The Time I Thought a Moth Was My Dad

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A/N: Squirrel ^.^

Chapter 4: The Time I Thought a Moth Was My Dad

Squirrel returns to me a week later and as he gives his report, I can't help but watch as he continuously wiggles his fingers, two silver coins moving between them. I'd gotten bored one day and sat him across from me and had him teach me how to do that. His information is helpful though. The man is indeed a castle lackey, a personal attendant to the Second Prince of Clarines himself. They've just returned to Wistal Castle a few days ago. Also, the man is called Obi. That's a name that sounds vaguely familiar but I can't place it. It must have been heard in passing. I dismiss him and get to my feet to gather supplies. I'll be gone for a week at the least and as much as I would like to have both Foxes with me for extra security, I think I'll have them both stay behind. This is personal.

I travel through the trees as quickly as possible to get to Clarines. Our base is a day's travel North to Shenazard Castle in Tanbarun. It'll take about two days to reach Wistal Castle, then I have to find my way in. Squirrel said there was a blind spot in the guard patrols in the evening, leaving one corner of the castle unguarded for two hours from midnight until two. That'll be my chance to get in, find this Obi nuisance, get my locket, then slit his throat. Quick and easy. I want to get this done as quickly as possible, especially if that little freak doesn't have my locket anymore. I'd have to force it's location out of him. I cannot lose this locket...

I reach the outskirts of Wistal Castle just before sundown two days later and perch myself in the top of a tree outside the walls to watch their movements. As Squirrel had said, they do have several groups of guards placed around the castle that move in shifts. I see a young man with two people trailing behind him as he walks around but none of them are my target. That must be the second prince though, so where is Obi? I shift around the forest through the trees to check other vantage points and end up near their greenhouses. It's on the far end of the castle away from my escape route but it's where Squirrel said the blind spot is. At least this way if I am pursued, I have a little more time to shake them off. I watch curiously as a little dark haired boy moves around between the greenhouse and adjacent building. I know that they employ herbalists but he seems a little young, then again, what do I know? Still not who I'm looking for. I wake up from almost dozing on the branch as laughter reaches my ears. It's a woman with bright red hair, walking beside Obi back toward the castle. I wonder if that's the Miss that he referred to. If so, why is the prince after a commoner? To each their own I suppose.

I managed to track Obi while still staying outside of the castle walls thankfully and just before midnight, I'd seen him climb into a tree on the far end of the grounds. Hopefully he will still be there when I make it down to the grounds. Using the greenhouses to my advantage, I drop down onto the roof of one and slide down to hit the grounds below. No one has been moving around this area for a while so I'm guessing the herbalists are done for the night. I cling to the shadows when possible but there's a rather large stretch of open space between the castle and myself dotted with lamps. I sigh and just run, skirting the pools of light the best I can. Reaching the tree proved to be rather easy and I spot him stretched out across an upper limb, his soft breathing reaching my ears. A smirk crosses my face as I climb the tree slowly. If he stays asleep I might be able to pick his pocket without him knowing and I can get out of here.

He's still peacefully asleep when I settle on the branch beside him and I instantly notice the thin silver chain peeking out of his pants pocket. I reach out slowly for the chain with one hand, using the other to keep me steady. As my fingers brush the chain, a hand latches onto my wrist.

"What are you doing?" He mumbles without opening his eyes.

I don't answer him, praying that he's still half asleep. One of his eyes finally flicks open to focus on me.

"Cat got your tongue, little bunny? You're a long way from home."

"I just want my locket." I respond evenly as I try to jerk my arm free.

"There must be a rather large profit to be made for you to come all the way from Tanbarun to come after me."

"There is no profit." I scowl. "You stole my personal property and I'll do whatever it takes to get it back."

He releases my arm as I jerk it again and I almost fall from the limb.

"Then tell me why it's so important to you? Who is in the locket?"

Instead of answering him, I shove him off the limb and follow after his body as he falls. Obi catches himself on a lower limb and as I drop down he plants a firm kick to my chest that sends me crashing painfully to the ground. He lands lightly on his feet beside me and straightens, my locket dangling from his fingers as a smirk graces his face.

"You're not too good at this, are you?"

"I've merely underestimated the abilities of a castle lackey it seems. I won't make that mistake again." I sigh as I catch my breath and get to my feet.

"You know, if you simply tell me who is in the locket and why you care, I might just give it back to you."

"Go to Hell."

"Now who's being rude?" He huffs playfully.

I reach out to grab the locket but he tosses it into the air while smacking away my punch. We both reach for it but he catches it, moving it out of my reach as I continue to attack him. He dodges and counters with ease, using only one hand and his feet. I scowl and finally draw my sword. I want to hurry this along.

"You really want to fuck with me?" I growl. "I was being nice by coming alone, but if you're not careful, you will bring a war upon this castle."

"I was being nice by not alerting the guards to your presence when you arrived this afternoon. Now, I don't think I can help you." He smirks as he looks behind me.

"I'll kill you!" I hiss as I swing my sword toward him.

A man jumps between us, his sword raised to meet mine with a loud metallic squeal. I feel myself get jerked backward despite me fighting against them and another set of hands rips my sword from my grip. Well shit... I get to go on another vacation.

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now