save your life."

"May I ask what happened? They came back and said you were captured and executed but you told them to take over but Hawk and Eagle came back and their signs said that they saved you from execution and you were headed back here."

I laugh and shake my head. They were too cowardly to admit what they had done.

"The only thing that's true is that Hawk and Eagle saved me. I was hunted by the Foxes when I returned and was thoroughly tortured and abused before being left for dead. I found myself in the care of an herbalist living alone in the forest and decided that I was healed enough today to reclaim my throne. How long have you been with me?"

"Two years, Miss."

"I'm impressed. I think you're one of the few remaining originals. How would you like a promotion? It seems my previous second in commands didn't enjoy their jobs, so there's an opening."

"It would be my honor Miss." He grins.

Once my rooms were cleared out, I sent the Bird Brothers out to find new furniture for me and I sent Squirrel to request food for me from Owl so I can take a bath. Callia was nice enough to cloth bathe me as I healed but now I'm covered in me ex-lover's blood and the blood of his twin and though it's good for the skin, I'd rather be clean. When I return to my room, I find Squirrel staring off into space with a plate and a bottle of whiskey in his hands, humming a song under his breath. I recognize the tune and chuckle as I dig through the box containing my clothing.

"I had that stuck in my head when they were getting me fitted for the gallows."

I hold back a laugh as the fork clatters on the plate and he quietly curses. I startled the Squirrel it seems.

"It's a reminder of the old days Miss. It's a bit strange sometimes, not being on the seas anymore."

"I know the feeling. I spent four years out there. What was your position?"

"I started as a barrelman but captained the ship Hades for three years until there was a mutiny. Grown pirates didn't like being ordered around by a fifteen year old."

I look up at him in surprise before laughing. "Remember The Marauder?"

He scowls but nods. "They attacked my ship and stole everything and killed everyone but me. It took me six months to get the ship back to port myself and another two weeks to get a crew together."

I grin. "I was the captain. To be honest, I was going to kill you and take the ship too, but you were so young and I was drunk and just wanted to take a nap."

"You were the scary pirate lady that I had a crush on!?" He gasps as he averts his gaze so I can dress.

"So what am I now?" I snicker as I pull my shirt over my head.

"The scary boss lady that I had a crush on..."

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن