Chapter 10

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     "So, I'm sure this was an experience." Josh says. "I'm really glad Ryan showed up.   So Jason, have you been scared off yet?" 
     "This so wasn't what I was expecting.  He is the cutest thing I have ever seen,  he definitely is a handful......What the heck was he thinking jumping those stairs?"  Jason says.

     "Jason, Ryan keeps me on my toes to say the least.  Without giving too much away, he's a complicated kid that needs someone keeping an eye on him at all times.  He actually interacted a lot more then I've ever seen him before. As you have seen he has impulse control issues along with attention difficulty and hyperactivity.  These are only a few of his deficits.  He needs a lot of attention.  Are you sure you want to continue volunteering? "  Josh asks.

     "There's no way I'm walking away.  I'm in this until the end.  I just feel a connection to this kid..... I can't explain it.  When he jumped those stairs, I thought my heart would jump out of my chest. I wonder if he's ever felt what it's like to be in a home.....He looks so much like his mom. She was blond  with blue eyes too......  He's just so tiny.  He's so tiny compared to my kids when they were his age.  He's also so quiet.  I want to get to know him. Um, what were you talking about when saying he's zoning out?"

"Sorry, that falls under personal information. I need to keep it as general as possible. Oh and before you ask, I had no idea he could pick locks either.  . Now I'm afraid what other "special" skills he has ." Josh frowns. 

"That was cool though. You gotta admit Jason. He had that door open in less the 2 minutes," Sonny chimes in.  "That kid is a blast.  When he jumped those steps, he reminded me of someone," Sonny dramatically taps  his chin with his pointer finger as if he's thinking. 

     "Shut up Sonny," Jason says.  "I wouldn't have done anything like that when I was a kid....not for $10."

Well, $10 to him is a big deal.  These kids don't have much.  His possessions fit in a duffle bag....including clothes.  Anything they are given when they are staying stays there when they move again.  Besides that skate board, which he probably stole, i know of only 3 things that are his, and only his," Josh shares.

     Jason's  eyes look like they are about to bug out of his head, Sonny's grumbling angrily, Ray and Trent just are speechless and Brock looks heartbroken. 

     "Sorry, shared a little  more then I probably should have," Josh sounds regretful.

     "No, as hard as  that was to hear, I'm glad you told me.  It gives me a peak into his life." 

     "That's just it, I shouldn't be doing that.  That's not fair to Ryan, and it's definitely unethical.  I'm not going to answer any more questions today.  Let's just leave it at observations for now and see where it leads us." 

     Jason reluctantly agrees, knowing he doesn't have much choice.  Right now he has to let Josh call the shots and he's going to follow them to a T. 

     "Jason whether I help you get the paternity test at some point, or you have to go through the court system, I need you to understand it can be a lengthy process.  It won't happen over night."

     "Josh,  since we are being honest, though I know it won't hold up in court, I can have a paternity test run through a friend and have results in 3-4 days.  But I wouldn't do that without you on board.  I just want to know so badly, but I recognize its not about me and I understand that at the moment you know what's best for him and I'll respect that."  Jason says. 

     "Wow, I didn't even think about you being able to do that.  It makes sense.....what would you need to run it off the record?  Ryan cannot know we are doing this."

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