God Told Me To Do It But I Said Screw That

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Chapter 9: God Told Me To Do It But I Said Screw That

I've spent two weeks in Callia's cottage healing and I hate it. It's nice that she's helping me to not die but at the same time, I have more important things to do, like kill my ex-lover and his twin brother. Basically what normal people would do on a typical Tuesday. After that I have to regain control of a large group of bandits, like what normal people would do on a typical Wednesday. Once that's done, then it's on to tracking down a nuisance who called someone a thief for taking what is theirs, then proceeded to steal said stolen thing from the thief, from the people who had stolen it from the original thief, making him a thief himself. So... like a Friday.

I'm going to leave today, whether Callia likes it or not. I can't waste anymore time while Thayer and Esmon are running The Pack. I still don't have a weapon though and she is a simple healer, nothing more, so she has no weapons either. I get to my feet, wincing at the pull of the stitches on my stomach, and pull my pants and boots on, then head toward the door.


"I can't stay any longer, Callia. I have to do this. Thank you for taking care of me though. I am in your debt."

I meet the dark haired woman's gaze but she simply smiles.

"Obi brought something while you slept. He told me to tell you he expects a fair hunt."

My eyes move to the table beside her and spot my sword and mask. He really does want to play fair.

I stand just outside the entrance to the base, staring at the waterfall as I take a deep breath. I'm home and this time I am ready to play. My footfalls are silent in the cave as I make my way through the tunnel, my fingers drumming a tune on the hilt of my sword. The main room has several members lounging around who all fall silent as I enter the room.

"You're either with me or against me. Choose wisely." I say quietly but with enough power in my tone to make my point. No one moves and I smirk. "Wise choice... Squirrel?"

"Yes Miss?"

"Where are the Foxes?" I ask lightly.

I enter my sanctuary and scowl. The twins are in there, lounging on my furniture, with two scantily clad women making themselves oh too comfortable on their laps. None of them have noticed me yet so I lean against the doorway and clear my throat.

"We're busy." Esmon calls out without looking up.

"What a shame. I thought you'd have time for your lover and your leader." I hum.

The girls are unceremoniously shoved off their laps and told to leave. I notice masks being picked up along the way and sigh. I'll have to deal with that later too.

"You survived, Dearest. I'm surprised. Did you come back for another taste?" He smirks as he gets to his feet, Thayer following close behind.

"Trust me, I've never been impressed enough to ever come crawling back. You were just available." I retort.

I truly did like him before the unspeakable horrors I'd endured but now it's just pure unbridled rage.

"Are you so sure, Dearest? I seem to recall you screaming my name every night for months."

"Have you ever heard of faking it?" I chuckle. "It's not that hard to do. Regardless, I'm over this."

I draw my sword and rush toward Esmon but Thayer jumps in the way, drawing a sword of his own. As our blades clash loudly, I have to try to stay out of Esmon's reach. It's easier said than done in a room like this. I curse as my sword slips and I roll out of the way, his sword striking the stone beside me a moment later. Esmon has me pinned instantly, his slender hands wrapping around my throat. My sword is kicked from my hand and I swing my fist up to his throat, knocking his grip loose. I shove him off of me and fumble around for my sword. A blond haired blur enters the room and tackles Thayer. I have no idea who that is but I'm thankful for the help. I'd rather kill Esmon undisturbed. I get to my feet with my sword gripped tightly in my hands and step toward him. He looks up at me from his position kneeling on the ground as he tries to get his breath back.

"That's right Darling, bow before your queen." I smirk before bringing the sword down into his chest.

I turn my attention to Thayer and the newcomer after freeing my blade from Esmon's corpse. Thayer has whoever it is pinned beneath him as he tries to land hit after hit, but his victim is dodging with ease, little bubbles of laughter escaping every so often. I move behind him unnoticed and run him through like I'd done to his brother. I grab a handful of his hair and shove him to the side so he doesn't crush the man on the floor. I watch as Thayer tries to drag himself to his brother with his remaining energy. Esmon is gone and Thayer's not far behind. They're lucky.

"How precious. Do you want to be with your twin as you die?" I croon, chuckling harshly as I plant my boot on his outstretched hand.

If I hadn't stepped on him, he would have been able to touch his brother's hand.

"Have... Mercy..." He chokes out as blood streams from his lips.

"No one showed me mercy when I needed it. Life's a bitch, isn't it?"

I wait for him to finally die before removing my boot and look back to the blond who's sitting up.

"Are you alright Miss?"

"I'm not sure." I sigh. "So, who are you? I don't recognize voices or faces without masks. I'm assuming you're one of mine at least..."

"I'm Squirrel, Miss. I dropped my mask when I was coming in. I'm sorry for intruding but I wanted to help."

Thrill of the Hunt *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now