Chapter 51: Hello There

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Obi and I watch the Republic cruiser take up and go into space. Clone troopers are standing at attention at the hangar dock waiting to board the landing craft. Obi and I are standing with Cody and other Clone Commanders next to our blue fighter. It has been customised so it can fit two people.
Arfour is projecting a hologram of the planet Utapau.

"Fortunately, most of the cities are concentrated on this small continent here." Cody says, "On the far side..."

"We'll keep them distracted until you get there. Just don't take too long." I say to the Commander.

"Come on, boss, when have I ever let you down?" He says while we all start laughing.

"Cato Nemoidia... for starters." Obi says laughing.

Obi and I climb into the blue Jedi fighter.

"That was Anakin who was late. I believe." Cody says smiling at us.

"Very well." I say sighing looking at Obi.

"The burden is on us to not destroy all the droids before you get there." Obi says sighing.

"I'm counting on you." Cody says.

Obi then blasts the fighter out of the Republic cruiser. We then make the jump to hyperspace and head for Utapau.

Obi and I talk about nonsense as we jump out of hyperspace. He then blasts the fighter out of the hyperspace ring and we skim over the planet, I see sinkholes on the surface.

We land the fighter and jump out. The local administrator, Tion Medon, comes out to greet us. I feel something watching us but I brush it aside.

"Greetings, young Jedis. What brings you to our remote sanctuary?" Tion asks formally.

"Unfortunately, the war." Obi says regretfully

"There is no war here unless you've brought it with you." Tion says with a sour expression.

"With your kind permission, I should like some fuel and to use your city as a base as I search nearby systems for General Grievous." I say as I notice Obi might not get anywhere.

A ground crew rushes out and refuels our Fighter. Tion leans close to us and speaks quietly. "He is here! We are being held hostage. They are watching us."

"I understand." Obi says quietly

"The tenth level... thousands of Battle Droids..." Tion continues.

"Tell your people to take shelter. If you have warriors, now is the time." I say to the administrator.

We go back toward our fighter and Tion leaves the landing platform. We climb back into the fighter and I look at Greenie our astrodroid, "Geenine, take the Fighter back to the ship. We're staying here. Tell Cody We've made contact."
The droid beeps.

Obi and I get out of the ship and hide in a hallway, we watch the fighter take off the leave the planet. We quietly move closer to the city.

We make our way through the city, I look up at the tenth level where all the droids should be. I can see Obi thinking how to get up there. I hear bellowing cries and I look in that direction.

"Look Obi!" I exclaim pointing at the huge dragon-like lizards, "We can use the Force to get one."

"Good idea." Obi says.

We go to the wranglers and Obi waves his hand, "We need transport."

"You need transport." The wrangler repeats in his native tongue.

"Get it for me." Obi says smiling.

"I will get it for you." The wrangler repeats again in his native tongue.

One of the wranglers goes to the others and start speaking to them in the strange language. Obi and I inspect the creatures, checking everything to make sure we get the best one.

"This one Obi." I say patting one on the neck.

"This one." Obi says to the wranglers.

One of the wranglers take her and hand her to us, "Boga. She answers to Boga." He says in English.

"Good Girl. Boga." I say smiling and petting the lizard.

Obi jumps on to the lizard and helps me up. She rears and she scurries outside to the edge of the sinkhole.

Boga rears up on her hind legs again, then climbs the wall of the sheer cliff and starts moving up toward the tenth level. The city appears to be deserted. We are alert to any movement.

We see General Grievous talking to the other seperatists, including, Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, Poggle the Lesser, Shu Mai, San Hill Po Nudo, Wat Tambor, and Passel Argente. Obi and I hide above the assembly and we watch.

"It won't be long before the armies of the Republic track us here. I am sending you to the Mustafar system in the Outer Rim. It is a volcanic planet which generates a great deal of scanning interference. You will be safe there." General Grievous says to the separatists.

"Safe? Chancellor Palpatine managed to escape your grip, General, without Count Dooku. I have doubts about your ability to keep us safe." Mute Gunray says.

"Be thankful, Viceroy, you have not found yourself in my grip . . . Your ship is waiting." General Grievous retorts threatening the Viceroy.

I look at Obi who is deep in thought. "We Juno and surprise them." He says smiling at me, "It will be fun."

"Sure!" I exclaim quietly removing my cloak.

Obi and I jump down together and Obi says, "Hello there."

"General Kenobi, Lady Kenobi, you are both bold. I find your behaviour bewildering..." he turns to the droids, "Kill them."

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