Chapter 25

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They arrive home and Sonny grabs them each a beer before going out back nodding for Jason to come with. They sit and after a minute Sonny says, 'OK, there has to be something you want to say."  Jason looks up at him and says,
"I have another son Sonny. I still can't believe it. I've missed so much. The things that have happened to him..... If I just would have checked up on Jess. Just one fucking time. This wouldn't have happened. It's my fault, do not tell me it isn't..... It's my fault, and I can't make it up. I can't go back. I will never forgive myself..... Please don't give me some "it's not your fault" shit Sonny. I can't hear that right now. I just fucking can't. DAMN IT, he screams followed by a complete breakdown. He's reached his limit and he's got to let it out. He cries for Ryan, he cries for himself, he cries for all he's missed and he cries for all the things that have happened to Ryan. 5minutes later, he settles down, wiping his eyes, he lets out a long, deep breath.

"Jace, I would feel exactly the way you do, so I'm not gonna touch that. You're never gonna forgive yourself, so you'll have to find a way to live with it...,, you ok now?"

"Yah, yah man. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of done that?"

"Done what?, Sonny looks over at him with an I have no idea what you are talking about face. Jason just smiles back. Glad Sonny always knows what to say.

It's quiet for a while before Jason asks Sonny, "do you know anything about autism?"

"Probably as much as you do.  Guess we'll be doing some reading and learning, and hopefully some hands on experience soon.......  You gonna be able to pay for the lawyer?  I got some money saved and..."

"Absolutely not.  Thank you, but absolutely not.  I'll figure it out. A buddy of mine has some work he needs help with.  He'll pay me cash.  I also have a couple bonds from my dad I've been saving for retirement, but who am I kidding I'll be working, not Bravo 1, but working as long as I can.  I'll worry about it then, he laughs."

"Ok, you got a point.  Maybe we'll come up with an idea later."

They sit in comfortable silence until Jason smiles big,"I can't wait to spend the day with him tomorrow.  I hope he likes it here.  I just want him to like me."

"He likes you just fine.  Let's just have fun and enjoy the day.  I think I'm gonna grab a shower before turning in.  You want me here with the lawyer."

"Yes.  I definitely do."

Sonny gives him a nod before gong into the house.

Jason goes in the house and up to his bedroom, grabs his lap top, and takes a seat at the desk in the room.  He types autism into the search engine, and gets up from the chair.  He paces back and forth wanting to look, and then not wanting to look.  He thinks of Ryan, remembers this is for him.  "I need to do this.  It will help me understand him better.  He goes back to the chair and sits down with a new determination.

Early Signs:
A child with Autism might:
Not respond to their name (the child may appear deaf)
Not point at objects or things of interest, or demonstrate interest
Not play "pretend" games
Avoid eye contact
Want to be alone
Have difficulty understanding, or showing understanding, or other people's feelings or their own
Have no speech or delayed speech
Repeat words or phrases over and over (echolalia)
Give unrelated answers to questions
Get upset by minor changes
Have obsessive interests
Flap their hands, rock their body, or spin in circles
Have unusual reactions (over or under-sensitivity) to the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel
Have low to no social skills
Avoid or resist physical contact
Demonstrate little safety or danger awareness
Reverse pronouns (e.g., says "you" instead of "I")

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