The Circle of Idiots

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Chapter 15: The Circle of Idiots

I haven't left my bed in a week. I've made Squirrel handle all of the day to day tasks and mission reports. I feel bad for slacking on my job as the leader but I couldn't seem to get myself to get up. Squirrel has been wonderful though, doing things without complaint or offering to do something before I can even ask. He brought me food and teas even though I haven't eaten much. He decided that alcohol might be a bad idea so he won't bring me any. That's the only order he denied. I tried to halfheartedly stab him for it but he didn't take it personally. Obi broke me by taking that locket. I'd stayed so strong over the last three years, not letting myself cry over her death but when he couldn't leave me the hell alone and return what was rightfully mine, he got me to my breaking point. Part of me wants to kill him, the rest of me just hopes that he's gotten over his fascination with hunting me since I no longer have his bargaining chip. That's unlikely though, since he spent so long harassing me over the locket.

I wake up from another sleep plagued by nightmares and memories to find Squirrel asleep beside me, one of his hands absently running through my hair still. He's stayed with me every night this week just trying to calm me down as I would randomly break down. I never told him what happened or why I was this way and he didn't question it. I sigh and brush his shiny blond hair from his eyes before slipping out of bed. That's enough wallowing for me. I need to get back to work. After bathing and dressing, I enter the kitchens to request food before drifting over to the bar to talk to Snake.

"I need two bottles."

"Squirrel asked me not to give you any, Miss."

"Is Squirrel the boss?" I hum and he shakes his head before sliding the bottles over.

"He's so annoying when he's mad though..." He whines under his breath.

"Who would you rather deal with, Darling? Me or him?"

"I'd rather hear him complain."

"Wise choice." I grin as I drain one of the bottles.

My breakfast appears a few minutes later and I prop both plates on one arm and grab my remaining bottle with that hand and a cup of tea with the other before retreating to my room again. I wake Squirrel once the food is settled and tell him to come eat. He's taken care of me for a while so I thought I'd repay the favor. I noticed that his breakfast was always the same two eggs over easy, two pieces of bacon, and two biscuits with a thin slice of cheese on each. He always turned them into a sandwich and ate it that way.

"You brought me breakfast, Miss?" He asks around a yawn as he rubs his eyes.

"I thought you deserved it. Did I get the order right?"

"Perfect Miss, thank you."

As we eat, he asks how I'm feeling and I mumble that I'm better now that I've gotten a drink in me. He frowns and his bright blue eyes flick over to the door.

"Yes, Snake gave me alcohol. You forget he's far more scared of me than he is of you."

He grins and sighs. "Yeah that makes sense. What are the plans for the day?"

"After we eat and I give out orders, you and I are going out. I've grown tired of sitting inside."

Squirrel and I move through the trees with ease, the leaves barely rustling in our wake. I have one place I'd like to go before we carry on with my plans. We reach the cottage two days later and I force myself to move past it on toward the pond. As much as I'm afraid to go, I feel the need to visit her again... to remember her in a happier light rather than the memories the cottage holds. I feel tears spring to my eyes as the flowers come into view. They'd grown over the ground over the years, taking over the grass surrounding the pond. The whole clearing is full of her beautiful flowers.

"It's beautiful, Miss. What is this place?"

"It's a grave." I mumble. "Will you wait outside the cottage? Don't go inside."

"Yes Miss."

After he's gone, I step into the clearing and sit among the flowers near the bank. I know exactly where they'd buried her, even under all the flowers.

"Hello my sweet baby girl." I mumble as I let my hands run across the flowers. "I'm sorry I haven't been to see you very often. Momma has been away for a while, I know. Things have been crazy... Remember Mr. Emsy and Mr. Thayer? We're not friends anymore... I know you liked to play with them. I'm sorry that Momma lost your locket for a little while but I made sure to get it back for you." I can feel my voice starting to crack so I try to clear it but it only breaks more. "Oh God I miss you baby girl... I-I'm so sorry I couldn't keep you safe... I-I tried so hard to make sure you were out of harm's way and I failed you. We were going to go to the flower festival in the village together... You were so excited to go and you wanted to wear your favorite dress so I made sure to wash it the day before. I'm sorry we missed it... Momma had saved up all year so that I could buy you a gift while we were there too. I'm sorry that Momma went back to being a bad guy again. I really didn't want to but I didn't have the choice... Someday I'll make you proud of me I promise... I just wish I could hold you again." I sniffle and wipe at my eyes. I curse as I hear the sound of fighting coming from somewhere behind me. "Momma has to go baby girl. I love you so much." I kiss my hand and gently press it to the flowers beside me before getting to my feet and moving my mask back into place. 

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