Melione and the Fortress of Trust Issues

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Chapter 2: Melione and the Fortress of Trust Issues

I wake up just before dawn and untangle myself from my blankets so I can take a peaceful bath. One of the branches off of my rooms has a naturally carved pool where a steady stream of water drips from the ceiling and flows through to a creek nearby. It became my private bath, the others use the outside water sources. Doe and Fawn are the only other females in the group, so I've been nice and allowed them use of my bath as well. I know how the male members can be at times. After scrubbing myself clean of dirt, blood, and castle germs, I step out and wrap a towel around myself so I can search for something to wear. It'll be nightfall before I reach my destination and I hope to be in and out while it's still dark, so I definitely need black clothing if I can help it.

Thayer and Esmon enter the room as I finish brushing out my long blonde hair. It's a hassle to have but I can't bring myself to cut it off. They greet me and place a plate of food and a drink on my desk as I settle in the chair. They take their places in the arm chairs while they eat and await orders. I poke around my plate and take the occasional bite while my attention is focused on the papers on my desktop. One is a list of current members and the other is the list of jobs to be completed. There are currently about twenty-eight of us since Wolf and Coyote didn't make it back alive, and ten of us are exempt from the job listings unless necessary. Besides myself and the Foxes, Doe and Fawn are excused since they provide the masks, Owl is the best chef I've ever had in the group so I'd rather him not die, and the others guard the base and scout.

"Bring me Lion and Tiger." I mumble and hear one of them leave the room.

Thayer returns with the men in question, their faces covered in intricately carved and painted masks. They bow before me and await their orders.

"There are two bandits traveling together near the border of Clarines and Tanbarun. It's a brother and sister, Maela and Moen. Recruit them by any means possible. They interest me. You have one week."

"Yes Miss."

"Dismissed." Once they're gone, I cross my scribbled note out and start on the list. "Send in the Birds."

The pattern continues until the list is complete and The Pack is on the move and my breakfast is gone.

"Alright Darlings, let's go." I sigh as I get to my feet and stretch.

I part way with the Foxes just before the castle walls after informing them of their task. A man in the nearby village got paid handsomely for ratting me out to the prince's guards, so they get to collect my fee from him. I think my fee is reasonable. It's just his head and all of the money that he collected. I'll let whatever family he may have keep what the boys don't find. I climb the castle wall and walk along a limb until I'm hidden in the foliage of a nearby tree. Most of what I left behind during my escape wasn't worth much, but there is one thing I absolutely cannot leave forever. After I collect that, I'll see what else may be worth taking, perhaps if I'm bored enough I'll kill or abduct the prince as well, have a little bit of fun with the kid.

"What are you doing?"

I tense at the voice beside me and glance over to find a dark haired man leaning against the tree trunk beside me. I never heard or saw him move. He looks too feral to be part of the castle workers and I didn't see him during my incarceration, so who is he?

"I'm standing in a tree, what does it look like?" I hiss as my eyes track the guards passing by on patrol.

"Come to steal things? I wouldn't recommend it. There is more security than usual around here." He tells me matter-of-factly, his golden eyes focused on me.

"And why is that?" I sigh.

"There's word that an infamous bandit leader escaped her execution and there's a foreign visitor within the castle."

"That just sounds like a challenge." A smirk crosses my face as I quickly abandon the tree for the cover of a closer tree.

"I'm just curious about what a cute little bunny would want from Shenazard Castle?" I pinch the bridge of my nose to stop my growing headache. That man followed me.

"Go away. Don't you have anything better to do besides annoy me?"

"I am doing something besides annoy you though. I'm doing my job." He chirps with a grin.

"And what, pray tell, is that?"

"Protecting my Master and Miss from any threats during their stay." His smile remains but his tone darkens dangerously.

Great, he's a royal guard or something from Clarines I imagine. Strange that they'd have someone like this in their employ though.

"Well, if you'd so kindly tell me what they look like, I'll be sure not to bother your precious Master and his love interest while I do what I came here to do. I'll even get out of your way right after. Sound good, Love?" I offer him a sickly sweet smile.

"You are a really dumb bunny, aren't you?" He chuckles before swinging a fist at me.

The man and I manage to somehow keep our fight within the cover of the tree, our movements small but swift as we throw kicks and punches while dodging and trying not to break limbs. This is rather annoying honestly. I have things to do, people to kill, maim, or otherwise traumatize. I duck the kick aimed for my head and shove his leg backward, throwing his balance. As he tries to right himself, I jump from the tree limb into a tree close to the castle. I need to get inside. I slip down to the ground and make my way to the closest window. No one seems to be around and the corridor is dark. As long as castle lackey leaves me alone, I should be fine. 

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