Chapter 46

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They got the page 2 hours later. H sent Josh a quick text letting him know, and to asked him to please take care of his baby boy while he is gone. Once on base, Jason goes into Tier one mode as he enters his cage getting his bag together. He always carries a picture of his children with him in the pocket of the tee shirt he is wearing. This time, there is a second one, a picture of Ryan sitting in the swing Trent bought him. Doggie in his lap, thumb in his mouth and a look of peace that isn't seen on the sweet boys face often enough. He walks over to Trent showing him the picture and thanking him for getting Ryan something that can put that look on his little boys face. The others overhear, and begin laughing when Sonny replies, " just you wait til you see the next look on Ryan's face that Trent will be responsible for."
"What's that supposed to mean," Jason asks half smiling, half pissed.
Brock is quick to jump in. "Boss, ignore him. He's been practicing reading so many Dr Seuss books his pee brain is making him speak in riddles."
Jason  laughs , though not convinced, but is interrupted when Eric walks in. "Wheels up in 5. Let's go gentlemen."

Once in flight everyone sits around talking before one by one they go to their hammock to get some sleep while they can.  It's going to be a tough op.  They are all sure of it, but there is no one they trust more then each other to carry  this out. 

Everyone is banged up.  The last 7 days kicked their asses. Trent has been busy patching everyone up, including himself.  No severe injuries, the worst being  Sonny needing 30 stitches, but it will just be another story to tell his female friends.  So to Sonny, he's almost happy be has a new battle scar.  Jason laughs thinking of this.  Grateful for his crazy friend who helps him to cut loose when he needs and then in the blink of an eye become the person to help him through this new exciting and frightening time.  Always finding a way to make him feel like he can handle anything that's thrown at him.
The flight home starts with a few beers, but Jason excuses himself to try and get as much sleep as he can. They should land and he should be able to get to the center in time to see Ryan. Then go home and sleep until he needs to be in court at 1 pm. Tomorrow.  He's already set an alarm in his phone, and Sonny has set one also just to be safe. "Tent, could I get something to help me sleep?"
"Yah boss. I'll grab it right now. How many beers have you had" he questions first.
Jason smiles, " I had one, and didn't even finish it."
Trent nods satisfied with the answer, and goes off to get the pill.

Thanks to Trent, Jason sleeps well the rest of the way back.  Actually feels like he's gotten a second wind. He sits through the debriefing, then quickly heads to grab a shower.  It's 3:00 now so if he hurries he can be at the center before 4.  "Sonny, you coming with me or grabbing a ride eith one of the guys?"
"Going with you.  I wants see my best bud.  I've missed him," he smiles. "Giv me 5 minutes."

They walk to the truck and Jason climbs in he driver's  side.  "We should get there about snack time, looks like."  Jason starts the truck and heads straight to the center. 

They walk into the center and the sight they take in is quite amusing.  So much so, that it looks as if Ronnie is videoing it.
"What do we have here," Sonny says as he stops beside Ronnie nudging him a little.
"Oh that little boy has been a handful for days now," he chuckles.

Ryan is standing on the table, no shirt, shoes or socks, jumping up and down with a bottle of chocolate milk in his hand.  His chain with his St Christopher and Jason's tags bouncing with him. 

"Josh has resorted to giving him chocolate milk at snack, but as you can see, it's not helping."
"Keep the video rolling," Sonny tells Ronnie. "I'm gonna need you to send this to me."
"You got it." Ronnie replies.

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