Chapter 28

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Rebecca's POV


I groaned at the old nickname that my parents have stuck to like glue ever since my love of the Powerpuff girls and how much they thought I reminded them of said character bubbles. I loved the nickname when I was younger but now it's just a little annoying. Especially when people hear it for the first time. (A/N True story, my mum has called me bubbles ever since I was about 3 ish.)

We have a feeling that your friends are no doubt going to send you a letter to help take your mind off of Raven going back home. So I'm not going to write much as I have a feeling that that letter is going to be over 10 pages long and well let's just leave it at that and hope it's not as long as a novel is the last thing you are going to want to read.

All your dad and I want to say is that we wish we could be there for you and could have done something to help you before things with Jake got this bad. Your dad is taking this hard as even though he has never really treated you any different to your brother you are still his little girl, and he hates to think of how much pain you may be in and that he can't do anything to help. I'm trying to distract him by giving him the money to finally redecorate the place but I don't know if he'll fall for it, maybe you could send him a message telling him that you think it's a good idea.

On a serious note though your dad knows how hard of a time you've had trying to find some of your favourite treats over there so we decided to bite the bullet and send you all of the ones we could think of, no matter the price, lord help my bank account.

I hope we didn't forget anything as we tried our best. We also hope you don't scarf all of it down all at once as that will just make you sick, we're speaking from Halloween experience here. We hope this helps you feel a bit better and closer to home.

Love Mum and Dad

I couldn't help but smile at the letter in my hand and how well my parents know my mates. I picked up my tea and sat back and sunk into the couch a little. I sat there for a couple of minutes taking in how lucky I was to have such an amazing and kind family and friends. I don't think I would have lasted this long without them. They have somehow managed to make me feel like I'm back home even though I'm on the other side of the god damn world.

I sat on the couch sinking furth and further into it while I finished my tea and ate a couple more biscuits before I not only made a group chat but sent them a text.


For the love of God stop blaming yourselves, I'm not gonna forgive you lot as you did NOTHING WRONG! Matt, we would have had an hour-long argument that everyone knows I would have won if you tried to walk me home. Meaning I would have still walked home alone and Jake would still have done what he did and you damn well know it.

Also what the fuck is with the length of that letter I mean come on guys, you've written essays for uni shorter than this. Although I loved all the corgi pics and would have loved more to be honest. Raven, we are mates with absolute idiots and we should run for the hills now. Also, I know you haven't said sorry for not being able to help it but let's be honest we all know that's why you stayed behind, not only because you could and you wanted to but you wanted to make up for not being there that night.

Also, thanks for all the sap but let's leave that to the trees from now on ok, that was enough for a lifetime. Can we go back to being twats to each other now and enjoying it?

Love Bubbles, *I'm only using that nickname as well you all had silly sign-offs and this is the best I can think of. Plus that's how my damn parents started their letter to me, that's right you lot weren't the only ones. Although Matt, I'll give you guys extra credit as you somehow managed to get everyone to handwrite something and that's impressive Matt.*

I laughed a little as I hit send locking my phone and putting it face down on the coffee table. I just sat and pet the dogs for a little bit before getting up to move the box, it was big and heavy, oh and did I ever tell you how much of a weakling I am.

"Dear God boys, what did they pack, the bloody kitchen sink?" I asked my boys as they just wagged their tails at me and barked softly in response. It was almost like they were agreeing with and mocking me at the same time. I made a few huffing noises as I pathetically moved it the short distance to the couch. I walked back over to the kitchen to grab a knife to open the box as I didn't have the patience to use my keys that were sat on the coffee table as knowing my dad he taped this up like he does his Christmas and birthday presents, evilly.

I don't want to think about how much this cost them, not only the contents of the box but the weight of it and then the damn thing when it went through customs. I mean I think there's a small fortune between my legs. How they could afford it I have no idea and I don't want to think about that either. Something tells me dad may have finally sold some of the pottery sets that he has in the cupboard under the stairs to help pay. He's been saying how much profit he'll make from it but never got around to putting them up for auction. Mum will be over the moon though as there might actually be some space in that room to swing a cat because last time I saw it you couldn't even step foot into it.

"Let's see what we have here, you never know boys, there could be stuff for you too," I said with a small smile. As soon as the words left my mouth they were both stood up barking softly while their tails went mad.

"And people say you don't understand a word I say." I laughed sitting down with the box between my legs and the knife in hand. The calmed down and sat either side of me waiting to get something too. The cheeky gits, how could people not fall in love with them instantly.

A/N I actually got to edit this on my laptop at home so let's hope there aren't any stupid mistakes. Please point out any as I would love the help, I'm not great when it comes to spelling and grammar, I think my 4 D's in GCSE English is proof of that. I think I get extra points for determination to get a C though, right. :P 

HUGE hugs, B

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