Chapter 44

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The judge takes his seat and the others follow suit. Jason can feel his anxiety go through the roof. He concentrates on breathing.
"Good morning gentlemen," Judge Gray greets. The others return the greeting. "I took extra time reading this particular petition this morning. I must say it has peaked my interest. First thing, it's nice to meet you Mr Long. I've heard about you, nice things I may add, but never thought you would be standing in my court room. Your cases seem to be of a different nature then paternity and custody cases. So what brings you into my court room this morning?"
Matt stands, "it's nice to meet you Judge Gray. I also have heard nice things about you. And you are right. This is not the types of cases I try, but when a good friend asked me to meet with Mr Hayes as a favor, I had planned to give him the number of another attorney. But when I heard his story, I was compelled to handle it myself."
"Ok then. I run a pretty laid back  courtroom as Mr Lewis here, (he gestures to the opposing attorney) is aware of, so let's get this started. Mr Long, you have the floor."
"Thank you your honor." Matt proceeds to to start at the beginning of the story with Cassie approaching Jason in the bar, and finished with his letter asking for a paternity test being denied by the foster care director prompting him to petition the court asking they order a paternity test so Mr Hayes can in fact find out if the child in question is his or not.
The judge then looks to Mr Lewis before asking,"now why would your client deny a paternity test for a child that has been in the foster care system his entire life? The possibility of finding a biological parent who wants to take full responsibility and be united with their child? It would seem you would be happy that there was a great possibility that one of the children could be permently  placed in a home. Mr Walters, as director of the foster care system in this county, isn't it our goal for reunification of children with their biological families, or in this situation if paternity is proven, unification of a family?"
"Your honor," Mr Lewis begins. "My client always has the best interest of each of the children in his placement in mind. Mr Walters has been the director for 10 years now. He feels based on the lack of information or proof, it is not in the child's best interest to be subjected to any testing, and is better off placed in a home capable with dealing with this particular child's special needs."
"Mr Lewis, I do not care how your client feels. This is not about his feelings. This is about a child who may have a father out there who didn't know the child existed and desperately wants to know the truth. I've read the letter the director received, and I'm telling you there is more then substantial proof to have agreed to a paternity test"
"Your honor, the child in question has severe disabilities that mr Hayes is unable to deal with. This child needs constant care," the lawyer tries.
"Mr Lewis, the only thing the letter addressed was a test for paternity.  That was all that has been requested.  Not whether Mr Hayes is able or unable to meet the child's needs.  That question comes later, and is not the decision of  Mr Walters.  The decision is mine."
Judge Gray turns his attention back to  Jason's table.  Now Mr Hayes, I have a few question s for you."
Jason stands replying, "yes sir."
"Oh, please sit down.  You are not in the hot seat here."
Jason sits back down making eye contact with the judge.
"Must of been a heck of a surprise to find out you may have a child you didn't know about?"
"Yes sir, yes it was,  it was the last thing I ever expected to happen that day."
"Mr Hayes, do you have a family?"
"I do.  I have 2 children in college ," Jason answers with a small smile.
"Are you married?"
"I was.  My children's mother and I divorced before this child  was conceived.  We remained great friends.  We were high school sweethearts, and just got to a point where we made better friends then husband and wife.  Sadly, she passed 6 years ago, and I had to finish raising our children on my own."
"I'm sorry to hear that.  It sounds like this isn't your first rodeo, and you take being a father very seriously."
"I do your honor.  If this child is mine, I'm willing to do whatever I need to to have my child with me.  We will have a lot of lost time to make up for," Jason days sincerely.
"What do you do for a living Mr Hayes?"
"Im a Navy Seal.  Master Chief Tier One Operator."
"Really,"the judge asks surprised.  Jason nods."well first let me just say, thank you for your service."  Jason nods again.  "A very selfless job, but also very dangerous.  I assume you have given great thought to everything?"
"Yes sir I have."
"Ok gentlemen, this is what's going to happen," he looks at both tables.  "We are getting that paternity test.  I want it done as soon as possible."  He looks at Josh's table.  How soon can the child be produced for the test?"
Mr Lewis looks at Josh.  "Your honor, this is Mr Bennett.  He is the child's case worker.  He may be best to address the question.  The child is in a facility right now because he needs so much special attention."
"Mr Bennett?"
"Yes your honor.   I am with the child daily, and can make arrangements to take him for testing when ever needed."

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