Chapter 5

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20 minutes later Eric walks in with a folder and a bag. He sets the bag down on the table and hands the folder over to Jason. He can see the nervousness on Jason's face, he quietly says, "it's ok Jason, he's a good guy." Eric sees the color come back to his face before taking a seat at the table wanting to see Jason's reaction.

Jason pauses a moment before flipping the folder open and looking down. It's quiet for a few minutes as Jason reads. He finally looks up at his friends and he begins.  "Joshua Benett, 30 years old, single. Has been a case worker for 9 years in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and recently relocated here to take a position with the county after his mother died. He also runs an after school program for low income children. Never been arrested, doesn't even have any outstanding parking tickets. Past employer has only great things to say about him..... He seems like a good guy." Jason lets out a breath of relief.

"Boss, this is great news. He sounds like someone who will want to do the right thing. Now we just have to figure out how to do that." Sonny says.

Jason has a small smile on his face but the exhaustion in his eyes is evident. "I say we sleep on it and meet back up in the a.m." "There's a round of, "sounds good" and everyone gets up to head out, pick up their cars and head home. . Except for Sonny who is going home long enough to grab some things and heading back to Jason's for hopefully some much needed sleep.

Jason is sitting in the living room. The guys just left and he's just taking s breather trying to wrap his head around the last 24 hours. He reclines back in his chair to get more comfortable and plans to shut his eyes until Sonny gets back.

By the time Sonny arrives back, he finds Jason asleep looking relaxed finally. Sonny decides the hell with it and stretches out on the couch. Thinking he will nap until Jason wakes up. There's no way Jason can sleep too long in the chair and once he's up they can get something to eat.

     Surprisingly, they slept all night.  Unsurprisingly, they were starved when they woke up, and Jason's neck is a little sore. They headed out for some breakfast before the rest of the team show up.  The ride was quiet, they were both deep in thought, but once their orders were taken and coffee had been poured, Jason takes a drink and leans into the back of the booth with a big sigh.

  "Hey Jace, how ya hanging in there," Sonny asks? Jason was finally letting things sink in and was accepting that he may very well have a son out there.  "I think the shock has worn off, and I'm ready to meet with this case worker.  I really want to see this kid, in person ....... I know I can't say anything, but I just need to know if he's ok.. safe.. taken  care of, happy.. I know that must sound crazy, but I just feel like I can't rest until I do, but I have  to handle this right to get this case worker on my side.  What if he thinks I'm crazy and won't help?  Then what do I do, I won't even know where to start."  
"Boss, don't go getting ahead of yourself.  Let's just eat and go back to your house, wait for the guys and come up with a full proof plan to get this Joshua on our side.  I mean if he's as stand up as he seems to be on paper, we have a good shot at him helping," Sonny says.

They arrive back at Jason's just as the team starts showing up. Everyone seems well rested and ready to get the ball rolling. They decide to hang out in the living room and see what they can come up with. Ray is the first to speak, "I was thinking last night, and maybe the best approach is honesty."
"Sure", Jason says, "let me just walk up to him and say hey I think one of your cases is my kid can I meet him." "
"No smartass," Ray chuckles. "I was thinking more of calling him up and inquiring about volunteering. Tell him you and your team are looking to do some volunteer work. We haven't fulfilled our yearly volunteer/charity work.  Working with kids this time could actually be fun......Ask to get together to discuss, and tell him your story."
"That's your idea?" Jason sounds a little annoyed.
"Listen Jason, we all have to choose a charity for the year, so why not this?  Who knows maybe we will want to continue after our mandated hours.  That  wouldn't be a lie.... Just make that well known, use the whole we are Seals thing, he's gotta respect that. Tell him you have 2 children... Hell, show him a picture. Show this guy you are a good man, a great father, and have a very respectful job and you have no reason to lie to him..... If that doesn't work, and he doesn't want to help, then you need a lawyer..... But let's not go that  route  if we don't have to. I think this guy can prove to be quite valuable if he's on our side."
Jason thinks about what he has just heard before replying, "Sorry Ray, you are right. Those are great points.... So I guess I should place a phone call today, huh?" Everyone shares they are in agreement.

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