Who Invited The Flock of Seagulls?

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Chapter 34: Who Invited The Flock of Seagulls?

I slowly make my way through the forest as I try to figure out what to do now. Doe and I had planned this shortly after I accepted the leadership reins. I knew that she had wanted to lead The Pack but I couldn't hand it off to her without dying. She knew I didn't really want the position so if I ever decided it was time to be free, we would fake my death and she would return as leader since she killed me. Now we both get what we want and I have to decide where to go from here. I never thought that far ahead. I'd return to the cottage but there's nothing left...

"How does a bunny get lost in the forest?"

"I'm not lost, I know exactly where I am just not where I'm going." I hum as Obi falls into step with me. "So, is what I'm supposed to be ready for just polite conversation and jokes about my identity? If so, dealing with you sober is going to be very difficult."

"You're sober? That's a surprise." He chuckles and I elbow him in the ribs.

"Shut up. I'm trying to do good for my daughter."

"I thought you were going back to The Pack?"

"I did and I died."

He pauses mid-step before laughing. "I hate to break it to you, little bunbun, but you're very much alive. I haven't killed you yet."

"God you're stupid... So that cottage you use as a sex dungeon, can I stay there for a few days?"

"Only if you stop calling it a sex dungeon."

"Yeah, you're right. I was in there for a few weeks and you got no action." I snicker.

To my dismay, Obi followed me back to the cottage and explained it was one of his old safe houses and somewhere he stayed when his master let him off the grounds. At least that means I shouldn't be disturbed. I told him that he was welcome to kill me or leave but he apparently took it as an invitation to sprawl out on the couch and watch me hobble around as I think. I need money... That's the easiest thing to get for what I need. If I get money I can get people to build for me and I can find the flowers I need to replant the pond... I need my ankle to heal so I don't have to limp like this anymore... I need a drink... Lots of alcohol... I need to not drink because it solves nothing... I need... Obi?

"Why are you in my face?"

"You're wearing holes into my floor and your brain is about to catch fire."

"At least I have a functioning brain." I smirk as I look up at him. "Why are you still here? It's not like you don't know where I am and I'm sure your boss thinks you're a terrible assassin by now."

"I still have time and who knows, I may kill you while you sleep."

"You wouldn't because there's no challenge there. The most I'd have to worry about is you trying to kiss me again."

I step away from him and move toward the counter where the paper and pen still are. I feel his hand on my waist as I pick up the pen.

"I do believe you were the one who came onto me last time, Bunny." He whispers in my ear and an involuntary shiver runs down my spine.

"But you seem to forget where that landed you... tied to a bedpost with clothing missing."

"Still sounds like a good time." He chuckles. "So what is your plan and what exactly brought you willingly back to me?"

I find myself sitting beside Obi at the counter on old wooden stools as I use the papers and pen to make notes and draw out different plans as we talk. It's actually helping me to make sense of my brain. I'm not used to planning things out, especially while sober. I didn't tell him anything that's going on though, we've just been talking at random and insulting each other.

"I'm hungry." I sigh as I run a hand through my hair and glare at the list of things I have to do.

"I don't think I have much food here. Let's go eat."

I give him a surprised look and chuckle. "Do you forget that I'm a criminal and you're a castle lackey? Mask or not I'm fairly certain there's a chance someone could recognize me."

"Well, then you get to die, right?"

"Good point. Let me... try not to look like whatever hell I currently look like."

I pick up my bag and make my way into the bedroom to look in the mirror in the bathroom. I look terrible. I have several marks on my neck and collarbone showing Lex's teeth and dark bruises. I have bruises on my face as well and of course my arms are bandaged to my elbows. I sigh and shake my head as I dig through my bag for my comb. If I let my hair down and comb it, I may look less threatening and it'll cover most of this. Score one for long hair. I decide to find a long sleeved top to wear instead of my sleeveless shirt and it makes me look a little less like an ex-pirate and ex-bandit leader. I could almost pass for a civilian I think.

"You ready?" I mumble as I enter the room and find him staring at me.

"Y-Yeah. Let's go." He stutters as he looks away.

"Is there a problem?" I ask as I start to fidget with my clothes. "Do I still look like a criminal? I tried to look normal and not so sketchy but i-"

"You look perfect...perfectly fine Bunny."

"Ooh... You're blushing." I grin as I approach him and poke his cheek. "How precious. Do I look attractive to you?"

"No. Let's just go." He sighs.

"That's rude. I don't call you ugly." I huff and brush past him.

"You're insufferable."

"That's my line!" I call over my shoulder as I reach the door. "Also, you're paying."

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant