Chapter 45

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Josh calls the kids in, and the boys ignore him and continue what they are doing.  Jason let's Josh know he'll watch them.  Sonny is nice enough to bring their snack out.  TJ enjoys his while Ryan continues his barely eating, but drinks the juice.
"Puppy!" Ryan yells running to Jason as if he had just arrived and not been here the entire time. Jason sweeps him up into his arms, and Ryan puts his head on Jason shoulder with his thumb in his mouth. "Rock pease?"
"Oh, so now you know me," Jason chuckles. TJ walks over saying, "I'm going in while he gets some lovin," TJ smiles. "He does love you ya know. I can tell."
Jason smiles at him, "I love him too TJ," and starts rocking Ryan.  "So sweet boy, how are you today."  Not expecting an answer, he continues walking and rocking him.  "Ice cream?"
"You want ice cream do you?  Well, maybe if you ask Sonny real nice, he will go and get some for you and TJ.  Let's go ask him."  Jason walks towards the center's door.  Once inside, Jason puts him down.  Ryan looks around searching for Sonny.  He spots him and takes off running.  "Sommy, Sommy, Sommy."  Jason walks up behind Ryan.  Sonny looks surprised, but quickly stoops down to be closer to Ryan.  "Ice cream,  ice cream!  Pease...."
Sonny looks at Jason who gives a small nod.  "Well sure angel boy.  I will go get you ice cream."
"Of course I'll bring some for TJ.  But you will have to wait until the other kids go home, and you gotta eat some dinner."
"Ice cream."
"Go sit with TJ, and I'll be back soon."
Guess I'm going for ice cream," he chuckles, 
"Thanks man,  he asked for some, and I didn't want to tell him no."
"I will return," Sonny says.  "Josh's ok with it?"
"I hope so.  I didn't think to ask."
"Well, I'm blaming you," he smiles while walking out the door.

Dinner goes ok. Ryan eats a small amount and has a few sips of his milk. Sonny returns going to the kitchen putting the treat in the freezer. Ryan by now is on top of the table jumping around. He hears Josh say to the group as he approaches, 'you have got to be kidding me. That little boy has ants in his pants. The only time I see him  be still and calm besides when he's asleep, or when you're holding him," he sighs on his way to the table.

"Ryan, get down."
"Jump!" Ryan says making Sonny laugh.
"I see that. Are you supposed to jump on the table?"
Jason walks over.
"Ryan you need to listen to Josh and get down. Cone here and let me help you." Ryan starts hoping to Jason and jumps right into his arms bouncing up in down as Jason holds him on his hip. "Ryan, tell Josh you are sorry for not listening....." "Ryan, tell Josh you are sorry."
"Swrry dosh," Ryan says.
Josh can't help the smile thst spreads across his face. "It's ok Ryan. Thsnk you for apologizing." Jason let's him down, and Josh can barely contain his excitement. "Jason, Ryan had never called me by my name, ever. Never apologized either, but he said my name. Thank you. He would of never said it if it wasn't for you."
"Well since your so happy, guess it's the best time to tell you, I went and got ice cream for Ryan and TJ because Ryan ran over to me calling my name and asked me for it. I couldn't say no. When he says my name, I cave."
Josh is smiling. "I get it now.  I would of got the little con artist ice cream too."

"Once the kids were gone, Sonny served up the ice cream for the kids.  Shawn showed up for TJ, and Jason asked if the could talk now instead of tomorrow because there is a good chance he will be getting spun up.

"I trust our conversation stays between us," Jason looks Shawn in the eye.
"Of course, you don't even neeed to ask."
"Thank you. So, at some point, Ryan will be coming to be with me full time."
"Really?" Shawn says excitedly.
"Yes, but it may be a while. The paternity test is tomorrow morning."
Jason looks over at Shawn and sees a huge genuine smile on his face.
"I'm going to need some help with Ryan when I'm home but more importantly when I am away. Josh thinks Ryan could be eligible for 20 hrs of help when I'm home and 30-40 when I'm gone."
"Yah, yah, I'm definetly interested."
"I'm glad to hear that, but let me tell you everything, then I want you to take time thinking about it. Seriously thinking about it and talking to your mom. This isn't a babysitting job.this won't be like when you are watching them. Not that you weren't doing a good job. You did. But since this will be a paying job, I will have certain expectations." He looks at Shawn gaging if he's taking this seriously or not. He honestly looks like he is, and Jason smiles inside because he feels this could be a great idea. "First thing first. I don't want him out running the neighborhood with just TJ. I want you with them. Supervision is very important.  I don't want you having friends or girlfriends around during the times you are to be with him. These are the most important rules that I will not bend on, and will not bat an eye firing you if you break them."
"Is that all," Shawn smirks.
"You wish," Jason chuckles.  I'm gonna touch on a few of the more important things.  We will get more in-depth later.  You will need to take a training course, and  I want you first aid and for CPR certified.  Trent will teach you that stuff.....  TJ is allowed to be with you guys at all times.  I want Ryan to love spending the time I am away with you very much, but I also need him to be healthy and safe.  I really want Ryan in his home at night as often as possible, so I would prefer if you are having him overnight, unless it's a sleepover, I want you to stay in my house.  I want him in his bed, playing with his toys.  I do not want him to continue going from house to house.  He  needs to know even when I'm not there, he's home.  Does that make sense?"
"Yes it does.  I get it.  If I do this, I'm not a brother keeping an eye on his brother and best friend.  I will be a caregiver to Ryan, and his needs come first."
"Exactly.  Also, I may ask you other times outside of your schedule for the week.  I will try my best to give you notice to see if you are interested.  Don't feel obligated to do anything outside of your scheduled time.  But any extra time  you stay, I will pay you myself.  Oh last thing, TJ is welcome to stay at the house when you are staying and if your mom says it is."
"Ok.  I will think about it, and talk with my mom and get back to you."
"Great.  Thanks Shawn.  We can talk again when I get back.  Don't feel like you need to say yes, and please include in your thoughts that when you are on the clock, to Ryan and myself, you are an employee first.  You will have two roles in our lives, and you need to know the line for each.  When off the clock, you are our family, an important part of our family, and I appreciate  the special role you will play," Jason tells him.   Then he says, "oh, just so you know, if I need to let you go because isn't working out, it's not personal.  It will never affect our friendship or being a part of our family.  That's for life," he smiles at Shawn.
Shawn smiles back and nods.
"We better go back in.  I think there's atleast one boy in there that's going to need their face and hands wiped off."
Jason was right.  Ryan had ice cream on his face.  He got some on his hands and ran to Jason holding it up to him. 
"You're gonna want to wipe that off, he hates it and will get upset."
Jason quickly scoops him up carrying him off to the restroom. Coming back a few minutes later with a clean little boy.
"Ok Ryan. Time to go."
"Stay puppy."
"Not today buddy. One sleep, k?"
"One sweep," he says tearily. "One seep, one sweep," he hits himself, getting upset.
"No, no, no. Don't do that," Jason grabs his hands. "No hitting yourself. You are too cute to do that to yourself." He picks the boy up and walks off with him. TJ and Shawn have left not long after  the others, leaving Sonny and Josh. Ryan fusses for a short time, but falls asleep for Jason who takes him and places him in his car seat.

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