I Cheated Death, Now He Wants A Divorce

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Chapter 8: I Cheated Death, Now He Wants A Divorce

I hurt... Everything hurts... But I'm alive. That sucks more than anything. I'm not sure what happened to the Foxes, but when I woke up on this tree limb, I was alone. I haven't been able to move because even breathing makes me feel like I'm being burned from the inside out. I'm bleeding in quite a few places, I can feel the stickiness and the pool of it in my hand dangling off the edge of the limb. Even my mouth hurts from the roughness of Esmon's kiss. I remember him stabbing me in the stomach as he kissed me and how rough hands felt as he grabbed my face for biting down on his tongue, then I just shut down. I came back to focus at one point to find Thayer had joined him and I could feel myself being held up by one as another stabbed me in the shoulder... Then nothing.

I need to get back to The Pack. I need to kill them both... I have to, whether I live or die trying. I just need to sit up first. I let out a quiet curse as I finally get my body to respond but the first movement sends a jolt of pain through me and I lose my balance on the limb. Well, falling to my death is my new plan of action I guess. I close my eyes to accept my fate but open them again as I never hit the ground. Damn, I should have kept my eyes closed.

"Don't... even..." I choke out as I glare up at Obi.

"It looks like you've fallen for me, Bunny." He smirks.

"I'm going... to kill you..."

I start to struggle to escape his grip but he simply chuckles and starts to walk with me.

"No... Twins... Murder..."

"I don't think you're in the position to fight your way out of a paper bag."

I manage to lift my hand enough to extend my middle finger before the last of my energy runs out and I close my eyes.

When I open my eyes again, I'm not outside anymore. Where am I? It's so hard to keep them open but I don't know where I am. I'm not safe. Last I remember I was with... Obi. Please don't let me be in the castle. Please don't let me be in the castle. Oh God, please don't let me be in some creepy sex dungeon. I jump slightly as I feel something cold and wet gently brush across my face.

"It's okay, you're safe here." Who the hell is that? That's definitely not Obi.

"Bunny is easily startled it seems." That's Obi.

This doesn't make me feel any safer and I still don't have answers. I try to shift away from the direction the voices are in but it sends a jarring pain through me and I let out a whimper.

"You need to calm down, Miss Bunny. You'll tear your stitches."

My eyes are starting to close against my will but I fight to keep them open as the panic sets in.

"I'm going to have to give her a sedative or she will rip her stitches and bleed out." I hear the first voice say.

No, no, no, no. I don't want it. Please don't. I jerk as I feel the needle enter my skin as hands hold me down. No...

Something is touching me. What is touching me? Why is it touching me? Why the hell am I not dead? I'm tired of randomly waking up and not being welcomed into Hell and offered my throne. It's honestly rude at this point. I slowly open my eyes and it takes a few moments before I can see the soft glow of a nearby lamp to my left and can hear soft breathing beside me as well.

"You're awake again." It's the first voice from earlier. The thing that's touching me is the cold and wet thing I'd felt earlier. It's resting on my forehead now.

"Who... Who are you?" I choke out, unable to turn my head.

"I'm a friend. Please don't worry Miss, you're safe here." Her voice is soft and warm, almost angelic.

"Am I dead?"

She chuckles softly but tells me no, I'm very much alive, though I did die twice and she brought me back. That's reassuring.

"My locket... Is it on me?" I mumble, wishing I could move my hand to touch it.

I hear her move around and her fingers brush my neck but she tells me there's nothing there.

"Where is Obi?"

"He left. He asked me to look after you until you're healed. I was told to give you a message from him, if you're ready to hear it."

"Do I want to know?"

"He said to tell you that hunting is no fun with wounded prey."

I find out that the woman caring for me is named Callia and we're in her cottage somewhere in the forests of Tanbarun. From what she'd told me, she owed Obi a favor and he cashed it in by bringing me to her. I'm not sure why he chose to save me because he could have simply killed me himself while I was unconscious and half-dead. He's some kind of twisted, but I guess I understand the thrill of hunting. It's not as fun if your prey can't fight back. Now that he's retaken possession of my locket, once I'm healed and take down the twins, he will have one hell of a fight on his hands. Mess with me, it's whatever. Mess with my Pack, you have a problem. Mess with my locket, you'll have a war to deal with. It's the only thing I have left... 

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now