Chapter 26

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Jason and Ray walk around the yard, looking for potential problems for the boys. "Good idea Jace , those 2 seem like they could find trouble anywhere," Ray chuckles. Jason stays quiet, and before he can ask his friend if he's ok, Jason speaks.

"Ray, did you know that Ryan has autism? "

"I, i, uh knew something was different, but I wasn't sure what. I'm really sorry Jace." Jason looks at his friend. "I'm sorry for all of it. I'm sorry you were robbed of all this time, and I'm sorry for everything that little boy has been through and everything he struggles with."

Jason takes a deep breath and says, " I barely knew what to do after Alanna, but this, I'm scared. I'm afraid he won't want to be with me. I'm afraid I don't know how to help him....  keep him safe. I'm afraid I can't reach him, that I can't have a relationship with him like I do Emma and Mikey. I'm afraid what they are going to think and how they are going to feel. But most of all, I'm afraid he's broken and I can't fix him."

"First of all, never say he is broken.... He's not broken, he's a victim of his circumstances and his disabilities. Both of those can be changed.   You can give him a new life, new circumstances. His disabilities, yes they are difficult and he will have limitations, but he's so much more then those. He has so much untapped potential. We've seen just what all he is capable off. Can you imagine how much more he can be if he's loved, cared for, and not afraid all the time? When he knows he will be fed, and held, and tucked in at night? When he knows that you are not going anywhere and are there forever? Or better when he finally understands what a home and family really is? He's been robbed of all of that. Put everything else aside, his disabilities, and think, how would our kids have been if they lived what he has?....... At 8, I don't think they would be feeling much different then Ryan. The only difference is, they would have been able to better verbalize it, process it better and communicate. The feelings though, they would be the same. He's not broken, he's just lost in a world he doesn't understand and can't make sense of.... And our job is to help him navigate and find his way to where he belongs in it. Each and every one of us have a place in this world. Some of us find it easier then others. Some  of us can do it alone, independently, and some of us need someone to walk the road with us to get to our destination. Ryan's not broken, he just needs someone to walk with him.

Before Jason can even reply and tell Ray he is absolutely right and he's just  being an ass, the back door opens, and out walks Josh followed by TJ who is holding Ryan's hand.  He looks so cute in his new clothes.  Jason can't help but smile, and Ray speaks," oh my lord, just when you think he couldn't get any cuter, he finds a way," he laughs.

Josh approaches greeting both of them.  TJ brings Ryan over and Jason kneels down. "Hi guys, I'm glad you both were able to come.. Ryan is stomping his foot and is looking down at his shoe.
"Lights," he says.
Jason smiles, "I see that buddy. Your shoes light up. That is so cool."
"Lights, lights,lights,lights," he repeats jumping up and down.
"Ryan," josh calls trying to get his attention, but he ignores him. Instead choosing to continue to repeat his new word excitedly.

"Thank you for inviting us Mr Hayes," TJ says. Before Jason can say anything, Ryan holds his back pack out to Jason. "You want me to hold that for you," Jason asks. Ryan ignores him , busy looking around the yard, spying the swing set.

"No Ryan. You don't have to show Jason. We're just visiting for the day. You can keep it. Ryan runs off not listening to anything josh says. Josh laughs, shaking his head.

"What was that about," Ray questions.

"Uh, see, anytime Ryan goes to a new placement, the first thing that happens is they search his things, and do it again when he leaves. He must of thought he was staying even though I told him it was a visit. It's habit for him."

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