The Story of How a Group of Vegetables Stole My Blood

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Chapter 7: The Story of How a Group of Vegetables Stole My Blood

 This isn't good. Very not good. Monumental levels of not good. I think at this point I'd rather be back at my execution letting my neck get real cozy with the rope fibers. The twins have me trapped between them. Esmon is blocking the way further into the base and Thayer is blocking the exit. I could call for help but in a group of bandits, no one will come. All that should be inside are Owl, Fawn, and Doe. They wouldn't be much help. The others will be doing perimeter searches right now.

"So, what is it? Is Thayer jealous? Some form of twisted brotherly love fetish? Mutiny? Boredom?" I hold out a finger for each option as I stare them down.

"You're so tense, Dearest. We're not going to hurt you." Esmon says as he steps closer to me.

"This really doesn't seem like that's true unless it's the first two options I listed. If it is, I'm not really interested though, so this has been a real slice but I'm going to go take a bath now." I offer them a small smile as I try to push past Esmon. As expected, his arm wraps around my waist as I pass and I'm pulled to him with my back against his chest.

"You know, I've had a really long day. What, with my almost execution, being imprisoned yet again... I'm not really in the mood for whatever this is. Could we pick it back up in the morning?" I sigh.

"It really is unfair, isn't it Brother? The poor little Rabbit is defenseless against the Foxes." Esmon's breath tickles my ear and sends a chill down my spine as his rough fingers trail down my cheek.

"We could always give her a fighting chance, make it more fun for us." Thayer suggests as he moves aside so the exit is free.

I feel a dagger get placed into my hand a second later as I'm forced to walk to the mouth of the cave.

"Run my dear Rabbit, you won't like us when we catch you." He whispers in my ear before shoving me forward.

This is ridiculous, getting forced out of my base as the leader for whatever ridiculous idea the twins have in their heads. Honestly, I'm not sure what they're wanting to do to me but I don't really want to stick around to find out. If I can avoid them long enough to get more weapons and maybe track down a member or two for protection, I should stand a fighting chance to get access back into the base. What really sucks though is the fact that I guarantee there will be people from one if not both kingdoms looking for me.

I am soaking wet now, since Esmon shoved me into the waterfall, but I quickly get to my feet and start to run. I can hear them moving through the trees behind me as I tear through them recklessly. My arms are stinging from the twigs scratching me. I'm sent sprawling to the dirt as I trip over a tree root and curse as I hear the twins getting closer and their dark chuckles echoing through the trees. I get to my feet and continue running. All I have to do is run. I vaguely realize that I'm still steadily cursing, the word 'shit' rolling off my tongue every two seconds as if they replaced my exhales. My eyes widen as I break through into a small clearing and come face to face with Obi.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Double shit." I mumble as I try to push past him but he stops me. "Now is not the time, castle lackey." I hiss.

"Where are you Rabbit?" I hear Thayer croon from somewhere in the trees.

A second later, I can hear their movements change. They're circling the clearing now, moving in opposite circles around each other. With how small it is, I'm trapped.

"We've found you, Dearest. Are you ready to play?"

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit!"

I shove myself away from Obi and elbow him in the throat before running into the trees again.

As soon as I have the slightest distance put between the twins and myself, I jump up into a tree and use the branches to try to hide myself as I run. I finally stop and rest my back against a tree trunk when I can no longer hear their taunts or the leaves rustling around me. My chest is on fire and my legs can barely hold me up anymore, but I think I lost them. I close my eyes and let my head rest against the scratchy bark while I try to calm my breathing. My breath comes out in a gasp as a large, slender hand wraps around my throat.

"Hello again, Dearest." Esmon smirks as his brown eyes stare into mine. "Let's play together."

He presses his lower body against mine, pinning my body against the tree while his hand on my throat keeps my upper half restrained. I suck in my stomach on reflex as cool metal brushes my bare stomach.

"Why are you doing this?" I bite out, refusing to break our eye contact. If I look away, I'm weak.

"You're interrupting my fun." He growls and I bite my lip as I feel the blade lightly slice my skin.

"I just want to know why." I press, hoping to stall him or distract him so I can get free before he kills me.

"Brother and I decided that we would make better leaders. Two heads are better than one, it's nothing personal." He grins.

"Says the men who forced me to run for my life and are trying to kill me."

Esmon doesn't answer me but presses his lips to mine. I keep my mouth firmly closed as his tongue runs across my lips, asking for entrance but I refuse to let him in. He gets his access as the dagger in his hand enters my stomach and his kiss muffles my scream as I feel tears run down my cheeks. 

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now