Is This A Cutscene?

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Chapter 29: Is This A Cutscene?

 I duck around the waterfall and head through the tunnel leading into The Pack's base. It took me through the night and half of the following day to figure out where I was headed and another three days to get back to the base. I never came across Obi so I'm assuming that I got away properly while he slept. I left my clothes behind for fear of waking him so I traveled with my weapons, mask, boots, and Obi's t-shirt as my only clothing. I'm glad I didn't have to fight anyone considering I'm only in my underwear besides the shirt. Now it's back to business.

I enter the main room and my eyes scan the sea of masks and the few faces before landing on Snake behind the bar. I gesture for him to follow me and we head back to my office. I ask for progress reports and member updates as I settle at the desk. Things seemed to have gone well under his leadership and through his reports I've found that I was gone for three weeks. It really didn't feel like it had been that long. We lost seven members in the fight that took Squirrel from me but gained four willing recruits.

"Send them in." I sigh as I get up to find a pair of pants to put on.

As I return to my desk, my eyes fall on masks I'd seen before but I know the previous owners are dead. Bear, Wolf, Coyote, and Lion. Seeing them sends a flare of anger through me but I push it aside as I greet them with a tense smile.

"Welcome to The Pack, I'm Rabbit. Sorry I couldn't be around to introduce myself upon your arrival. I hope things have been to your liking, if not, I really can't help that."

"Things have been wonderful, Mel." One speaks and I arch a brow hidden behind my mask.

"We'd been waiting to see you again. It's been awhile."

Oh fuck me. I should have stayed with Obi.

"Ah, let me guess... Rien, Tai, Adin, and Bryn? The four of you always seemed to be his main kiss-asses." I growl, my hand subtly reaching for my sword. "What are you doing here? Wait, don't tell me. Go tell Lex I'm not interested." They don't move and I roll my eyes. "So, how did you track me this time?"

"The bar. We were going to introduce ourselves then but someone took you before we could. We went after you but that dark haired boy got away."

Obi? Could that have been why he was so insistent on keeping me inside? I doubt it, but why didn't he tell me about this?

"Well again, I'm not interested so take off my masks and tell your leader to kiss my ass."

They get to their feet and I stand as well as they approach me. I draw my sword and use it to keep them at bay as my back hits the wall. I snap at them to back away and slice at the wolf when he reaches for the blade. Sadly, that leaves my other side open and I'm roughly yanked away by the bear. Wolf takes my sword as the other two restrain my arms. Definitely should have stayed with Obi. It feels sad that I'm willing to admit that but with Lex involved, dealing with Obi is a picnic.

"Alright Mel, this is how it's going to work. You're going to come with us peacefully and not raise an alarm with your little friends or our friends will flood this place in two seconds and they'll all be wiped out. Understood?"

"Oh bite me you little freaks of nature." I hiss as I manage to kick the bear in the shin.

"Are you going to cooperate or do we need to call them in?" Wolf asks as he forcefully grabs my chin so I'll meet his gaze.

"Fine, but hurry it up I have things to do."

They release me and stay close as they order me to walk. I can feel a dagger poking my back and bite my lip to hold back a sigh. I really hate these people. This would be a great time for Obi to randomly appear to kidnap me again...

We make it out of the base without issue and they direct me away from the waters to my surprise. Any time that they made port, the crew would vacate and enjoy what the villages had to offer. So where are we going if the shore line is the other way? And what does he want from me? I have nothing left to take. Running would be futile, same as fighting because I'm outnumbered, outmatched, and I have nothing to defend myself with. They're so close that I'd be caught in a second. I wouldn't be killed, that much is for sure, but it would only make my reunion with Lex that much worse.

My eyes widen as I realize where we are. The cottage is up ahead of us, I can see the door. I'm going to kill him... I am going to tear his lungs out through his nose and make him choke on them. I feel two of the men grab my arms as the door opens and I'm shoved into my cottage. My mask is ripped away and I'm forced to my knees in front of the man relaxing on my couch. As his dark brown eyes focus on me, a smug grin works its way across his face.

"Hello again Melione, I was wondering when you'd come home to me." His voice is smooth and deep and makes my skin crawl.

"How dare you..." I growl as I try to launch myself at him but I'm still trapped by his men. "How dare you set foot in this house after what you've done!? I will break you down until you pray for death! You will suffer for your crimes but I will not let you die. You don't deserve the freedom."

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now