I Got Caught Grinning at a Dead Body

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A/N: Doe the mask maker ^.^

Chapter 33: I Got Caught Grinning at a Dead Body

 Obi and I stayed at the edge of the pond for a while as I tried to remind myself that the flowers weren't Nemi, no matter how much I'd associated them with her. She and Squirrel were still out there somewhere playing hide and seek. No matter what Lex had done, the only person hurting was me. I need to go back to base but my mask was left in the cottage when it burned. I don't want them to see my face. None of the others have seen what I look like. Oh, wait... I wonder... I slowly push myself away from Obi and limp over to an old rotting tree. I'd hidden an extra mask in it last year after I'd lost my first one on a job. Fawn and Doe had been ordered to keep a small stock of my masks and I'd intended on hiding them throughout the forests but never got around to it. With the fire though, there's a chance it burned too.

"What are you doing and why are you limping?" I hear behind me as I crouch down.

"Well, my ankle is held together by a child's ruler stick, a bandana, and sheer willpower and I'm looking for this." I grin as I pull out the mask. It's a little charred but otherwise unharmed.

"You're going back?"

"I have to. There's something I have to do." I then finally realize that my hands and forearms are wrapped in bandages. It feels weird. "Why am I bandaged?"

"Someone thought it to be a good idea to try to put out an oil based fire with her hands." He sighs. "Callia said they're not too severe so you should heal over time as long as nothing gets infected."

I nod. It makes sense.

I secure my mask before slowly getting to my feet. It definitely hurts to put pressure on it but I think I can make it back to the base without issue and Shrew can fix it for me. Obi asks if I have to go and I turn back to him. His face and arms are covered in black like he rolled around in the fire as it was put out. I notice a bit of singing on his clothes and arch a brow.

"Did you just play in the fire?" I mumble.

"I took out those men, pulled you away from the fire and brought you to Callia's after you passed out, then came back and kept the fire contained and put out what I could."

"Are you hurt?" I ask as my eyes scan him for any sign of injury.

"No, nothing worth worrying over." He shrugs.

"What a shame." I smirk and he grins. "See you around, Love."

"Be ready, dumb bunny." He calls back.

"Ooh, I'm so scared. What are you going to do, kiss me?" I chuckle as I leave the clearing behind.

I make it back to base and by the time I hobble into the main room, my ankle finally gives out. I'm in excruciating pain. Canary and Cardinal help me up while Blue Jay goes to find Shrew. I thank them and have them help me onto the nearest couch. They ask why I smell like fire but I simply say its a hazard of life. Shrew comes out and with a bit of a struggle, we're able to remove my boot.

"A ruler?" He mumbles as he tosses it aside.

"Use what you can." I sigh. "So how bad is it?"

"Well, the good news is I don't have to cut you open. The bad news is you'll need to take it easy for six to eight weeks. It's a pretty harsh break, Miss."

I cringe as I feel him set my ankle then he starts to brace and wrap it. When it's done I get to my feet and carry my boot with me over to the bar.

"Three, Miss?" Snake asks as he looks up.

"Ye-" I start but pause. "No, just water please."

He arches a brow but hands over a glass of water. I thank him and head back to my room.

After taking a quick bath, I dress in a pair of black pants and a matching tank top. I find one of my bags under the bed and fill it with clean clothes and a few essentials then pick Squirrel's mask up off the bed. I hold it to my chest before hiding it away in the bag as well. I scan the room for anything else I may need, then put the bag over my shoulder. I make my way to Fawn and Doe's domain and greet the girls as they look up from the masks in their hands. Doe shoots me a look and I nod.

"It's time. Are you ready?"

"Yes Miss."

Doe gets to her feet and draws a sword as she approaches me.

Doe and I fight our way into the main room, our swords clashing loudly as I counter her attacks. It would be much easier if I weren't fighting with burned arms and a broken ankle, but beggars can't be choosers. I notice men getting to their feet to defend me but I bark at everyone to stay seated.

"Come on Doe, are you going to fight or run?" I ask as I back her against the wall near the mouth of the exit tunnel.

She looks at me before dropping her sword and ducking under my blade, then rushes out. I chase after her and we continue our fight outside until we're out of the patrol perimeter. We lower our swords and I pull her into a hug.

"Thank you Doe."

"No problem Miss. I wish you the best and you'll always be an ally."

I remove my mask and hand it to her as she pulls a bottle from her pocket.

"You have to love blood paint. Looks like blood without the gross." She snickers as she pours some on her sword and splatters it on my mask and puts a little on her face.

It actually looks like she killed me.

"So how do I look?"

"Like a murderer." I chuckle.

"Perfect. Take care Miss."

"Call me Melione. You're the Miss now. Good luck with The Pack. Try not to die."

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