We Can't Have Faith For Everybody

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Chapter 20: We Can't Have Faith For Everybody

 I stay on the floor holding Squirrel for a while longer, trying to stop my falling tears as I run my fingers through his blood soaked hair. I gently close his eyes and press a kiss to his forehead before wiping my eyes and getting to my feet. I find his mask and my sword a few feet away and pick both up. As I turn, I find the remaining members of my pack lingering in the doorways staring at me with sad or fearful eyes. The main room is an absolute horror, covered in blood and corpses with me at the center standing beside my fallen second in command. I feel so hopeless but I harden my gaze as I take a soothing breath.

"Traitors will not be tolerated in The Pack. If any of you have doubts of my leadership or feel they're brave enough to take me on, step forward now or hold your fucking tongues."

I look them all in the eye but no one steps forward. You could hear a pin drop with the echoing silence.

"Bird Brothers, come forward. Everyone else, get this mess cleaned up. Fawn, Doe, come as well."

"Yes Miss." The voices sound in unison and they get to work.

I address the girls first, stepping off to the side away from the brothers. I hold Squirrel's mask to my chest and as I look up at them, they nod in understanding.

"We understand, Miss. Squirrel was one of a kind. Why don't you keep it?"

"I will. You're dismissed."

I tell the brothers not to let anyone touch Squirrel while I'm gone, then enter my room to gather a few things. I swing my bag over my shoulder and place Squirrel's mask on my bed before heading back into the main room. After telling Snake I'll be out on a job for a while so he is in charge until I return, I ask the brothers to bring two shovels and Squirrel's body and follow me. I lead them to the pond, skirting around the cottage, and have them start to dig on the far side of the pond. The bodies from The Pack are typically dumped, burned, or sold, but Squirrel doesn't deserve that. He deserves a peaceful rest and someone to keep him company. As they get to work, I move around to Nemi's side of the pond and sit in the flowers.

"Hello again baby girl. Momma's not doing too well... You have a friend coming to see you soon. His name is Torin but I called him Squirrel. He's really nice and funny and I'm sure if you ask he'll show you magic tricks and play with you. You have to be nice though. Take care of each other baby girl. I love you so much."

I kiss my hand and press it to the flowers before rejoining the brothers.

After Squirrel is resting peacefully with Nemi nearby, I dismiss the brothers to return to base to receive orders from Snake. I sit near the freshly turned dirt and sigh as I look up to the sky to blink away the emerging tears. I don't need to cry right now. I whisper an apology to him. If I'd never made him my second in command, he wouldn't have jumped in the way of the sword to protect me. He'd still be alive... It's all my fault. I push my mask back and wipe under my eyes.

"I'm so sorry... I-I brought you here so you wouldn't be alone. I told Nemi about you so she'll be waiting for you I'm sure. She loves to play hide and seek, just for future reference. I think you two will make great friends. Please take care of my baby girl for me. I miss her so much and I miss you already. You were a beautiful, sweet soul. Your parents would be so proud of you..." I kiss my hand and press it to the dirt before getting to my feet and returning my mask to it's proper place.

I move through the trees with a well-practiced ease, my destination unknown as I let my body guide me. I just know that I shouldn't have to wait too long to get where I need to be. It shouldn't be much longer... I pause as I hear a rustling in the leaves behind me and a second later, I feel breath on my neck.

"Has someone injured my prey? What a shame."

I turn, sword drawn, but it's immediately ripped from my hand and tossed aside. I launch myself at Obi and hear his laughter as we hit the ground.

"Well, you don't seem injured but you sure are an angry bunny today, aren't you?"

"Shut up." I growl as I finally land a hit to his jaw.

He flips us over so I'm pinned beneath him, my wrists trapped above my head under one of his hands.

"Why are you so mad, little bunbun?" He croons as he smirks down at me. "You know, the bunny thing is cute and all but I think I prefer you this way." My eyes widen as he pulls my mask off and tosses it aside. "Much better."

"Creep." I grumble as I continue my relentless struggle to free my hands.

"That's rude, Bunny."

"It's Rabbit." I bite out. "If you're going to kill me, fucking do it. Man up, unless you're too afraid?"

"What fun is killing you immediately? Live a little, have some fun with it." He grins. "I want you to fight for survival, not give in to it."

"I can fear death no longer, I've died a thousand times already but it won't stick. Kill me now. Just fucking do it. Please!"

Obi's eyes widen as he stares down at me before sitting up slightly. I bite my lip to hold back my tears but I can feel them leaking from my eyes to get lost in my hair.

"Please kill me." I repeat softly. 

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