Somebody Once Told Me the World Was Gonna Kill Me

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Chapter 40: Somebody Once Told Me the World Was Gonna Kill Me

"Dammit Melione, will you listen to me for five seconds!?"

The harshness and desperation in his tone freezes me in my attempt to leave. The door is halfway open and I was about to take my first step away from Obi. I meet his gaze and I can easily read the hurt but I still don't recognize the other emotion. It's the same that I saw in the bedroom last night. What is it? I sigh and take a step back to close the door.

"You have five seconds Obi, make them count."

"I lied in the beginning so I could take you down, but the more I got to know you, things changed. I started to care about you truly whether you believe it or not. Why else did I make stupid excuses to not kill you and dragged out my job from my master for so-"

"It's been five seconds Obi." I mumble as I turn away.

The door is forced closed as soon as I try to open it and my back is pressed against it a second later.

"That's too bad then, because I'm not done." He growls as I avoid his eyes. I don't want to cry. "I dragged out my job with master because I didn't want to kill you. I would have called it off completely but he would have sent the knights after you rather than just me. I couldn't let that happen to you." He pauses and gently moves my face so I will meet his eyes. "I fell for you somewhere along the way and I didn't know how to deal with it, I still don't know how to deal with it but I would never sleep with you if I didn't care for you. I'd never hurt you like that because I know what you've been through. You drive me absolutely crazy Melione but I don't care because I get to have you in my life. I planned on going to Master and telling him that I gathered information from Pack members that Rabbit had been taken down and a new leader took her place. It would have let you continue life as yourself without the castles breathing down your neck... I love you Melione and if you still want to leave, I won't stop you... I'll still tell Master that Rabbit is dead and you can start over again and make Nemi proud. Just- I-I'm sorry..."

He sighs and releases me as he steps backward. I catch his hand and he looks down at me hopefully.

"Love?" I mumble as I study his eyes. "I don't get it... Nemi and I loved each other but our eyes didn't look like yours... I've had men tell me they love me and their eyes didn't match yours either, so how is it love? I don't understand."

"There are different types of love." He explains as he gently wipes under my eyes. "The love you and Nemi held comes from the bond of parent and child. I can't say much about the men who claimed to love you but from what I've seen and heard, they didn't really love you. I love you for you, as you are, as the woman standing in front of me. I want you in my life to hold you, to protect you, to comfort you, to help you heal, to just be with you. You've been reading my eyes, so you should be able to tell that I'm telling the truth when I say that I love you, right?"

I stare into Obi's eyes through my tears, trying to see anything betraying his words, anything at all, but all I can see is the hurt and what I think is love in his gaze. There's also something I can easily tell is hope. He's waiting for me to speak, praying for me to say that I understand, that I trust him... but I can't. I can't say those words. I can't say anything at all... Without thinking, I do the only thing I can do. I grab a fistful of his shirt and pull him into a kiss. I feel him tense but a moment later my body is being lightly crushed between him and the door as he holds me close. I finally break the kiss and rest my forehead against his when I run out of air. He's still pressing short quick kisses to my lips though.

"That was way more than five seconds, Love." I smirk.

"Oh shut up, dumb bunny." He mumbles under his breath before drawing me back in as he tosses my bag to the floor.

I can feel Obi trailing kisses on my neck and shoulder as he holds me. It feels pleasant but I'm too exhausted to do anything more than relax into his embrace as my eyes close. His hands are slowly wandering beneath the blankets and I sigh, earning a smirk against my shoulder.

"You're exhausting..." I mumble without opening my eyes.

"I can't help that you're irresistible." He chuckles.

"Why are we on the floor?" I ask as I finally resign to the fact I won't be able to sleep.

"It's just where we ended up the last time." Obi snickers as I shift to face him. "We may have made a mess of the cottage."

I look around from our spot on the floor in front of the fireplace and find our clothing scattered throughout the room, the stools are knocked over and my stuff is still by the door. It's not too bad. I spot his shirt a few feet away, hanging off the couch so I wiggle forward in an attempt to get it without getting up but he instantly drags me back to his chest.

"You can't go." He pouts as he buries his face in my hair.

"I just want something to wear." I sigh as I try to bat him away.

"You're not allowed."

"I can't be naked forever."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

He sighs and releases me so I quickly grab his shirt and sit up to pull it on.

"God you're so beautiful." He mumbles as I run my fingers through my hair.

I still don't see what he sees but I can tell by his eyes that he isn't lying. He really thinks I'm beautiful... and that's enough for me.

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now