Where's My Epic Background Music?

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Chapter 44: Where's My Epic Background Music?

I wake up in a cottage that I have only been in a few times but know all too well. This means that Obi found me and I'm injured so when I look to my left, I'll find Callia fussing over me and Obi will be probably back at the castle depending on the severity of my injuries. I prove myself right a second later and I ask Callia where Obi is and how bad off I am. She smiles and puts the wet rag down before turning back to me.

"Well you've got the typical bruises and scratches from fighting but your worst issues is the gash on your arm I had to stitch closed, and the one on your abdomen. The baby is alright though. I'm not sure if you've seen anyone about it but you're about six weeks along. Are you excited?"

"What the fuck!?" I snap as I sit up suddenly and gasp at the stitches.

"Calm down, Miss. Did you not know?"

"Obviously not. I-I have to go... I- Thank you Callia."

"Miss, you should really rest-" She calls after me as I track down my bag and boots.

"I... I have to get out of here." I mumble to myself as I hurry out of the cottage.

I stumble into Obi's cottage a few days later and numbly shut the door. It's empty so he must be at the castle... That's good at least. I lock the door and drop my bag on the couch as I head toward the bedroom. I lift my shirt when I reach the bathroom and my eyes fall on the line of stitches just under my ribcage. My gaze drifts a little lower but it doesn't look any different. Maybe she's wrong... How would she even know? Callia isn't wrong, I know that for sure. She's never wrong about anything health related. I went to visit once and she diagnosed a patient as soon as they walked in the door and nothing looked wrong with them. She just knew... I'm pregnant. I'm going to have another baby... I'm going to have a baby... Nemi. I never wanted to have another child after her because I feared it having the same fate she did... I can't get rid of the baby, I could never do that no matter what. But I can't have a child... I'm a criminal, a thief, a pirate, and a mess. Obi is a castle worker who got a known criminal pregnant. He can't be a father, he'd get in trouble for treason. I've ruined everything... What do I do? I let my shirt fall and curl up on the bed. I'll just relax and figure something out. It shouldn't be too hard, right?

The door opens a while later and I don't bother to look up from the set of legs in the doorway. They'll go away eventually. A weight settles behind me on the bed and I can feel something gently rubbing my arm as a voice reaches my ears. Oh, it's Obi. He'll be okay. I'm sure he'll leave at some point.

"Melione!" I blink as I hear my name. It's the only thing I've heard and understood.

"Go away Obi..." I mumble as I curl up tighter.

"What's going on? I come back to Port Town and some old lady tells me that you were found in the center of town bleeding everywhere so she took you in. I take you to Callia and when I come back a week later she tells me that you woke up the next and freaked out before leaving and I find you here curled up crying and won't say anything or look at me. What the hell happened?"

It's been a week? I hadn't realized.

"I visited Squirrel's family... I wanted to give them closure and let them know he loved them all. I ran into the man who sold me to Lex when I ran away and saved a girl from being sold. I got overpowered and was injured." I explain numbly.

"So why did you freak out and leave Callia's? I was worried about you."

I sit up and tell him I'm going to take a bath before grabbing clothes, then head into the bathroom. Maybe he'll go away while I'm in there or maybe I just won't come out.

I know he's still there as I get out of the bath and dry myself off. My stitches look fine and I still can't tell any difference with my stomach. He won't be able to tell. The bath did nothing to help me figure out what to do but at least I'm cleaner than I was. I stare at the door for a while before sinking to the floor near the bath and rest my head in my hands. I couldn't save Nemi so how could I ever protect another child since I failed the first time? If Obi finds out he'll leave me or tell me to get rid of it I'm sure. He can't risk his job for a baby or for me. I'm just me... I'm not meant to be a parent.

"Bunny? What are you doing on the floor?"

"Obi, please go away..."

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on." He sighs as he comes to crouch in front of me. "Please tell me, maybe I can help?"

"No... Nothing can help me now... You should just go back to the castle and get on with your life without me."

"What are you talking about? You are a huge part of my life so why would I just leave you here when something obviously is bothering you?"

I sigh and get to my feet but he catches my hand as I start to walk past.

"Tell me what's going on."

"It's nothing, okay? I need to get out of here... I have things to do." I mumble as I jerk my hand away.

"You're not going anywhere until you talk to me."

I sigh as he moves to block the doorway so I can't leave. "Obi, just leave it."

"Just tell me. I'm trying to help you." He presses.

"I said leave it!" I snap as I duck under his arm.

Obi follows me into the bedroom and I find myself gently pinned against the wall. I avoid his gaze as he asks me again to tell him what is wrong but I shake my head. If I tell him, he's going to leave or he's going to hurt me... I can't let him hurt the baby. I feel the tears start to fall as he presses a kiss to my forehead and I can't get them to stop. He releases my wrists and pulls me into a hug and I can hear him trying to soothe me.

"Please tell me what's going on, my love. I want to understand, please..."

"I-I can't... I-I'm scared O-Obi... What do I do?" I sob into his chest.

I feel me being lifted into his arms a second later then I find myself resting on his lap as he leans against the headboard of the bed.

"First thing to do is to calm down." He tells me softly as his hand runs through my hair. "You'll make yourself sick and you might tear your stitches. Then we'll go from there, okay?"

I nod slowly and try to calm myself in his embrace. One step at a time... I trust Obi. He loves me and I-I love him... I have to trust that it'll be okay...

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora