I Live For Destruction

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Chapter 31: I Live For Destruction


As I hit the floor, I turn and kick at Lex with my good leg. I hit his groin and smirk as he releases my broken ankle. I scoot backward before he can retaliate and get to my feet. I latch onto the nearest object which turns out to be a porcelain coin bank Thayer got her for her birthday that year and throw it at his head. He dodges it and tackles me as it shatters against the far wall. We hit the ground in a tangle of limbs and start to throw punches at each other. I'm doing pretty well so far but I know it's not going to last. I've never been able to win against him.

I'm pinned to the floor beneath Lex as one of his hands circles my throat and starts to squeeze. I take a deep breath before my oxygen is cut off and continue to swing until he manages to catch both wrists and pins them above my head. He smirks triumphantly down at me, he eyes lit in anger and lust. Oh please no... My lungs are burning and I can only watch his smirk grow as I start to gasp for breath.

"It hurts, doesn't it? You should know what happens when you defy me Melione. You're mine."

I fight the urge to close my eyes as I start to black out but he finally releases my throat and I immediately start to choke down as much oxygen as I can.

"Fuck you." I croak out between gasps.

"Oh trust me, I plan on that."

Lex gets to his feet, latching onto a handful of my hair as he goes. I hiss at the pain from my ankle as he drags me along, but stops in the center of the room by the bloodstained rug.

"That's a rather ugly stain. You should really clean more often." He chuckles and I blindly swing at him and feel it connect with his jaw.

I'm punched in response before he drags me out of the room and into what was mine. He's been here for a few days at least, judging by the state of my bedroom. The basket of clothes has been tossed across the room and everything is trashed. Lex shoves me onto the bed and quickly traps me beneath him as his hands tear at my clothes. My attempts at fighting back are met with violence, anything from hitting to biting my neck hard enough to draw blood.

"Please don't..."

"I'm making up for lost time. Didn't you miss me, My Sweet?" He croons as he trails his hand down my cheek before roughly gripping my jaw.

"No. Please don't do this, please." I beg but it seems to only excite him further.

"Keep begging me. I love it." He purrs as Obi's shirt is finally forced off of me.

His teeth sink into the flesh of my collarbone harshly and I bite my lip to keep myself from crying out as I try to push him off of me. I don't want this... Not again... Please. I want to cry, to scream, to do anything but it'll only make it worse. He wants to dominate me and revel in my pain. I can't give him the satisfaction. I feel his teeth tearing my skin as he travels lower and starts to mess with my pants. I haven't moved or spoken since and I can feel the irritation pouring off of him as his fingernails dig painfully into my hips.

"Say my name, Melione." He growls as he glares up at me.

"Go to hell." I bite back as I bring my fist up and hit him hard in the nose.

It's enough to startle him and I knock him backward and grab the nearest object, my oil lamp. I hit him with it, sending glass everywhere but sadly the oil had dried out over the years. As I get to my feet I grab a handful of his hair and slam my knee into his face before grabbing Obi's shirt. I tug it back on and try to limp over to the window to escape. The men are still in the cottage, I can hear their voices, so I know I can't get out through the main door.

"Not so fast, little bitch!" He shouts as he slams me to the floor.

Lex towers over me, his foot resting on my injured ankle so I can't get away, and I watch the blood trail from his hair and nose down his face to drip on the floor.

"You're not going anywhere."

"What do you want from me?" I ask. "I'm not yours, I never have been and never will be, yet I've spent almost seven years trying to get the hell away from you! I lost my daughter because of you yet you still come back and for what? To have your way with me and leave me for dead? There are so many willing women you could do that to so why me? What makes me so special?"

"Do you really want to know?" He asks with a smirk. "It started with your innocence. You were so wide eyed and naive I couldn't resist bringing you on board. Then, it became your fight. You resisted me every step of the way and it was absolutely intoxicating. I couldn't get enough of the way you'd scream and beg for me to stop as I bent you to my will. But then you got brave and ran away. You thought you were too good for me, so I took away the thing that gave you strength... that bratty little child. I broke you again, knowing you wouldn't kill yourself for me. I left you here to wallow in your pain so when I returned you'd be completely broken. To my surprise you were gone when I came for you but I kept tabs on you as you became Rabbit. I watched you when you went to the pond and cried your eyes out. I'm guessing that's where you buried the kid. You looked so breathtaking with how broken you were. You disappeared for a while but I knew you'd resurface. You aren't broken enough for me yet though. I know how to fix it and this time, I won't let you get away." 

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang