Chapter 31

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Jason arrives home to Sonny cooking some dinner. "Hey man, how was it?"  Sonny asks.
"We had a great time.  Emma's performance was amazing, and we had a really good time Saturday. "
"I feel like there's a but coming." Sonny flinches.
"Sunday, I had the kids at the hotel room for breakfast.  I told them the news about Ryan. "
'How did that go?"
"Emma is furious, which is understandable, but she went a little too far. She ended up leaving very angry.  Mikey, he was surprised of course, but asked if he could meet his little brother.  Emma wants me to walk away, but Mickey said he would never be able to look me in the eye again if I walked away from Ryan.  He said it would be the same if he walked away from him and Emma, and he would never forgive me. So, that's how it went,"  Jason sighed.

"So both ends of the spectrum it seems."  Jason just nods.  "Well, if I told you I'm not  surprised, would you be mad at me?"
"You thought it was going to go this way?"
"I knew Emma was going to be upset, not as upset as you described, but yah, I knew. Emma is your princess, and you are her hero. There's nothing in her eyes you can't do. To her, this is a change to her kingdom, and she doesn't like it. This has nothing to do with Ryan.  This has everything to do with Alanna not being his mother and you having a baby with someone else.  Emma is not a mean person.  She's pissed at you, and it's easier to blame Ryan when up until now, you walked on water as far as she was concerned.  She is going to love that little boy, but not until she accepts she's mad at you, and you can't just fix it and make things the way they were before you had that conversation." 

"Maybe you're right sonny."
"See how I just Dr Philed your ass?" he chuckles...... "No, seriously, she's gonna come around.  Just give her some time."
"I hope you're right man."
"I'm always right," Sonny says and places a plate of food in front of him, "and I cook."
Jason starts laughing.  "Thanks man."

They spend the rest of the night relaxing, but before it gets too late he calls Josh and sees if he is in fact home on Saturday if he could bring Ryan and TJ over. He told him his son wanted to meet Ryan, and he knew that Ryan didn't know anything.  Josh told him he would see what he could do, but couldn't promise anything.

Monday comes and Jason is back at work. They had a meeting, but not much of anything else. The team spent the day in the gym and running drills. Jason hears from his lawyer that the county is refusing to agree to the paternity test citing there isn't enough evidence to warrant it. "Jason, I'm going to be honest with you. I think they are going to fight us the whole way, so be prepared to fight," Matt tells him. "Matt tells him he will be in touch soon."

Jason decide he's going to stop at the center. He just wants to see Ryan incase he gets spun up. Sonny decides to go too while the others decide to head home and get a few things done, knowing it's only a matter of time before they leave. They pull up at 3:15. The kids are eating their snack. They spot Ryan and TJ at the table. Ryan has his dog, and is bouncing in his seat. He doesn't see them so they just sit back and watch. Josh notices though and waves them over. "Glad you two made it. He seems to be feeling much better today, as you can see." They look over at the table only to see Ryan on the table jumping around. He's got his new headphones on Trent got him and it seems he's singing. "Is he singing,"Sonny asks.
"I think he is." Josh says. "That's a first." He runs down the tables and jumps off the end and running towards the door. "Seriously," Josh says. He takes off running with Jason and Sonny behind. The teens can watch the kids a minute. Josh is in a full run and Ryan's still half way though the parking lot. TJ had come out.
"Any idea where the little escape artist was off too?"
"No. He does this sometimes. It's like he has so much energy and will explode if he doesn't get rid of some of it. He just needs to run sometimes."
Josh has finally caught up to him and is trying to steer him back. Ryan is laughing hysterically.
"Yes, you sure did."
That makes Sonny and TJ laugh.
"Run, run, run!" He's repeating and tries to take off again.

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