Chapter 27

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"What the hell Josh!" Jason asks.

"Damn, I'm sorry.  I didn't think that through. I shouldn't of said anything."

"Now TJ thinks it's an us against them thing." Jason sighs.

"Let me go talk to him.  I think I know what to say." Sonny looks to Jason hopefully.

"If you can fix it great, just don't make it worse."

Sonny walks out and over to the swings and sits in the grass beside the side TJ is on.
"Ya know, I've been you before."
TJ looks at him, "what do you mean?"
"Well, I grew up in Texas. Love it there, I miss it a lot, but I had a friend who was a lot like Ryan. Did a lot of the same things. He was my best friend, but I also knew it was my job to look out for him, cause he couldn't do it himself. I did my best helping him, and sometimes, we did things we shouldn't of. My family was real poor when I was little. My parents, like your mom, worked real hard, but we still had a hard time, and treats, like ice cream, that didn't happen often." He looks at TJ who is watching and listening closely.

People who grow up having a lot more money then we did," (he points to himself, then to TJ,), "they don't know what it's like to go without so they don't understand why we,(he points to himself, then at TJ again) do some of the things we do. They don't realize that not everyone has a lot.  Believe me, I've gotten me and my friend ice cream before when I was short on money. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's right to go around taking things that don't belong to us, but I understand why you did it, cause I've done it," he smiles at TJ.

TJ looks as if he's going back and forth on whether to say anything.  "Sometimes Ry is really hungry, and I don't have any food......   So I find  some change and we go to the store.  I buy 1 or 2 small things, and Ry grabs something more to eat.  Then I give him all of it so he isn't hungry......  We've only gotten ice cream a few times.  Less then 5 I swear.   I know it's wrong.  I didn't teach Ryan to steal.  Someone else did.  I just help him once in awhile, that's all," he finishes.

"TJ, you are a great friend.  Ryan is very lucky to have you.  And you know what?  If I was you, I would do the same thing again.  When my friend was hungry, I did what you did. Josh doesn't know the things we know," he looks at TJ.  "But know this.  Me, Jason and the other guys here, we are here from now on to help.  So when you or Ryan is hungry or either of you need something, we will help you......  Now, everything that has happened up until now, that was ok.  That's called surviving.  You were helping Ryan survive, and thank you for that.  Thank you for being the best friend he needs.  What you did before was because you had to.  You didn't have another choice.  But you have choices now.  You have me, Jason, Trent, Brock, Ray, and josh.  .  We will help you get food or anything you need.  That sound like a good deal?"

"Yah, it sounds good.  Thanks Sonny."

"Well while you and me were talking, we weren't watching him.  You young man are a mess," Sonny chuckles.  "Your da, Jason isn't gonna let me and TJ keep an eye on you anymore."  Ryan is covered in ice cream.  "Did you get any in your tummy?" Sonny asks.  "At least you didn't put you're shirt back on.  Come on chocolate boy, let's get you cleaned up."  Ryan gets off the swing and follows behind.  Before Sonny goes through the door, he stops and says,"now, don't be mad.  The good news is I talked to TJ, and he's great, but," Ryan pushes past Sonny and runs in the kitchen.  Trent, Brock and Ray, are finding this quiet amusing.  Jason has a big smile, but asks, "well,  what do we have here?" Jason looks down at Ryan with a big smile.  "I see someone  enjoyed their ice cream.  Let's get you cleaned up."  He picks Ryan up and sets him on the counter.  Trent hands him a clean rag.  Jason wets it and wipes off Ryan's hands first.  He's kicking his legs back and forth, Jason can tell he isn't liking this one bit.  He gets his hands done and moves to the little boys chest.  He starts wiggling and making disapproving noises.  Jason makes sure the rag is warm, and starts Ryan's face. He starts trying to push Jason away.  "Hold on Ryan, I'll be real fast."  The cries start, and he tries to bite Jason whose quick to move his arm out of the way.  When Ryan starts kicking, Josh starts to intervene, but Jason s quicker.  He pulls Ryan off the counter and he sits in a chair putting Ryan on his lap  facing away. With one arm, he puts it around Ryan's arms and traps Ryan's legs between his.  Now Ryan can only move his head from side to side trying to escape the assault of the warm rag. 
"I'm waiting for him to start spitting out pea soup," Sonny laughs.
"Seriously Sonny, do you have a filter," Ray asks.
Trent speaks up and says, "I thought the same thing," he chuckles.

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