Chapter 37

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Becca's POV

When Pongo finally walked out, I couldn't help but smile and laugh at him. He was wagging his tail like mad and he just looks so much more like himself already. I couldn't believe he couldn't move this morning, it was as if he was a different dog. I was on my knees giving him a massive hug as he needed one. I stood up as I saw the vet come over, dusting my knees off as I did.

"Nice to see what this guy is like." The vet said as she handed me the blanket I had wrapped Pongo in and gave me a warm smile.

"Oh, he's normally more bouncy than this, and he will be again soon he just needs some TLC." I laughed as Otto gave him a kiss.

Shayne joined me and put his arm around my waist and listened as I talked with her a little, just taking in everything I needed to know to make sure that my baby was in as little pain as possible. I just need to figure out how to make sure both boys get all the exercise they need. Pongo was next to me and Otto was next to Shayne.

Once I paid the vet bill, we all stood outside, kind of just taking in the sun while the dogs did their business. I finally felt happy again knowing my boy will be ok, and I felt like the universe was just lifted off my shoulders. You know that line that is every YA novel, "I finally let out the breath I didn't know I was holding." I finally know what they are going on about. It's still kinda a dumb line but I feel like I've been holding my breath all this time and I'm only breathing normally now.

"So are you coming into work with me, or do you just want to go home and pass out cuddled up with these two?" Shayne half-joked as there's a good chance that is what would happen and she knew it. I jokingly lightly hit him in the shoulder.

"I feel like these two need all the love they can get today, so why not? I could do with the amazing stupidity that goes on in that office." I laughed as I leaned against the wall. He smiled and booked an Uber for us all and sent Ian a heads up about me and my babies coming in. We stood there and talked as we waited, Shayne, getting a call from Damien that he put on speaker not believing that I was coming in with the dogs. Apparently everyone's excited to see them and just want to cuddle up with them thanks to the tweet Shayne made.

I laughed when I heard Olivia in the background literally screaming with excitement in the background. I could also hear Court and it really made me smile a massive contrast to how I was feeling this morning. It was something that I loved about Shayne, no matter how crap I'm feeling he knows how to make me happy. I just love him altogether, really. Wait did I just say love, nope, nu-uh didn't mean that not going there ever again with a friend it ended badly and I don't want to lose Shayne.

Thankfully, I wasn't lost in thought for too long and I shook off what I just thought fast enough that he didn't notice. I don't want to risk losing him; he was my rock; he made my life so much better. He made me enjoy waking up in the morning again.

When the call ended it only took a minute for our ride to get here. We hoped in and sat in silence; I made sure the boys were in between us as I couldn't take my mind wondering into those feelings again. It felt as if he knew something was off with me, but he didn't want to pry.

When we arrived, I thanked the driver and hopped out of the car; the boys following suit. Shayne walked next to me and part of me just wants him to put his arm around me like he did at the vets. It made me feel safe and loved, how I felt with Jake when things first started out. God, I need to stop now.

"HEY!" Was the greeting I got from everyone at Smosh, well I say I get, it was definitely aimed more at the dogs and not me, or Shayne for that me. We both just laughed at them all before looking at each other and shrugging before joining in the massive group of people petting my two dumb babies. We all sat on the floor talking about what was up with Pongo and reassuring them that what was wrong may be serious but it's easily fixed with surgery and physiotherapy. Once they were all happy with the amount of love he got and how he looked, the topic quickly changed.

"Hey, Becca, why don't you be in a video today, we have a great one planned for today?" Garret asked with a smile on his face. There was something evil about it and I know my answer should be no.

"I'm good." I hesitated as I stood up, everyone else joining in. That's when I say Shayne light up, probably remembering what the video was.

"Oh come on Bea, it's perfect for you." He responded with a giant smile. Something was going on and I didn't like it.

"I'm good, I just stay behind the camera like always," I remarked crossing my arms smiling at everyone.

"Come on Bea, Please for me?" Shayne begged and that's when he did it. He did the one thing I could never say no to. He pulled the oldest trick in the book, the God damn puppy dog eyes and damn it he was cute. He had learned recently that it's something I can't say no to. It slipped out when we were talking a couple of nights ago. I just stared at him for a minute before I finally broke.

"Fine, what's the video." I sighed. His face lit up and I couldn't help but laugh at him. I knew I set my fate and there was no turning back. I'm regretting not asking what the damn video was about first. "What video is it, anyway?" I asked way too late.

"My Revenge... my eat it or yeet it revenge." Shayne yelled, adding an evil laugh at the end."

"You bastard Garret, you set me up! I jokingly yelled causing everyone else to laugh. I shook my head knowing that nothing good would be eaten as there is no way Shayne is letting Garret off, and well he has been wanting to get me back for the food I've made him eat.

There was no getting out of it and I didn't even try, I just accepted my fate and followed everyone and listened to what they had to say about what I needed to do. I felt like a lost sheep but thankfully Shayne was by my side making me feel a lot better about it.

I sat down on the chair next to Garret and looked over at Shayne who was where Garret normally would be; I was worried about what I was about to eat.

Courtney introduced the video and then Garret and I. My knee was shaking a little but Pongo and Otto were under the table and they put their heads on my knees to help calm my nerves.

"We have garret here, as you can see subbing in for Shayne. We also have the secret woman behind the well-known twinkies and some horrid drinks, Becca. They've swapped places. It's about time." Courtney announced.

"It's pretty great." Shayne smiled and you could hear and feel the glee radiation of him.

There was a little banter before they finally brought the food out and to say I wasn't ready was an understatement. I know it will be fun, well every part but my own. I just have to rough it out and let Shayne do to me what I have done to him so many times.

"Oh, what have I got myself in to. Shayne how dear you use my one weakness against me to get your revenge. I let it slip once because of these two mutts under the table and I'm doomed." I Joked as I put my head in my hands. "Right you only have 3 more free passes and then you're done." I Wagged my finger at him trying my hardest not to smile or laugh but he did that face Garret always does and I broke. 

This was going to be interesting...

A/N I will continue to write the next part tomorrow as I have to go to sleep. I don't think I can write anymore with my boyfriend asleep next to me. Plus I've been up since 4:30 am and I want to sleep too! See you in the morning/when I update tomorrow.

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