daydreams | jonah

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italicized paragraphs are flashbacks

You sighed to yourself, stirring your coffee as you leaned over the counter. You woke up this morning to an empty bed for the first time in five months, the stillness of your apartment making your loneliness greater. Your boyfriend Jonah had just left for tour yesterday and he'd be gone for the next four months. You were extremely proud of him and supported him, but that didn't mean you didn't miss him the second he left. You took your mug and slid open the glass balcony door, setting it down on the small table and settling into the chair on the balcony. You sipped it slowly to avoid burning your mouth with the hot liquid.

You sat and watched the clouds roll past you throughout the blue Los Angeles sky, enjoying the slight breeze against your cheeks. Leaning back into the chair, you let your mind wander about the summer you had just spent with Jonah. You were lucky to have this past summer with him, it was a good one. Rather than sulking around your apartment sad about his absence, you began to think about the warm days and cool nights with him.

"Jonah, stop! It's cold." you squealed, shielding yourself with your arms. Jonah let out a fit of giggles, finally putting the water gun down. You had just spent the past twenty minutes being chased around the backyard of Daniel's house by Jonah armed with a water gun of ice cold pool water. "You run fast." you breathed, letting your arms fall to your side and walking over to him. He put his hands on your hips and pulled you closer, kissing your forehead. "You have goosebumps." he smiled, rubbing his hands up and down your arms. "Hmm, I wonder whose fault that is?" you smirked, wiping the drops of water off his bare shoulders. He shook his head and leaned in, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. The kiss turned more intense, your hands moving up to lace your fingers in his wet hair and his arms wrapping around your waist, resting above the top of your bikini bottoms. "Hey!" your kiss was interrupted by Daniel's voice, "You can't have sex in my yard!" You pulled away from Jonah and the both of you erupted into laughter. "We aren't gonna have sex you ass." you said, shaking your head at him. "Well, not here at least." Jonah mumbled in your ear and you playfully shoved his shoulder.

You let your eyes gently fall closed to the sound of Daniel lightly strumming his guitar. The warmth of the bonfire in front of you and Jonah's jacket that he so kindly lent you were keeping you comfortable and frankly, tired. You leaned your head over and snuggled it in the space between Jonah's jaw and his collarbone, relaxing against his body. His arm wrapped around your back and he turned slightly, leaving a sweet kiss on your hairline. In your half-conscious state of drowsiness you listened to the soft singing harmonizing of the five boys surrounding you, along with some dramatic sing-alongs from the other friends in the circle. You heard the faint sound of Zach's voice talking to Jonah, "Is she asleep?" Jonah pulled your body closer to his and responded to Zach, "I think so, I'm gonna take her inside soon." After that conversation, the melatonin finally took over your body and you drifted off to sleep against Jonah's chest. When you did wake up, it was from sudden movement and shift in your body position. You opened your eyes and you were in the bedroom that you and Jonah were staying in at the lake house. Jonah was at the foot of the bed, wiping the sand off the bed. You mumbled incoherently, causing him to turn his attention to you. "Hey sleeping beauty, you fell asleep by the fire so I brought you in." he whispered, adjusting the blankets to cover your feet. "Mmm, thank you." you hummed with a soft smile, your eyes closing again. "I'm gonna go back outside for a little longer, I'll be here soon." he said, leaning down to kiss your forehead. You didn't say anything but before he could leave the room you spoke once more. "Baby?" "Hmm?" "Can I have a kiss?" you asked sleepily. Jonah walked over to you and chuckled, your eyes remained closed but you puckered your lips. He kissed you once and smiled, kissing you again before leaving. "I love you." he called from the doorway. "I love you, Jo." you sighed, falling back to sleep.

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