The Time I Built A Pillow Fort With Lucifer

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Chapter 14: The Time I Built A Pillow Fort With Lucifer

I hear soft movements behind me, almost inaudible to those who weren't trained to listen for them, but I don't bother to turn around. I can't even if I wanted to. My mind has rendered my body useless while the memories echo on repeat. If whoever is in my home kills me, would that really be so bad? I wouldn't get to see my daughter again whether I lived or died so what does it matter? She most certainly moved on to a happier existence, while I shall burn for my crimes against humanity. I've resigned myself to that fate already. I tense slightly as a person crosses my vision and I'm pulled to their chest. I can vaguely feel their hand running through my hair as the other holds me to them. Who is it and why are they holding me like I'm broken?

I finally realize that person holding me is Obi, based on the slight pine scent that lingered on his clothes. Why is he here? Why is he holding me? I push myself out of his grip but refuse to look up at him. I know that I'm crying and I don't want him to see it. I mumble for him to go away and his sigh confirms that it is him.

"What is this place?" He asks instead.

"Just go away... I got my locket back, you got your answers. Unless you're here to strike me down, just leave me alone." I sigh.

"This was your house, wasn't it?"

I don't answer him but I can hear him moving around the cottage. He'll figure it out, I'm sure. I force myself to start moving, and watch his movements as he looks around. He starts to walk toward the hallway and I hesitantly follow. I couldn't get myself to walk down the hall before. I find him standing just outside of Nemi's room, his gaze focused inside at the floor. I know what I'd find if I looked and I'm glad that my feet won't move any further so instead I watch him from my spot in the center of the hall.

"She- Did- This was where..." He trails off, his golden eyes flicking over toward me full of pity.

My gaze hardens and I turn away. "Get out."


"Get. Out. Get out, get out, get out!" I snap, stepping forward to grab his arm. I don't do pity, I don't do sympathy.

I catch sight of her room as I look up to tell him to leave and I freeze. It's one thing to know what I'll see, it's another to actually see it. My legs give out and he kneels beside me as my knees hit the floor. I haven't let go of his wrist but he uses his other hand to pull me closer to him as a sob escapes my lips and I finally break down. With the exception of the day it happened, I didn't let myself cry over it or mourn her, it would've made it that much more real. I was pulled from my cottage the next day and I was never able to come back. I'd been told that she was buried and they were nice enough to mark the spot so I could find it. They buried her by a pond a few miles away where she loved to play. I planted a bunch of Nepeta around her grave site since they were her favorite flower but I only visited for her birthday every year. I couldn't bring myself to go there any other time. Moving here was going to be my fresh start, to get her on land and out of the life of piracy. It worked for a while until they found us. I wasn't able to keep her safe. She paid for what I'd done.

"Hey Bunny... Bunny, you have to go." Obi whispers, pulling me from my thoughts and tears. "I hear Master calling. If he finds you he will kill you."

"Let him." I whisper.

He forces me to stand and leads me back toward the front of the cottage. I notice my sword and mask on the counter in the kitchen. I can hear the voices now. It's the second prince and my friend from the interrogation room. They'd kill me for sure. That's okay though. I don't mind. I feel my mask get placed over my face and Obi pushes me toward the door but I stop and stand there.

"You are being so difficult right now." He huffs.

"You want me dead regardless. You had your hunt. Go for it." I mumble.

"Hunting is no fun without a fight." He retorts before I'm suddenly dragged back into the cottage and unceremoniously shoved into my old bedroom.

I can hear him talking with his master and the other man about how the cottage is empty and he'd just stumbled across it. My eyes fall on a blue fabric at the top of the basket's pile on the bed. It's Nemi's dress, the one she wore for the painting. I pull it out and hold the fabric to my chest. It was her favorite dress, even though I'd only made it for the painting. She wanted to wear it every time we went to the village for food and supplies. My dear sweet Nemi... I finally release the dress and return it to the basket before stepping out of the room. I can't hear their voices anymore but if I get caught and killed, so be it. I step out into the hall and turn toward the door but it's empty. They're gone. I need to leave too, it hurts too much.

I make it back to the base, still feeling absolutely broken and numb. I ignore any greetings from the members as I pass through and head straight for my quarters. Squirrel is at my side instantly asking how my trip went and if I got what I wanted. I don't answer him and simply remove my sword, boots, and mask as soon as I enter the room. I move over to the bed and curl up on it, one of my hands moving to clutch the locket.

"Would you like me to leave, Miss?" He asks hesitantly as he looks down at me.

I don't answer until he turns to walk away and I catch his shirt sleeve.

"Please, stay with me..."

"Yes Miss." He nods, reaching for a chair but I pull him closer to the bed.

He crawls in behind me and I roll over to curl up to his chest as I start to cry again. 

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now