Chapter 21: Concordia

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"Satine, my old Master Qui-Gon, used the Force to Bond us together, what ever Lady (Y/n) feels, I feel and it is mutual. Another side affect of this, if we are too far away from each other, we get a burning pain in our hearts. Master Windu fears that this can kill us if we aren't careful." Obi explains to the Duchess she straightens up and sighs.

"So, is that why you were both in pain?" She asks crossing her arms.

"Yes, Duchess." I say bowing my head, I look over at Obi and my hold my heart again, "Obi, it's hurting still."

"It must be a side-affect." He says giving me a weak smile.

"Yes, a new one."

"Are you both for to walk around outside?" The Duchess asks, "If I can't take Obi-Wan alone, then you must tag along."

"It will be as though I'm not even there." I say smiling, "See me as a personal bodyguard."

"Hmpf, as you say." She Duchess says walking over to Obi, "Shall we?"

Obi looks at me as I get off the bed and I stand up, "Of course..."

I walked behind the two who were conversing as if I wasn't there, but suddenly an explosion happens and I immediately jump in front of the Duchess and attempt chasing the perpetrator of the crime. "You there! I only want to talk!"

I watch as Obi and the Duchess catch up to me

"We won't hurt you!" Obi yells to this man.

He end up on a balcony with the man standing at the edge. He then start chanting?

"Stay back! Calhava bru'chun Dralshye'ran!" He takes a breath, "Se solu, se kad, se Darasuum kote."

"What is he saying?" I ask.

He then falls off the building and ends up dying...

We follow down and see him laying there, lifeless...

"He was speaking the dialect they use on Concordia, our moon." She answers.

"We shall like to visit this moon of yours." Obi says smiling at me.

"Perhaps I could accompany the body." She says looking at Obi, "The Concordian Moon is a Provence with its own governor. You'll need me to escort you."

"That won't be necessary." Obi says at to woman.

"Actually, it will. You won't make much progress without me there, especially since you've both just been involved with the death of a Concordian."

"We didn't kill him." I say to the Duchess.

"I know. That why I'm still talking to you."

We are landing on Concordia when Obi says, "I thought Concordia was an agricultural settlement."

The Duchess looks at him and answers his 'question', "Before the end of our wars, they turned it into a mining base. The sheer number of mining facilities here nearly destroyed our forests. They're finally growing back."

The door opens and we descend down the ramp.

"Duchess Satine, you are most welcome." A man says as soon as we reach the ground.

"Thank you Governor Vizasla. May I present Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Lady (Y/n) (L/n), representing the Jedi Council." The Duchess answers and then turns to Obi and I, "He is one of the officials I spoke of. He has been working to find the members of the death watch."

"I take it you've heard the rumours about Satine, about his she's supposedly leading Mandalore into an alliance with the Separatists."

"Our only instructions are to seek the truth." Obi says as he signals to a Mandalorian, the man then brings out the body of the terrorist that booed the memorial shrine.

"So this is who bombed the Memorial Shine?"

"Yes." I say to the Governor, "He was apparently part of Death Watch."

"A worrisome prospect." Obi says looking at me.

"If you'll pardon me, Jedi Masters, we must attend to the body."

I walk next to Obi, I look at him and he says to the Duchess, "I need a favour from you. Please keep Governor Vizsla occupied at dinner."

"Where are you going?" The Duchess questions.

"We'd like to see one of these mining facilities for myself." Obi says winking at me.

"You mean you want to determine if they are still operational." The Duchess sighs.

"I hope to determine they're not." I say snorting.

"I want you to wear this earpiece so we can stay in contact, in case you run into trouble while we are gone." Obi says handing the Duchess an earpiece.

"Remember that you're here under My protection." She sighs and looks at us, "Try not to cause problem where none yet exist."

"Think of us as 'searching for solutions'." Obi says taking my hand.

"I have to tell you I'm opposed to all of this." She says putting his fingers on her forehead.

"I'd be disappointed if you weren't." Obi says.

He then drags me off to a nearest speeder, Obi sits in the drivers seat, or the only seat while I am left to sit behind him and hold on to his waist.

"Not too tight." He says chuckling.

"Are you suggesting I'm scared?" I say in a semi-serious tone.

"Well of course not! The great Lady (Y/n), would never be afraid of such a trivial matter." His let's go of the speeder with his left hand and touches me hand, "Not too scary for you, huh?"

"You, be quiet." I say giggling.

"Yes, Milady..." He says pretending to tip his hat.

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