I Think I Killed A God

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Chapter 19: I Think I Killed A God

"Miss! We have a problem!"

I bolt upright in bed, my hand automatically reaching for the sword propped against the wall by my bed. My gaze falls on Doe and Fawn standing in the doorway, trembling and covered in blood. I look around for Squirrel but he's nowhere in sight. I pull on my boots and reach for my mask as they tell me there's been a riot among the members. That's not too uncommon of an occurrence.

"What's the difference?" I ask.

"It's turned into a killing spree and Squirrel is at the center of it." Fawn squeaks out and I curse.

I tell them to make themselves scarce as I rush through the halls to the main room.

My eyes widen as I slip on a pool of blood and catch myself with the wall. I can see several members bleeding out around the room as Shrew and Snake try to save the few that haven't died yet. There's a crowd gathered in the center of the room and I can hear sounds of fighting through the cheers. I take a deep breath and whistle, the noise loud and thrill on it's own but almost deafening with the acoustics of the cave.

"What the hell is going on in here!?" I snap as I step toward the crowd and the sea of members slowly parts to reveal Squirrel and Hawk fighting viciously.

I can tell that Squirrel isn't holding back at all and I can barely track his movements. Hawk is one of the best fighters though so I'm not sure how this will end up if it doesn't stop.

"I believe I asked a question." I growl as I latch onto the nearest spectator's shirt collar.

"There's been talk of a mutiny, Miss. It was organized by Hawk and Cat. They were coming after you and Squirrel came in from the kitchen and started attacking everyone who was coming for you." I glance up at Canary and release him. "Alright, every loyal member who does not wish to die a painful death at my hand, get out now. If you are seen in this room before I clear it, you will be considered a traitor as well."

I find myself left in the room with Squirrel and Hawk who are still fighting, Wolf, Coyote, Lion, and Bear. I draw my sword as the remaining members trap me between them. This is pleasant. Four against one. I hear another sword draw and turn to block the blow from Wolf.

"Are you alright Miss?" I hear Squirrel call out.

"Absolutely wonderful, Darling. I love the smell of traitor blood in the morning." I grin as I duck an attack and run my sword through Wolf.

I turn to face my next attacker and smirk as Squirrel tackles Coyote to the floor. A quick glance shows Hawk dead on the floor nearby. Good job Squirrel. I hold out my sword to keep Bear and Lion at bay as they approach me. This still isn't the best situation. My back brushes the wall and I curse as Lion lunges at me. I toss my sword as I throw myself to the side to avoid him. I hiss at the rough stone floor cutting into my palms but scoot myself backward as I fumble around for my sword. I abandon it and roll out of the way as Bear tries to pin me beneath him. I think several days of binge drinking and just waking up from a nap has thrown me off my game. I kick Bear up and over me and get to my feet to launch myself at Lion. We hit the ground and I pull a dagger to slit his throat.

"Miss, look out!"

My eyes widen as I feel something wet hit my back. I quickly stab Lion in the throat before touching the back of my head. My hand comes back covered in blood. I turn around and my eyes fall on Squirrel using his body as a barrier between Bear and myself. I can tell by his ragged breathing that he's injured and exhausted but he's still trying to protect me. I then notice the rapidly growing pool of blood from his torso and the trails leading from his lips.

"No! No, no, no. You're okay. Trust me, Darling, you're just fine." I tell him and he grins.

"Don't worry Miss... It's okay." He chokes out as he gets to his feet.

I try to pull him back to the floor as I stand but despite his whole body trembling and wobbling unsteadily, he stands firm and pushes me behind him.

"I-I'll do... anything... for my Miss... Whatever it takes..."

I look around for my sword and find it a few feet away. I rush over toward it immediately. If I can get it and come between Bear and Squirrel fast enough, I might be able to save him. I have to save him.

"Come on Bear, the mutiny is about me, isn't it? Let's finish this." I growl, drawing his attention.

As he rushes toward me, his sword raised, I notice Squirrel trying to move in the way. I run past him and our swords clash in the middle. I strike at him with every ounce of strength in my body and though I can feel the movements, I can't see anything but Squirrel's face as he smiled at me through the pain. He did that to Squirrel. He has to pay. I feign a low attack and bring my sword up, the blade slicing through his flesh and embedding in his chest. I twist it, feeling the scratch of the metal against his ribs before yanking it out. I let him fall and immediately drop my sword as I hurry back over to Squirrel. As soon as I reach him, his legs give out, the last of his strength fading. I catch him and rip off my over-shirt and press it to his chest as I move his head to rest in my lap.

"Shrew! Get in here now!" I shout before turning my gaze to Squirrel. "You're going to be okay, Squirrel. I promise. You're going to be just fine and once you're better I'm going to let you go see your parents. You told me that you loved your mom, remember? Go tell her that. Mom's deserve to see their children... Shrew hurry the fuck up!"

Squirrel lightly grabs my hand as the other shakily moves to cup my cheek. I feel his thumb wipe under my eyes as he smiles at me.

"Don't cry... Miss... I wanted... t-to save you. I did it... didn't I?"

"Shut up! You're going to be fine I promise! You're Squirrel... You have to be okay. You can't leave me... Please, please don't leave me."

"I'm not afraid..." He whispers.

"I didn't tell you before, but the cottage was my old home before I came here. I attacked the captain because he assaulted me at fourteen. I had a daughter named Nemi. She was killed in the cottage and buried at the pond. That's why I was upset for a while, I came across the cottage again and I broke down..." I explain, not wanting to leave anything left unsaid.

"C-Can I tell... you something... Miss?"

"Anything." I sniffle.

"M-My name... it's Torin."

"I love it." I smile softly as I run a hand through his hair.

His breathing is more ragged and he's paler than normal. Even if Shrew makes it out here, he's lost too much blood. All I can do is make him comfortable...

"My name is Melione."

"A-A beautiful name... for a beautiful Miss..." He smiles and I see the light fading from his eyes.

"Stay with me please..." I whisper as the tears fall harder.

"D-Don't cry Miss. I-I'll say... hello to Nemi... For you." 

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