How I Met Your Mother Satan

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Chapter 3: How I Met Your Mother Satan

Despite my hurried footfalls, I make no noise as I rush through the halls toward the room they put my stuff when they brought me in. My weapons were taken first and left against the wall where the guards stood outside of the cells. What I need was taken and was supposedly put into a room near the staircase leading to the dungeon they'd locked me away in. As my fingers brush the handle for the door, I hear someone come up behind me, so I latch onto their throat and slam them into the wall without looking away. It's the castle lackey again. He's dazed from the hit, so I knee him in the temple as I let him quietly hit the floor. I turn away from him and enter the room in search of my target. I find it on a shelf in the back of the room and open it to confirm the contents before holding it to my chest for a moment. As I go to put it into my pocket for safe keeping, a hand latches onto my wrist to stop me.

"Excuse me, you're being rude." I hiss.

"And you're a thief." He retorts.

"I'm only taking what's mine you annoying little vermin."

I bring my foot up to kick him in the chest. It's not enough to hurt him, but it's enough to knock the breath from his lungs and break his grip on me. I hurry out of the room and shut the door before climbing out of the nearest window.

I roll to break my fall and rush toward the castle wall as I get to my feet. I have to get out of here before that man gets me captured again. It's not even his castle to be working at. If he has a Master and Miss to protect, why the hell isn't he with them? My body is sent sprawling to the ground and a weight quickly settles on my back. I thrash against him but he's too fat for me to throw him off. My eyes widen as he forces my free hand open and pulls the object away.

"Give it back it's mine you fat freak!"

"You and I both know that I am nowhere near fat, dumb bunny. I'm just more muscular than you are." He hums. "Now why would I believe that a thieving bunny legitimately owned a silver locket?"

"Because its true and I will tear you limb from limb if you don't give it back." I growl. "Seriously, all I want is the locket and I will leave." Screw messing with the prince, this man is too much trouble.

"Hm, I think I'll keep it."

"I will hunt you to the ends of the earth and make you pray for death but I'll never give you the freedom."

"I'm not afraid." He chuckles as he gets to his feet. "Oh, look. The guards are coming. You have a choice Bunny. You can stay and try to get this back, getting yourself caught and executed this time, or you can save your life and disappear now."

I stare him down for a moment memorizing every feature I can down to the scar on his face before glancing longingly at the locket, then retreat over the wall into the cover of the lush forest. He will regret crossing my path.

I meet with the Foxes again a few minutes later, their job having gone over easily, and head back to the base. My fists are clenched at my sides as my whole body trembles with rage. I hadn't said a word to them but they're smart enough to know that it's unsafe to question me right now. I notice some of the members have returned already but they're smart enough to avoid me too. I stop in front of the long makeshift bar counter in the main room and Snake slides two bottles over to me and I carry them with me to my sanctuary.

I collapse onto the couch immediately after removing my sword and masks then drain the bottles. The twins make their way over to the couch and Esmon lifts my head before sitting and lets my head rest on his lap, his fingers weaving through my hair. Thayer does the same with my feet and his hands are now gently rubbing my legs. I feel myself slowly starting to relax after a while and I sigh before tossing the bottle in my hand at the wall. The glass rains down and I smile softly.

"So who do we need to kill, Miss?"

"No need Darlings, this one is all mine. Who has returned?"

"It appears to be the Bird Brothers, Hawk, and Squirrel." Thayer answers.

"Bring me Squirrel. He's the stealthiest of the group."

I reach over and pull on my mask before they return. Squirrel is a thin, wiry boy with a nervous tic in his hands but he's one of those people who could appear and disappear in the time it takes to blink.

"You requested me Miss?" He asks as he bows.

"There is a visitor at Shenazard Castle who has brought men with him. I need you to trail one of those men. He's tall, thin with black hair and golden catlike eyes. Do not confront, but keep an eye on him for me and follow when they leave. Once they return to wherever they've come from, return to me with the information."

"Yes Miss."

I blink and he's gone from the room. I smirk and stretch as I get comfortable again. Now all I have to do is wait until I can get my hands on him again. 

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