Chapter 43

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Everyone was at Jason's waiting for Josh to arrive. Jason has called Matt to tell him what had happened. Matt told him he thought it best to hold on to this new development until they get a feel for the judge. Matt feels hopeful that based on Jason's story the judge will order the test right away and maybe this information will be best shared once paternity is established.  It could help  prevent county from dragging their feet.  There's been 2 huge mistakes in the last couple weeks.  Jason  hangs up at least feeling optimistic about the hearing tomorrow, but still devasted by what happened today.
Jason is sitting outside with his friends, struggling to keep it together.  "God, what if we didn't find him?  He would of drown for sure.  There's no way he wasn't going to go out further in that water."  Before anyone  can say anything he gets up quickly going over to the far bush throwing up everything in him.  He steps back, but not making any movement of coming back to the table.  Sonny gives him a minute before getting up and walking over and without hesitation, wraps his friend in a hug, giving Jason a chance to just let his feelings go, and be able to gain his control back.  Sonny then tells his friend," let's get this all out now, because we need you over there helping us devise a plan to make sure it never happens again, ok."
Jason just nods, letting out a deep breath before walking back to the table.  "Jason, every one of us would feel exactly how you do right now.  Don't be embarrassed.  It just proves what a great father you are.  Do stop thinking whatever it is you are thinking, and let us tell you some ideas we gave come up with," Eric says.
"Ok, thanks everyone....  For dropping everything, and helping with the search.  I appreciate all of it."

"Ok.  So check this out Jace.  I called my friend already, and there are 3 pups that are great dogs.  Super smart, quick learners, but too friendly to continue in the program.  Mark said you could meet all 3, and choose one if you like one.  The cost for the dog will be 0, but we would have to pay for the rest of the training.  He said to think of things you want the dog to be able to do, and then we can sit back down, and discuss price. He even said it's very possible to teach them to alert to a seizure, before he has one."
"I didn't know anything like that was even possible."
"Yah, he didn't go into great detail, but he said that before someone has a seizure, their body gives off a chemical and the dog can learn to scent it, just like we do with explosives."
"That's so damn cool, Jace.  I say hell yes!" Sonny chuckles.  "They could train it to find that little stinker if he takes off.  It would be like a GPS with a tail."
"You know Jason," Trent says, "if Mark feels all the dogs are capable of doing the tasks you want it to, maybe it would be a good idea for Ryan to meet them too. See if one takes to him like Cerb did. Maybe tether him to each of them too. I mean Cererbus just had an instinct to watch over Ryan. There was no training there, he just knew. Maybe one of these pups could do it too."
"That's a good idea Trent. I think that needs to be done before any decision is made...... Set up an initial meeting Brock, let's figure out what we think are the most important things for the dog to learn and get a price...... I'll sell my soul to the devil later," he chuckles.
"Let's worry later about cost," Eric cuts in.
"Let's? ". Jason looks at him confused.
"Yea let's worry later. " he gestures around at everyone, "we are a team, a family. And when one of us needs help, we help. The end. End of story.  Plus, it's been so long since any of our families have had a little one, he's gong to be a very loved and spoiled little boy.  Everyone will fall in love with him."
Before Jason can say anything, Josh comes through the back gate. "Figured when you didn't answer the door, you were out here," he finshes saying as he walks up to the table and plops down in a chair.

"Went that well," Sonny inquires with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, I got to see your friend Joe again Jason....  And needless to say, he's not very happy right now, throw in Ryan repeating puppy over and over again to the point I thought the bitch nurse was going to have an aneurism ........ That led to a conversation after getting Ryan settled. I......kinda had to give him the story in confidence. As far as Ryan, I left him with Julia who just started her shift and promised to call if even the tiniest thing happens.  Everyone is convinced Ryan saw a puppy on his adventure," Josh laughs. 
"What does the facility have to say for themselves?"
"They weren't aware of the alarm not working...... And they put the blame on Ryan."
"They what?" Jason bites out.
"They blamed him for being too hard to handle, and not being equipped to have a child like him dropped in their care...... That just pissed your friend off even more. He said to tell you he will be sure the police report along with a statement from him stating his disgust with the facility not only for letting s child escape, but then blaming thst child for it, will be waiting in the morning for your lawyer to pick up. He also said if at some point your lawyer would want him to testify about his interactions with Ryan, he would be happy to do it."
"Josh, how do we keep him safe until I get custody? "
"Well one good thing is Joe said he'd be by tomorrow to make sure the security system is working, and if it isn't, he's shutting them down, so that's something.  But to answer your question, I honestly don't know," he sighs, leaning back in his chair.  "I can stop and check on him in the morning, and I have him from 3-6 through the week, and Julia is on nights for the next 2 weeks, so unfortunately that's as good as it can get.  I wish there was more.  Maybe talk to Joe about popping in.  That will make them step up their game.  That's all I got."

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