Chapter 3: Force Bonded

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Yoda calls Obi-Wan into a private meeting and tells him that he will be training the young boy Anakin.

As we are watching Qui-Gon's body goes up in flames, I am standing next to Obi who is standing next to Anakin, he says, "He is one with the Force, Anakin... you must let go."

Anakin looks up at Obi with sadness in his eyes, "What will happen to me now?"

"I am your Master now. You will become a Jedi, I promise."

It's been about two days since Obi became a Jedi Knight. Now, it is my turn to face my Jedi trials.
I walk into the Jedi temple and walk towards the trial rooms. I see my Master standing outside one of the rooms with Obi and Anakin. 

"Anakin and I will be watching your trial, Master Windu already agreed and said it would be a good experience for Anakin." He says before leaving to a spectators room.

"You're ready, you're trial awaits you..." I nod at my possible 'former' Master as I enter the room and see Master Yoda standing in the middle of it. 

"Master Yoda?" I question.

"Duel me, you will." He jumps into action and I spring back, "You are powerful Windu tells, your trial a duel with me it is. Hrmmm...", "Be afraid to use the dark side powers since you are balanced do not."

I nod and take out my purple lightsaber igniting it. Yoda jumps up onto me and I block his attack with my saber. I look up into the viewing box and see Obi, Anakin and Master Windu watching me closely. 
Yoda then jumps back and lands perfectly, "Be afraid do not, nothing can harm us in here." When he says that I let myself go and I pounce on him, he dodges my attack and appears on my right side, He's too close, I use the force and push him into the wall. I then decide to use the 'dark side' I use force lightning but he catches it and throws it back to me.
Of course, I dodge it. But with the time it took me Yoda is already standing up and his behind me, I whip around and dodge his next attack, I then knock him down and I put my lightsaber close to his neck.

"Windu, down here come, she as won. Hrmmm." Yoda yells out to the Master. I watch as Master Windu leaves the viewing box and opens the door. Of course, I still don't let Yoda go and I keep him there for a while. 

"Yes, to the chamber come, we will knight you there immediately." Yoda then force pushes my saber away.

I walk out of the trial room and I see Obi and Anakin waiting their for me.

"You did great (Y/n)!" Anakin exclaims as he runs up and hugs me, "I want to become as powerful as you! That lightning thing was amazing! How did you do that?"

Windu turns around and looks at Anakin, "Young padawan, (y/n) is a very special type of Jedi, she is balanced in both the light side of the Force and the dark side as well. She cannot be swayed to the dark side since she as already pushed it out of the mindset." Windu takes a breath and ignites his lightsaber, "This is why I am her mentor, I am the same although not a 'powerful' as she is." 

I look at Windu and smile, "No Master, you are indeed more powerful and I." 

Windu scoffs and laughs, "That is a big misconception my Padawan."

We arrive and Yoda opens the door to a pitch-black room, I walk into the room and heel in front of Yoda whom I sense is in front of me. I hear plenty of lightsabers ignite. I shut my eyes as I feel Yoda walk towards me. He and the council start chanting something I hear his lightsaber go from my left shoulder to my right shoulder. I feel my braid their cut off.
I open my eyes and collect the braid and walk out of the room. I see Anakin waiting for me outside the room. 

"Where is Obi?" I ask the excited young Padawan.

"He went in there with you of course!" I smile at the boy, although, butterflies are starting to form in my stomach. 

I wait outside with Anakin until Obi comes out a few seconds later, "Hello there (Y/n), Anakin." He looks down into my hands and sees my braid, "I'm so happy for you!" He then looks at Anakin and smiles, "Anakin, it is late, please go off to bed now."

Anakin bows and runs off to his sleeping quarters. 

"Let us go to the bar here on Coruscant," Obi suggests I guess to celebrate my Knighting. 

We leave the Jedi Temple and go to the Moshi Bar. Once we arrive we sit down at a booth together and talk about my trials. 

"You looked really cool in there (Y/n)!" Obi exclaims taking a sip of his drink. 

"Thanks, Obi!" I smile at him and take a sip of my drink. 

"(Y/n), I've been thinking about what Master Qui-Gon said to you before he passed away." He says tracing the rim of his drink with his finger.

"What's wrong?" I question holding his other hand if I wasn't mistaking I say a slight pink flush appear on his cheeks. I feel that he is shy and nervous. We have been Force bonded...

"What he said, you know what? Come outside!" He takes my arm and drags me outside.

"What in the world is wrong Obi?" I question holding his hand once again.

"We are Force bonded, my Master Qui-Gon used the last of his strength to bond us together, I told him that I have feelings for you that I shouldn't have..."

"Obi... I..." I stop and give him a hug, "I have those feelings for you too..."

I feel Obi step away and he puts his hood on as pulls mine up too. His hand reaches for the bottom of my chin and he tilts it slightly to the right as he bends down and I feel a warm sensation on my lips. I can't help but to move with his movements...

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