The Dead Called Shotgun

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Chapter 25: The Dead Called Shotgun

"Fine, you've caught me. So, what are you going to do now?"

I watch as he reaches for a dagger but stops.

"No, no. Don't chicken out now, Love. You got the hunt, I fought back and lost. Claim your victory Darling and kill me."

"Shut up." He hisses.

"Why should I? You're the one going back on their word yet again. It's not my fault you don't have the courage to do what you claimed you would." I press, trying to make him snap. If I make him mad enough he might actually do it.

"I said shut up!"

"I don't think I will. I'm going to keep talking and see what happens. Probably nothing since you can't seem to actually do anything but make idle threats." I smirk.

My eyes widen as his free hand forcefully grips my chin and his lips crash onto mine.

I find myself starting to kiss Obi back as the shock wears off but reality quickly punches me in the face and an idea forms. My other hand is still free and I feel his grip slack on my captured wrist. This whole messed up situation aside, he's a pretty damn good kisser. I run my tongue across his bottom lip and he deepens the kiss while his hands drift to my thighs to lift me. I wrap my legs around his waist and feel us start to move a second later. I imagine he's taking us back to the cottage. I break the kiss and bite and suck on his neck to keep his attention occupied. My back is pressed against something soft and I realize that I'm back on the bed with him. I turn us over to pin him beneath me as I draw a dagger and press it to his throat.

"Why the hell did you kiss me?" I hiss as I try to catch my breath.

"I...I don't know." He answers, looking as confused as I am.

"Well you're the one that did it! I thought you were going to kill me and instead you try to make a move? The hell is wrong with you or are you just one of those people that gets off on death?"

"I think I drank too much." He chuckles and I sigh. "You kissed me back though."

"If you don't learn to hold your alcohol you'll never get anywhere in life. If you don't keep your word you won't get anywhere in life either." I put a small surface scratch on his throat before pocketing the dagger. "Now, I'm going to get off you now and I'm going to walk out of this cottage and pretend that none of this ever happened. You'd do well to forget it too."

As I stand I hiss as the pain from my ankle and he asks if I'm alright.

"Just peachy, Love." I put my foot down again and my ankle gives out.

"I don't think you're as peachy as you think you are."

"Oh bite me." I grumble from the floor.

I try to swat his hands away as he crouches in front of me and holds out his hands to help me up but he dodges the attacks and catches my hands. I begrudgingly accept his help and I'm sitting on the bed a few seconds later. I pull my boot off to inspect my ankle and find it swollen and starting to bruise. That's pleasant. I start to tug my boot back on but Obi stops me.

"That needs to be looked at."

"I thought you wanted me to die, that would make it easier with me limping around." I smirk at his sour look. "I'll head back to base and have my medic look at it."

"Just sit still for a moment."

He sighs and leaves the room, returning a moment later with a small bag. I watch curiously as he comes back and gently pokes and prods at my ankle, then starts to wrap it.

"Stay off of it for a few days and you should be fine."

"Seriously, you are the worst assassin I've ever heard of." I chuckle as I shake my head.

"Ah, but you have heard of me." He smirks in response.

"Don't let it go to your head or anything." I sigh as I kick off my other boot and remove my weapons. "So, do I get more alcohol as a pain reliever?"



"Sorry." He grins as he settles on the bed beside me.

"No you're not."

"Yeah, you're right."

I wake up laying sideways on the bed with my head resting on Obi's chest. Nope. No. Not going to happen. Abandon ship. It's bad enough he kissed me, I'm not going to do the cuddle thing. Not with him. I wiggle out of his grip but I'm dragged back to his chest immediately.

"Let me go you little freak." I hiss and feel him laugh.

"But I'm comfortable and you can't escape this way." He whines, burying his face in my hair.

"Yeah but we're supposed to kill each other not cuddle."

"Why not both? You're rather exhausting..."

I free one of my arms to smack the back of his head.

"I thought bunnies were supposed to be cute and sweet."

"I'm a cursed omen of death and destruction." I grumble as I try to shove him away again. "Release me foul beast."

"That's rude, I don't call you names."

I look up at him in disbelief and he grins sheepishly.

"Point taken, dumb bunny."

"I'm going to cause you so much bodily harm..." I scowl as I shove one final time.

My eyes widen as he releases me and the force of the shove knocks me off the bed. His face appears over the edge of the bed and I fix him with a harsh glare.


"You have three seconds to run before I take you down, Obi... Three... Two..."

I smirk as he scrambles to get to his feet and I latch onto his ankle and knock him over. 

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ