Chapter 49

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Third Person POV

Since the video went out the world went a little mad. The comments were not what Becca was expecting as they were almost completely supportive and kind and there was a collective fuck you Jake as well. There were almost no hate comments directed her way and some were even asking her to be in more videos which shocked the hell out of her. She was grateful for it but something about the sudden 180 on how the fans saw you freaked her out a little.

Since then the world went to shit. A global pandemic left her out of work forgot knows how long and stuck at home. Thankfully Shayne had offered for her to stay with him since they had no idea how long everyone would be stuck at home and he really didn't want to spend it in his apartment alone. She also didn't want to be in her place alone either, even though she would have her dogs with her. So she packed a bag with clothes and anything else she would need, which obviously included the care packages she had received not too long ago as she couldn't live without her snakes for god knows how long. Pongo and Otto seemed to like the arrangement too, more chances of getting love and pets. As well as probable way too many treats.

I mean we spent most of our time at either his or my place so it made sense. Plus it beats being alone. She moved over there the day before he got back from Australia to make sure that my stuff wouldn't be in the way and I wanted to make sure that there was enough food in the place so we didn't need to leave other than to walk the boys. There was one thing she Becca didn't want was to get sick. Especially since she didn't have a lot of money to spear since she wasn't going to work at all ao she only gets basic pay, not her tips or all the extra hours that she normally works.

She has no idea how she was going to pay all her bills this month but thank god she loved doing maths so while she waits for Shayne to get home. She was just sat there with a notebook on her lap tapping her pen on the couch as she looked at the numbers she had come up with. She wasn't happy with what she had come up with. Her budget was already tight thanks to Pongo's surgery and meds so this was a really big blow to her. She was actually happy that Shayne offered to let her stay with him as it meant that her electricity and water bills would be real low that month so that was one less thing to worry about. She was going to help him out with his bills since she was staying with him. She didn't have much money left over after that though. It was going to be a tight month money-wise and she had no idea how long this was going to go on for.

She was thankful that she had enough of Pongo's meds and that he was almost fully recovered now, just needed to keep up with his physiotherapy that she was doing at home. She was stressed about what was going on. While he was in Australia she was texting Ian and Shayne keeping them up to date with what was going on even though she knew their families would be doing it too. There was something about being alive during a global pandemic was scary and something she never thought would ha[[en in her lifetime.

Shayne: Just landed be back in about 20 minutes, best you go in my room with the dogs so I can shower right away just to be safe. xx

Becca smiled at the text and replied in an instant.

Bea: Sure, good idea, I'll put some washing powder in your washing machine so you can put your clothes in it and get them washed right away. Operation Bye Bye COVID-19 is a go. xx

She laughed a little at her text and her stupid joke. She got up and moved her stuff into his room, well what she was using at least and made sure the boys were happy and comfy before leaving the room, closing the door behind her and putting the powder in the machine and putting a pack of antibacterial wipes on the table net to the door. She left a little post-it note on them. "Use me on what you touch, please. xx" She smiled and went back into the room and decided to redo her maths to make sure she got it right and if there was a way to cut back and have more money so she would have more next month and have a have more of a comfort blanket in a way if things hadn't changed.

Just like he said 20 minutes later Shayne walked into his apartment and laughed a little when he saw the note. He obliged with what the note said and wiped the door handle and used the wipe to close the door.

"Honey I'm home." He yelled out with a chuckled causing Pongo and Otto to wag their tails in excitement and bark a little. Becca laughed at his statement.

"Glad we're back to being on the same continent." She joked back.

After a long, 45 minute shower Shayne put all his clothes into the washing machine and turned it on. He then rewashed his hands and cursed as he realised he didn't have a change of clothes and Bea was in his room. He walked over to his room with only a towel around his waist and stood at the door to take a breath before he had to walk in and ask her to leave the room while he got changed.

"Hey Bea, could you wait outside please, need to get changed." He said as he opened the door and walked in. He looked over at her and she was sat crossed-legged on his bed with a pen in her mouth. Shayne instantly thought about how beautiful she looked and mentally cursed himself for not asking her to put some clothes in the bathroom for him.

"Shit, sorry should have thought of that. Yeah, of course, give me a sec and me and these mutts." Before she got a chance to finish her sentence and stand up Otto jumped up at Shayne wagging his tail like mad clearly happy to see him again. This, however, knocked Shayne's towel loose and it fell to the ground. It was as if the whole world froze for a moment. Both of them frozen in fear.

"Otto down boy, Oh My God I'm so sorry. Come on boys lets leave Shayne to get dressed." She rushed her words as she pushed Otto lightly off of him and made sure not to look at him, she had already seen a lot more of him than she ever thought she would. Shayne rushed to wrap himself back up in the towel as she talked. She grabbed both dogs by their collars and lead them out of the room. Once the door was closed and the embarrassing moment was over the both just stood there trying to piece together what on Earth had just happened. Then they just looked at the bedroom door and burst into laughter.

"I can't believe I was pantsed by a dog." Shayne laughed out.

"I would have told you about Otto's dislike of towels... But I had no idea he had one." She joked back at him. They continued to joke through the door as he got dressed. It was obvious that they were both shocked and embarrassed but the incident but it was hard to tell who was more, Shayne, for the obvious stark naked reason, or Becca, for owning the dog that caused the whole situation.

When Shay came out of his bedroom they both sat on the sofa and joked around, both still having red cheeks from what happened minutes before. Becca's dogs, however, acted like nothing had happened and were just happy to see Shayne again after his time away. All four of them sat in Shayne's living room and talked away cracking jokes while Shayne told her all about his time down under even though they had been texting each other almost all the time.

There was one thing that was on Becca's mind though, something she couldn't quite brush off. At this moment she felt like she was finally home after being lost for so long.

A/N Hey guys sorry this took a while to write. So just for you, this is how my boyfriend felt this sentence should have gone down. I mean we spent most of our time at either his or my place so *sex happened lots.* He added the words in between the ** when I left the room to make a cuppa, I laughed a lot and thought you might like it too. Normally I just delete his stupid add ons but this one made me laugh. It also made me feel I needed to add the towel scene in. Hope you enjoyed that. Massive hugs Becca. xxx

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