Chapter 13

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Josh had had a long day already, and he hadn't even had lunch yet. He stopped at Ryan's foster home this morning, claiming an unannounced visit. While April was there, there was no sign of the boyfriend. He spent a half hour talking with April about the fact he was not made aware of a boyfriend. Of course she was all apologizes and let Josh know that Damian is s good guy qand they are discussing marriage. Josh pretends to care, trying to stay long enough to meet this guy. He finally cannot wait any longer and tells her if he is spending time in the house they have too meet for Ryan's sake. He leaves and heads to work, wishing he could take the day off.

He worries about the houses Ryan has in because he doesn't talk much, so he's not getting much from him. There could be something going on, and he wouldn't know until something bad happened. Ryan was his most difficult case and the one he has crossed the line with. He tried to stay at a distance, but he just couldn't. That kid needs so much attention, more then Josh can ever give him. The most he could hope is that he can keep him safe.

But now, there's a glimmer of hope. He really has been thinking about Jason and his claim that Ryan may be his. He believes Jason is genuine and already cares for Ryan. He is torn between looking the other way so Jason can do the test or doing what he is supposed to do and say no and end any contact. He decides he will make his decision very soon. He's holding out for a sign leading him to the right decision.

      Sadly the day drags on for Josh and by the time he is ready to go to the center, he prefers it was home to bed.  He was grateful for all of the extra help.  Having so many extra hands grave him a better ability to do more with the kids.  Like today's art project.  He wouldn't be able to do it without it being a disaster without the guys.  So this was a definite plus.

     Josh arrived at he center 30 minutes early.  Jason  and the others were just arriving about the same time.  He put on a happy face  hoping it covered the tiredness he saw staring back at him this morning.  "Hey guys, how is everyone,?" Josh asks.  They all begin talking as Josh opens the door and goes in,  remembering he needs to cleanup from last night, he gets right to it.  The others pitch in and they are done pretty quickly and decide to hang outside and wait for the kids.

     Jason needed to get the iPod out if the garage before they left.  He started going through boxes, and memories of when the kids were younger came flooding back.  He honestly could have sat there all day reminiscing,but he needed to find that iPod so he could leave.  Three boxes in, he finds it and luckily the charger was in the same box.  He pulls them from the box with a smile.  Something else in the box catches his eye.  He picks it up and puts it back three times before finally deciding to take it too.  He puts this item in a bag deciding to put it in the glove box, just in case.  Putting the lid back on and placing it back on the shelf, he pauses for a moment with his hand on the box.  He thinks, "please God, let this little boy be mine," before he leaves the garage.

Shawn and company arrive, and Josh realizes he's forgotten his lap top. Jason asks Shawn if he can have the flash drive, and he'll send one of the guys to do it. Ray decides he will do it and will be back soon.

Jason wants to ask if he did the visit this morning, but keeps himself from doing it. Slowly, the kids start trickling in and once again no sign of TJ and Ryan. Jason is getting anxious even though he knows this is their usual routine. Trying to keep an eye on the other kids he can't but help to continue checking the parking lot. Finally in the distance are 2 little boys getting ready to cross the street. TJ is off his bike pushing with one hand while holding onto Ryan's shirt. He doesn't seem to mind so this must be typical for the 2.

TJ parks his bike and Ryan heads to the swings. "Sorry guys, we need to go in now. You are a little later then usual,"Josh says. Expecting to be ignored he starts walking towards the swings, surprised when Ryan turns around and starts heading back. Once inside the kids are washing hands, but Josh notices something.

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