Chapter 42

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"Sonny did you talk to Jason about fostering Ryan? I mean look, he's sleeping and everything," TJ says with a smile on his face.
Jason is far enough away to still hear yet look as if he can't hear them. He continues rocking Ryan, now tuned into the conversation taking place behind him.

"I did talk to Jason, like I promised, and we're still talking about it. It's been real busy with work, but I didn't forget."
"Did you tell him how much me and Shawn would help? Like helping keep his room clean and Shawn can help pay for food and stuff."
"TJ, I promise, Jason and I have talked about everything, ok?"
"Ok," he sounds sad. "Do you think Ryan will ever have a family, he can live with? He has me and Shawn, we are his real family, but he can't live with us. I mean like live with the same people in the same house forever?"

"I do TJ. I think that can happen"

"Sonny, my mom says, well lots of people say, you get what you deserve in life. If you're good, you will have a good life, and if you're bad you have a bad life."
"Yah, guess that's true."
"Well if it's true, how's come Ryan has such a bad life. He's not bad. Does his....differences, do they make him bad according to the rules?"
Jason can't stop the tear that rolls down his face landing in Ryan's hair.  He kisses the little boy softly on the head.

"No, no, no, definetly not TJ.  Ryan isn't bad because of his differences.  Never, never, never.  You are right, there are rules, but sometimes,.... there is someone who despite never doin nothin wrong, they  get treated like they did.  Those are the people we say ..  fell through the cracks..... "
TJ looks at him confused.
"Sonny pauses a second, knowing he wanted to get this just right. 
"Ok, Like have you ever had some coins?  Maybe some change and you lost some of it.....  and it fell somewhere and you couldn't find it?"
"One time my dad gave me 4 quarters to buy candy, but when I got to the store, I only had 3.  I lost one somewhere., it fell out of my pocket."

"See Despite you being a good boy and your daddy giving you money for candy, one quarter got lost. Not because you were bad.. and definetly the quarter wasn't bad. That quarter was equally as important as the other 3. That quarter was no different then the others, right?"
TJ nods his head in understanding.
Well Ryan there, is like that quarter.  He's the sweetest little boy, but he got lost.  He fell through a crack like your quarter did, and no one found him for a long time.  But he's found now, and you can be sure that we are going to make sure he never gets lost again, because he's too special for us to let that happen again.... That make sense?"

"Yah, I get it now.  Thanks Sonny for helping me understand," he gives Sonny a big hug.  "I always new Ryan was special, and now other people are seeing it too. He's more then my best friend. He's my baby brother and it's my job to keep him safe like Shawn does me."
"You my friend are doing an amazing job. Ryan couldn't ask for a better big brother," Sonny smiles at TJ. "It's getting late maybe you should go check if Shawn's here yet."
TJ gives him a nod and runs off.
Sonny turns around, "so how much of that did you hear?"
"Enough to know that I couldn't ask for a better brother either," Jason says.
"About time you recognize my awesomeness. People say you're quick there Jace, but I'm not so sure. You seemed a little slow on this," Sonny smiles. "Now I'm gonna go outside, and you enjoy loving your little boy before he has to leave."
Jason continues holding and rocking Ryan the way he likes it. He likes when Jason sways back and forth holding him. To Ryan that's rocking, and Jason would gladly do it as long as Ryan likes. He's pulled from his thoughts as Ryan coughs a few times. He doesn't wake, and continues to sleep.
Jason knows it's coming, and he's dreading it. Josh comes in letting him know it's time for him to take Ryan back. "Hey buddy, can you wake up for me? ..... Ryan, hey baby, you have to go with Josh now."
He's wakes slightly asking,"me stay you?"
"Not today buddy. But I will see you Monday. ". He's start to get fussy, and Jason is quick to correct himself. Three sleeps baby, 3 sleeps. I'll see you in 3 sleeps. Oh and I got you some stuff to take with you. Wanna see?"
"3 sweeps, I see you?"
"Yep, now let's look in the bags., ok?" Jason sits at a table while Ryan starts opening his eyes. Sonny opens the bag watching the little boy with his thumb in his mouth looking a little curiously at what Sonny has. That makes him smile. Well little one, he begins pulling things out of the bag, Puppy got you some goldfish, and let's see, animal crackers, oh and check this out. These are Scooby snacks,". Ryan peers over very interested in that. "Scooby naks?"
"Yes sir-ree. Pretty cool huh? Oh and Mickey Mouse fruit snacks, and some chocolate milk. Oh and the best for last..... Sonny pulls out 2 coloring books and crayons. Now that gets a huge smile. "Mine? "
"Yep, Puppy got you all fixed up with snacks, and entertainment.."
"Ryan, what do you say,?" Josh tries.
"Mine?" Jason snd Sonny laugh. Even Josh chuckles. "Yes it's yours, but you say Thank you to Jason. Ryan's looking around. Sonny chuckles, pointing to Jason. "Josh meant puppy."
Rysn looks in Jason's direction. "Fank you puppy!"  He starts bouncing in Jason's lap. 
Jason can't help but beam in surprise. "You are welcome sweetheart. I hope you enjoy all of it."
"Puppy, I Scooby naks?"
"Yes baby." Jason opens the package opening a small bag for Ryan and hands it to him.
Ryan looks at Jason, "puppy color me?" 
"You want to color?"
"You me?" He lays a book in front of Jason, and one in front of himself.  Handing Sonny the crayons.  "Summy, help." Jason and Sonny both look to Josh.  "Ok Ryan.  You can color with Jason for 15 minutes, then we have to go.  I'm setting a timer and when it beeps, it's time to go,ok?"
Rysn is already pulling out a crayon, he didn't hear Josh, or rather didn't listen. He's sitting comfortably in Jason's lap coloring, and Jason is coloring right along with him. "Thank you for asking me to color Ryan. It was very nice to share with me." Jason is impressed. He's seen Ryan struggle so much with writing, even writing his name. But coloring. It's perfect, and he makes it look effortless. He's just coloring and humming. No serious concentration, he's just really good at it. " sandbox."
"You can play in the sandbox the next time you are over, ok?" Josh and Sonny came back in just as the alarm goes off.
"Ok Ryan, let's get cleaned up now." Ryan put the crayon down. "Sandbox now?"
"No, not today. I'm sorry, soon though." Jason begins putting the crayons away, putting them and the books in this bag for Ryan to take with him. "Ok buddy. I will see you in 3 sleeps, ok."
"No jail!"
"What do you mean no jail.?" 
"I stay."
"Buddy, you're not  staying in a jail,"
"Sure looks like one," Sonny says.  Jason glares at him. 
"Well, it does."
"No Scape."
"That's right Ryan. You can't escape. You have to stay there,"
"Come on buddy, let's get you in your car seat." Ryan follows him out to the car, and let's him buckle him in. He holds up 3 fingers. "Three sleeps buddy. I'll miss you." He kisses his head before shutting the door. "Thanks Josh. I'll talk to you before the hearing."
"Ok man, night guys."
"Night," Jason and Sonny say at the same time.

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