Chapter 47

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Jason walked out of the courthouse with a huge smile on his face after he thanked Matt a million times.  Sonny was sitting in the drivers seat, and jumped out when he saw Jason coming. 
"We won Sonny, we won!   We get him 3 hours a day until we go back next week.  I can't believe it!"
"Best news ever Jason.  There ain't nothin that could make me happier right now."
Just then Jason's phone pings letting him know he got a text.
Congrats Jason.  My boss is pissed, I need a little time to cool him down.  I'll text when we can meet.
Jason shows Sonny the text who just smiles.  Jason texts back ok before getting in the car.  "Well, let's stop at home.  I can change and let this sink in."

Pulling in the driveway, Jason sees Trent and Brock are there.  They enter the house to hear the two laughing from the kitchen. 
"Boss," Trent says surprised.  "How did it go?"
"Perfect.  Just perfect.  I get to spend three hours a day with him, starting today."
"That's great boss," Brock says, true happiness in his voice.
"It is.....  Now which one of you are gonna tell he what the hell is in my yard?"
Trent chuckles, "well, maybe we should show you." He heads into the yard with the others behind him."

"Well  see, you had this big area in your yard with no grass since taking done the pool you didn't know what to do with, so we thought we'd help you out."
"Who's this 'we' you are speaking of?"
"All of us," Trent begins again.  "Ryan loves jumping and bouncing, so it's a two birds one stone thing.  We were just getting ready to put up the net that goes around it.  You know, keep him safe," he smiles.

Jason can't help but smile.  "Ya know, this is pretty cool.....  And you are right, he's gonna love it.  Thank you guys.  Seriously, thank you.... It's so cool that it's so close to the ground.  He'll probably still scare me to death though," he chuckles.

"Boss, when can we take Ryan to meet the pups?  My buddy said anytime this week, we just need to give him some advance so he can work us in," Brock says.
"Let me check with Josh.  Maybe tomorrow, while we get to visit."  Just then he gets s text from Josh.  "Can we meet in half an hour?  Going to get Ryan now."
Jason  texts back quickly telling him yes and he'll meet them in the store parking lot. "I trust you guys will clean up when you are done, I gotta go see my son," he smiles. "Cone on Sonny."

Pulling into the parking lot, Jason sees a very impatient Ryan trying to break free from Josh. Josh s regretting letting him get out of the car now. Jason and Sonny leave the car quickly and jog over to the two. "I go, I go, go!!"

Josh spots Jason and can't help but feel relieved.
"Hey buddy, who wants to pick out a toy?" Jason bends down asking Ryan.
"I go, I go, go!!!" Josh lets go of Ryan who tries taking off towards the door, but Jason is able to stop him, picking him up and placing him on he hip. Sonny quickly fixes Ryan's headphones so they fit better on his ears. "Let's go." He bounces Ryan softly.

Once in the store, Ryan's eyes are as big as saucers. "He's never been anywhere like this," Josh says sadly.
"Well this will be his first of many trips."
"Let's see what interests you," Jason says. They begin walking through the aisles. The toys in this aisle are for older kids. They come to an aisle with baby dolls and stuffed animals, and Ryan just gasps, and starts bouncing.
"Looks like this aisle has caught your fancy angel boy," Sonny states. Ryan spots a teddy bear just the size of the dog in his arms. "I get?" He reaches his other arm out.
"Ryan, Jason is getting you one prize. Is this what you want?"
Rysn continues reaching out his arm, and Sonny can't take it. He snatches the bear from the shelf, handing it to Ryan.
"It's ok angel boy, Uncle Sonny wants to buy it for you." Ryan pulls the bear close to him. "Mine?"
"Yep, now let's go find that toy." They walk down a few more isles, Ryan not really responding until they round the corner to the 8th aisle. Ryan  starts fussing to get down, and Jason quickly places him down. Ryan runs and stops in front of the trains, well explicitly in front of Thomas the Tank engine and starts flapping and humming.
"Well we have a winner boys," Sonny chuckles.
"I get, I get?" He asks, it almost sounds like he's expecting a no.
"What do you want baby?" Jason asks. Ryan points to a small Thomas set that includes Thomas himself, and some wooden track.
"Josh, did you know he likes trains?"
"No, but. guess it doesn't surprise me. Many of the kids on the spectrum love this train. They say because the faces on the engines catches their eye, and the predictability and repetiveness of pushing the train on the track."
Jason smiles at the boy. "You want Thomas do ya?"
"Well let's get you your choo-choo." Jason sees the other engines and cars packaged individually. "How about you pick Thomas a few friends."
Jason kneels down pointing to all the choices. Rysn points to an engine named Percy, and a coal car and caboose.
"Ok, is this what you want?" Jadon asks.
""Mine to keep?"
"Of course. Anything I ever give you is yours to keep." Jason hands the purchases to Sonny before picking Ryan up and telling hm they need to go and pay for everything then they can go back to his house and play for a little bit."

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