Chapter 7

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Jason arrives back home not even remembering the drive. He opens the door to 4 sets of eyes on him. "So how'd it go?" Sonny beats everyone to the punch. Jason stops before saying, "I think it went as well as it could. He left promising to think about everything and then get back to me. I really do like him. He's a great guy, and he loves these kids."

"Do you think he's going to help," Trent asks? Jason plops down in the recliner, the stress so evident on his face. "I think he believes me. I think he will help, but to what degree, I'm not sure. I mean he could just tell me to contact a lawyer. I don't  know. I just know I can't think about this anymore today. I'm going to have a beer, relax and hopefully get some sleep tonight, then get up tomorrow and wait I guess to hopefully hear from Josh."
"Yah, we should let you relax and head home ourselves," Trent replies.
"We can pick this up tomorrow.  Sonny, you behave yourself. No talking Jason into anything crazy." Brock scolds.
"Got it mom,". Sonny says, and Brock gives him the finger.

     The house is quiet with the TV playing reruns.  Jason decides he's had enough and tells Sonny he's gonna  crash and the guest room is his, he can help himself to whatever  he wants.  Before going up the steps, he turns and says, "Sonny I just want to thank you for staying here.  I really don't wanna be alone in this big house with my thoughts.  It's hard enough to do when I sit here and the kids are away.  I don't think I can do it right now." 
"Well good cause there's no food at my place and I forgot to pay the electric bill," chuckles  Sonny. 
Jason huffs out a laugh and says,"ya know, I've been thinking of selling this big house for a while now.  Maybe it's time." 

Sonny looks at his friend and says,"maybe you will be turning that guest room into a little boys playroom  soon, so might want to hold off. With the huge back yard, it's perfect to play in. And just maybe if you allow, me and the kid could build a treehouse in that great big tree out there."
"Woah Sonny you are getting ahead of yourself there."
"Nah, I have a feeling about this,". Sonny says.
"Oh well if you have a feeling, it must be true. Let's just take this one step at a time, okay," Jason says.
"You got it boss man. One step at a time, night Jace."
"Night Sonny."

     The next morning Jason's phone rang.  His stomach drops  for a second before seeing Emma's name on the screen.  He grabs his phone from the bedside table.  "Hey Emma, how are you?" Jason asks.  "I'm good dad, was just missing you and I'm between classes.  I didn't wake you did I?" 
No, no sweetheart, I'm up.  Actually, I have a few days off."  Jason tells her.  "
"That's great dad, it's about time you take some time for yourself.  Look, the reason I'm calling besides missing you, is I have a performance coming up next Saturday,  and I'm hoping you can come." 
Jason can't help but smile.  "I will do everything in my power to be  there. I could stop and get Mike, we could all spend the weekend together. How's that sound?"
"That would be great dad. I really hope you can make it. I gotta get to class. I love you."
"Love you too Em, bye."
"Bye dad."

Early afternoon Sonny and Jason decided to have a barbecue. Just a little get together to focus on something else for a while. The others were coming soon. Each in charge of bringing different items. Sonny was in charge of beer, so he left to go stock up while Jason got the grill cleaned and ready. Trent was the first to arrive followed not to long later by Brock and Cererbus. Ray had called and said he'd be heading out soon. Jason had his hands full when his phone started going off. He dug it out of his pocket not even looking at the screen.

Jason sounding distracted: yah!
Josh: hey Jason, it's Josh. Did I catch you at a bad time?
Jason: uh, no, (he stops dead in his tracks), no it's not a bad time. I'm just surprised you called.
Josh: well that's just it. I figure I need to at least meet with the other guys. Im still not sure what I plan to do, but I want to get to know everyone before I move forward with deciding how to handle this. So I'm wondering when it's a good time for you and your team?
Jason: actually, we are getting together at my house as we speak for a last minute cookout. You are more then welcome to join us. One of my teammates is from Texas and you will never have better BBQ then Sonny's.
Josh: I have about another hour of work yet....
Jason: well that will work out well actually. Let me text you my address and stop by when you can.
Josh: ok, sounds good. I'll talk to you soon.
Jason thanks Josh.

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