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Trent arrives back with pancakes and chocolate  milk. Shawn took TJ home but said he'd bring him back tomorrow. Josh tried to talk to him, but Shawn just ignored him. Josh let's out a deep sigh and then he hears the office door open. Jason stands there rocking Ryan and talking softly to him.

"Ryan buddy, you must be hungry. Trent went and got you pancakes." Jason's slowly waking him up. Ryan must smell the pancakes, and it's getting him out of his little slumber for sure now.

"Come on buddy." Jason begins placing Ryan in a chair, "Let me put you down and you can....." He's interrupted with screams and he latches onto Jason hard. He's screaming no. Jason's not sure why, but he quickly lifts Ryan back up and Ryan drops his head on Jason's shoulder sucking his thumb.

"Ok, I got you. I won't put you down, I promise. " Jason can feel the kid relax and everyone's eyes watching the scene unfolding. Jason takes a seat at the table and Trent quickly opens the container of pancakes cutting them up small, putting on some syrup and handing Jason the fork. He doesn't touch the milk because he knows Ryan won't drink it unless he sees the seal isn't broken. The reason Ryan does this makes his blood boil.

Jason puts a small piece of pancake on the fork and raises it to Ryan's lips. "Come on buddy. Trent got these special for you." Ryan opens his mouth and Jason pushes the fork in. Ryan bounces a little and makes a noise and flaps his hands. You like them, huh?" "Well there's lots here so you enjoy them." Ryan continues to let Jason feed him, but it's obvious he's still out of it. "Puppy."
"Yea buddy."
"Puppy stay."
Jason looks at Josh who has a sad look on his face. "I will stay with you until you go with Josh. But you will get to come see me and the guys all day Saturday. Josh will bring you and TJ.
Ryan starts getting emotional.
"Jason, he doesn't understand the concept of Saturday, and, I doubt he believes you,"Josh says quietly.
Jason is pissed. The world has done a number on this kid. "Hey buddy. Ya know what? This, is my St Christopher." Jason takes a chain from around his neck, leaving the dog tags. "Do you think you could keep it safe for me until I see you Saturday? Ryan is looking at the necklace. Jason goes to put it around his neck. "Now I'm gong to put it under your shirt just like I wear it. You will need to wear it for 2 sleeps. Do you know what that means?"
Ryan is listening now.
"It means that when you go with Josh, you will go to sleep .  Then tomorrow, I will see you here, and you will go to sleep once more.  Then Josh will bring you to my house.  Okay?"

"Two sweeps," he holds up two fingers.
"Yes, just two sleeps." Jason tells him.
"Yes, Cererbus will be there too.  Do you you think you can do that?"
"You nice?"
"Of course Ryan, I will always be nice to you." Jason exclaimes.
"Never buddy.  You are safe with me,"he points to each of them."Sonny, Ray, Trent and Brock.  They will keep you safe too, just like me and Josh."

Ryan seems content at the moment. He finishes eating and jumps off Jason's lap.

"Mon Bus," Ryan calls heading to the door.
Josh let's it be for a second.
"Mon Bus," Ryan calls again. Cererbus follows after with his tail wagging. Everyone follows and can't help but smile. Ryan is running and Cererbus is chasing after him. Ryan is giggling. He is truly giggling.

"Look at them," Jason says. "I wish he acted like that with me."

"Jason, Ryan has already gotten closer to you then any other adult ever in his life. I cannot believe the way he is with you. Don't be too hard on yourself, and please don't rush him. Let him go at his pace. Also, I wanted to tell you that was a great way for Ryan to understand when Saturday is. You took something he struggles with so much, and quickly made him understand when he would see you again. It's quite impressive."

"Thanks josh," that brings a smile to Jasons face.  "Now what the hell was that seizure? Does that happen often?"

"I can't answer that, I wish I could, but I can't. At least not yet,"he adds

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