It's Me. I Am The April Fool

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Chapter 36: It's Me. I Am The April Fool

As the cottage comes into view, I freeze and duck behind Obi. Our trip back was filled with me taunting Obi just to see what would happen. All of the fun has left the air though, because standing in front of the cottage is the second prince of Clarines, my friend from my interrogation, and a stern faced blonde woman.

"So, now what?" I whisper from behind him.

"Follow my lead." He mumbles and I grab his shirt.

"They know what I look like!"

"Do you trust me?"

"Most certainly not." I hiss.

"Too bad." He chuckles before latching onto my wrist and dragging me forward. "Hello Master."

I hope he realizes he's just ruined his own chances at killing me himself...

I find myself standing before the prince and his attendants as Obi continues to hold my wrist hostage. I'm not struggling despite my body's intense desire to kick him and run like hell. I keep myself at least partially hidden behind him as his master talks to him. They'd apparently seen and smelled the fire from my cottage burning and came to check it out. While they were out they wanted to check on Obi's progress with hunting me down. It's going better than they realize apparently. Maybe they're all stupid? It would explain Obi... I feel their eyes on me and tune in to Obi's words.

"-is Mel. While I was hunting for Rabbit, I came across her in the forest. She was injured and was hiding from men who were harassing her. I couldn't leave her out there like that, so I brought her back here and have been taking care of her. I'm sorry I didn't report back to you on the matter but my concerns were on making sure she was safe. There hasn't been a sign of Rabbit in two weeks now, so if she's alive, she should resurface very soon." He then looks down at me. "It's okay Miss Mel, this is my master. He's the second prince here in Clarines."

I get his meaning and hesitantly move to stand beside him. Careful not to hurt my ankle, I straighten before bowing to the prince. Disgusting.

"I-It's an honour to meet you, Your Highness. I'm very sorry for keeping your man from his duties." I mumble without meeting his gaze.

I resist the urge to run as the prince meets my gaze when I straighten.

"It's quite alright Miss Mel. I hope Obi treats you properly while you're in his care. Obi, once she is healed and safe, I expect a report. You have one month left to find her before I send in the guards."

"No need Master. You can trust me." Obi grins, his grip tightening slightly.

The prince leaves a few minutes later with his attendants and I just stare after them in shock. I can't believe it worked. I guess wearing my hair down for once and being as bruised up as I am, it's hard to tell who I am. I hear a stifled bubble of laughter leave Obi's lips before he pulls me into the cottage. He releases me and leans against the door as he tries not to laugh.

"How did that work?" I ask as I put our cake slices on the counter.

"I have no idea. He's going to kill me if he finds out." He chuckles.

"That's on you." I shrug, turning to face him only to find him standing very close to me.

"So, where were we, Bunny?" He asks as my back is pressed against the counter.

"Well, last I recall, I was calling you a horrible assassin yet again because you decided to take your target out to lunch and are letting her stay in your safe house instead of killing her, then I mocked you for being upset that I called you my husband to Miss Peya. I don't know what you plan on doing, but I plan on eating some of this cake." I try to turn around but he's too close.

I look up at Obi to find his golden eyes staring me down. He's giving off the whole sadistic flirty aura again. I sigh and shake my head as it only reminds me of Lex in the cottage. It's too soon to mess around with Obi like this.

"Listen, Love, as fun as it is to mess with you especially when you're like this, after what Lex put me through, it's a little too real for me. Wait for the bite marks to fade before you try something, yeah?"

His eyes move to my neck and I can actually see the look in his eyes switch from predatory to the normal annoying Obi.

Obi backs away with a quiet apology and I settle at the counter again to look over my notes as I dip my finger into the frosting on the cake slice. I taste something odd about the frosting but I can't place it so I look at the label written on the little container she put them in. I curse.

"Obi, I need a medic. Now."


I try to swallow but can't as my throat starts to swell. I shove the label in his face and he curses before picking me up from the stool.

"Do you think you can make it to Callia's? If not, we're going to the castle. It's closer."

I shake my head. As much as I want to not go to the castle, I know I can't make it that far.

I can't breathe at all anymore but Obi finally gets us to the castle and we head toward the buildings near the greenhouses. I hear him talking but all I'm focused on is that fact that I'm currently dying in one of the most annoying ways possible. If I get taken out by strawberries I'm going to be so mad. I feel something stab into my thigh and a moment later I can feel my throat relaxing. I choke on the fresh air and let myself relax as my breathing slowly returns to normal. I didn't get murdered by strawberries, go me. I look around and find Obi talking to a brown haired boy and I recognize him as the young herbalist I saw when I was stalking Obi. They both look at me and ask if I'm alright.

"Yeah, the strawberries lost the battle." I chuckle. "Thank you Sir."

"Please call me Ryuu. I'm younger than you so it's weird." The boy mumbles.

"Well in that case, thank you Ryuu." I offer him a small smile and he blushes before turning away.

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