Chapter 3

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Jason opened the folder, but didn't look down. He has no idea what he was about to see and he is scared to death. The guys said they would leave the room, but he asked them to stay not wanting to do this alone.

Jason finally looks at the top page, reading it, the room is silent as they wait for Jason to take it all in. He looks up and is fighting back tears. "If he is my son, God, I am so sorry. This should of never happened to any baby.... Ever.......

The others look at him knowing they weren't going to like anything he had to say.

"He was born 2 months early , weighing 2 pounds 4 oz and addicted to heroin. You can hear the shock in his voice. He had to go through detox..... Detox! My God, I can't even imagine. He was there all alone.... No one but medical staff. His lungs were affected, and uh, there's a long pause,,,,, on the right side, he uh doesn't have sight or hearing......... I don't..... even have words. How the hell does something like this happen?" The others are sitting stunned, their hearts breaking a little too.

There's only 1 more page in here and I'm not sure I want to see it. He sits for a few more minutes before opening the folder again and takes out the first page to look at the second. "It's just some notes from the hospital and the first 2 foster homes. Both foster homes saying his needs were to great and they weren't able to keep him. Both saying he cried all the time... Cried all the time? Who the hell wouldn't?.... It looks like he was in 3 other homes that year, and they didn't even bother to make any notes! No one gave a damn about this kid!"

"Jason, I'm really sorry," Ray says. "You must be blown away. Maybe take a day or so to let things sink in before deciding your next move." "
"Ray, I really think I need to talk with Cassie. Find out if she knows anything else. Maybe put me in touch with the person she got the information from in the first place. If there's a chance this is my son, I want to see him."

"Jason, that might not be a good idea. Some guy walking in saying I might be your dad would freak any kid out...."

"Well it's not like I would do that! He doesn't need to know anything,,,, yet anyway." Jason seems to be becoming very concerned that this may be his child.

Trent has been quiet until now. "I'm sure there will be all kinds of hoops for you to jump through. I'm betting this will not be an easy process if you decide to get a paternity test. "
There are no if's Trent, I'm having the test done. I can not walk away from this without knowing."

"Ok, well let's get a few hours sleep before you give Cassie a call." The guys start to lay down at Ray's words knowing a few hours is probably all they will get. Entirely too much has happened for any of them to get any real sleep. "You too Jace. You want to be sharp when you talk with her so please lay down".
"Ok, ok. You're right, but just for a few hours. That's all I can promise."
"That's fine brother. Just rest now."

The next morning Trent wakes early and checks the kitchen, knowing there probably won't be much there. He thinks a big breakfast is what they need before the crazy day ahead. Brock rounds the corner as he's closing the fridge and Trent tells him , "get your shoes, I'm going to let you be my special helper this morning." Brock who isn't quite awake turns around and comes back a few seconds later carrying his shoes and Cerebus trotting behind. Letting the dog in the yard for a few minutes, they head out in Trent's truck to hit the store. Brock grabbed Rays keys and figures Trent can drop him off on the way back and he can bring Ray's truck to Jason's. Save him the trip.
Thirty minutes later, 3 grocery bags, dog food and Brock with Ray's car, they pull back into Jason's driveway. Letting themselves in they realize the guys are still asleep, well Sonny was until Cerebus decides to playfully attack him letting him know it's time to wake up. "Guess it's time to wake up, whether I want to or not, huh pup?" If anyone else would of disturbed the Bears slumber, there would be hell to pay. But Cerebus has Sonny wrapped around his little paw.

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